One single thing that makes you think "knob" Vol 3

One single thing that makes you think "knob" Vol 3



712 posts

174 months

Wednesday 16th September 2015
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OpulentBob said:
This is an Indian-style queue:
That's at the IPhone 6S launch.

Farmer Geddon

212 posts

108 months

Wednesday 16th September 2015
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Lorry drivers displaying appalling and dangerous road manners, poor lane discipline and overall disregard for anyone else on the roads. Is it me or are they getting worse?!


384 posts

107 months

Wednesday 16th September 2015
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jogger1976 said:
All the knob-gobbling, cretinous, selfish, aggressive, thick-as-fk wkers on the M1 this morning and this evening.

Do me a favour and fk right off for the next three days so I can complete my weekly commute without worrying that I'm going to be involved in a massive accident caused by your unbelievably st driving.smash
Funnily enough I was thinking much the same about the censored on the M56/M6 this morning, some peoples special awareness is dam scary, I'm sure they got their drivers licenses out of Christmas crackers


426 posts

122 months

Wednesday 16th September 2015
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parabolica said:
Non-motoring related, but people who try to barge onto trains and elevators as soon as the doors crack open, with no consideration for those coming out. Colleague had her coffee spilt down her front this morning after some headphone wearing, beanie-clad cock-faced tt push her back into the carriage without even looking up from his phone; also didn't give a damn about what he had just done but instead muttered "look where you're going" mad

Also seems to be a daily occurrence here at work when using the elevators - it's like they stand there, poised, ready to jump in as soon as the lift arrives even if it means knocking into you. Some people just really gotta get into the elevator ASAP I guess.
If Im on the tube at weekends when its busy and people do that I just walk through them as I get off the train. Tends to piss people off but fk em.


4,253 posts

115 months

Wednesday 16th September 2015
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mistakenplane said:
parabolica said:
Non-motoring related, but people who try to barge onto trains and elevators as soon as the doors crack open, with no consideration for those coming out. Colleague had her coffee spilt down her front this morning after some headphone wearing, beanie-clad cock-faced tt push her back into the carriage without even looking up from his phone; also didn't give a damn about what he had just done but instead muttered "look where you're going" mad

Also seems to be a daily occurrence here at work when using the elevators - it's like they stand there, poised, ready to jump in as soon as the lift arrives even if it means knocking into you. Some people just really gotta get into the elevator ASAP I guess.
If Im on the tube at weekends when its busy and people do that I just walk through them as I get off the train. Tends to piss people off but fk em.
They always seem to congregate on the direct line between the train door and the platform exist.

Surely its not hard to realise that is probably the dumbest place to stand.


4,253 posts

115 months

Wednesday 16th September 2015
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We all know that people wearing headphones are the bank-holiday caravans of the footpath, oblivious to everyone behind or next to them and often prone to random changes of direction, or stopping dead.

You kind-off get used to muttering 'tard' at them, but today I saw the cocketry envelope pushed even further.

Todays winner was holding a large umbrella that he was stabbing people with as he was swinging it to the beat. At least three people politely called him, but he never heard them.

He did feel one guys tap on his shoulder whilst on the escalator though - but that sent him into a strop at having his song interrupted, followed by a "So.... And!" after it was pointed out what he was doing.

When the tappers friend/colleague on the escallator proclaimed LOUDLY that "MATE, YOURE A DICK" It was poetic.


1,090 posts

182 months

Wednesday 16th September 2015
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Brigand said:
parabolica said:
Non-motoring related, but people who try to barge onto trains and elevators as soon as the doors crack open, with no consideration for those coming out. Colleague had her coffee spilt down her front this morning after some headphone wearing, beanie-clad cock-faced tt push her back into the carriage without even looking up from his phone; also didn't give a damn about what he had just done but instead muttered "look where you're going" mad

Also seems to be a daily occurrence here at work when using the elevators - it's like they stand there, poised, ready to jump in as soon as the lift arrives even if it means knocking into you. Some people just really gotta get into the elevator ASAP I guess.
I noticed this the other day. I don't use the trains often, but was amused and annoyed to see the crowds of people form around the doors as the train comes to a halt at the platform. The doors haven't even opened and people are massing around them, and because I stand back giving the people coming off the train enough space to exit, other people just force their way past me to get closer.

Impatient churls the lot of them.
One reason why the military practise drill, move a large body of people in as short a time as possible to get to where they need to be quickly and orderly.



6,751 posts

186 months

Wednesday 16th September 2015
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Brigand said:
parabolica said:
Non-motoring related, but people who try to barge onto trains and elevators as soon as the doors crack open, with no consideration for those coming out. Colleague had her coffee spilt down her front this morning after some headphone wearing, beanie-clad cock-faced tt push her back into the carriage without even looking up from his phone; also didn't give a damn about what he had just done but instead muttered "look where you're going" mad

Also seems to be a daily occurrence here at work when using the elevators - it's like they stand there, poised, ready to jump in as soon as the lift arrives even if it means knocking into you. Some people just really gotta get into the elevator ASAP I guess.
I noticed this the other day. I don't use the trains often, but was amused and annoyed to see the crowds of people form around the doors as the train comes to a halt at the platform. The doors haven't even opened and people are massing around them, and because I stand back giving the people coming off the train enough space to exit, other people just force their way past me to get closer.

Impatient churls the lot of them.
In fairness I spent the last 9 months or so commuting into London from Surrey and huddling around the doors is fine; train stops for 30-45 seconds max and if you're not ready, you might not get on the train at all. The issue is those on the platform having the courtesy to leave space for people to get off the train and not push in.

I recall one amusing incident a few months ago when a mass of people at Clapham had left a gap for people getting off, but some dozy bint came from the back of the crowd and stood in it. There were A LOT of people getting off the train and when the doors opened, a whole wave of people came out. She was a like a deer in the headlights and was pretty much swept to the back of the queue of people with everyone coming off the train. Karma.


1,629 posts

179 months

Wednesday 16th September 2015
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parabolica said:
I recall one amusing incident a few months ago when a mass of people at Clapham had left a gap for people getting off, but some dozy bint came from the back of the crowd and stood in it. There were A LOT of people getting off the train and when the doors opened, a whole wave of people came out. She was a like a deer in the headlights and was pretty much swept to the back of the queue of people with everyone coming off the train. Karma.
Brilliant rofl - I hate this as well, it's totally inconsiderate behaviour.


1,251 posts

128 months

Wednesday 16th September 2015
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JonoG81 said:
jogger1976 said:
All the knob-gobbling, cretinous, selfish, aggressive, thick-as-fk wkers on the M1 this morning and this evening.

Do me a favour and fk right off for the next three days so I can complete my weekly commute without worrying that I'm going to be involved in a massive accident caused by your unbelievably st driving.smash
Funnily enough I was thinking much the same about the censored on the M56/M6 this morning, some peoples special awareness is dam scary, I'm sure they got their drivers licenses out of Christmas crackers
I feel your pain, fella.frownNo experience of those roads, but it's normally bad from Junction 13 south anyway, but that day the weather was awful as well and the congestion was bad (40mph limit most of the way from junction 8
And I'd estimate about a centimetre of standing water caused by the torrential rain.
And yet countless dheads seemed to think it was perfectly fine to tailgate, undertake and weave in and out of traffic to make progress and not have any lights on in very low visibility. Add in bikers filtering at massive speed diffrentials and some completelty random driving from a couple of foreign registered HGV's and I was pretty stressed and pissed off by the time I'd arrived home frown

Big Rod

6,210 posts

218 months

Thursday 17th September 2015
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jogger1976 said:
I was pretty stressed and pissed off by the time I'd arrived home frown
Careful what you write! wink


989 posts

123 months

Thursday 17th September 2015
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Thermobaric said:
She's in the wrong imo because that type of thing really annoys me heh. Mainly see it with people waiting right up the arse of a bus trying to edge out with no idea what's coming the other way.
I notice this from the bus drivers perspective...

I notice that when pulling into bus stops, people get very very close, even whilst I'm still doing 25mph, and they start to focus on the traffic coming the other way so they can get around, all whilst forgetting they're a few inches from my bus bumper and I'm still braking...

idiots, LEAVE room, you're making life hard for youself!


3,376 posts

168 months

Thursday 17th September 2015
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Seen a beautiful old MK1 Golf today, gorgeous condition. Really nice looking motor. Then I noticed the alloys....

Other half and I were discussing on the drive home which car could possibly get away with wheels like that and concluded that even a Barbie pink 500 is going to look bloody awful sporting those.
A quick google reveals you can buy Koala bears and even Mr Bibendum. Why?

Negative Creep

25,026 posts

229 months

Thursday 17th September 2015
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SistersofPercy said:
Seen a beautiful old MK1 Golf today, gorgeous condition. Really nice looking motor. Then I noticed the alloys....

Other half and I were discussing on the drive home which car could possibly get away with wheels like that and concluded that even a Barbie pink 500 is going to look bloody awful sporting those.
A quick google reveals you can buy Koala bears and even Mr Bibendum. Why?
Worth an insane amount of money, and 100% guaranteed to make every VW fanboi jizz in his pants at their mere mention


7,283 posts

120 months

Friday 18th September 2015
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Not necessarily 'knob', but I was behind an old lady in a VW Up this afternoon on the motorway - hopped on for a junction as it saves a few minutes.

Doing about 70 in Lane 1, slip road coming up. She must've let off the accelerator, because in about half a mile leading up to the exit, we managed to slow down from 70 to 50 before indicating.

No brakes, she was just letting the car coast and reduce speed before reaching the junction, it was quite bizarre.

I didn't really have time to overtake and get around her as cars were passing and the junction was getting close, so just kept a distance back.

But when we got onto the slip which is a straight up hill two-laner, she was practically crawling up it - admittedly I undertook her up the slip to arrive first to the line in Lane 2, to turn right at the island.


2,895 posts

123 months

Friday 18th September 2015
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To the lorry driver who thought it would be a great idea to overtake another up a hill this afternoon on the M45:

you are a C**k of the highest order, I hope that extra 3mph for the 2 miles remaining of the motorway that move bought you was worth causing the first ever traffic jam on M45, you incompetent, selfish t**spot.


6,731 posts

199 months

Friday 18th September 2015
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The guy who dangerously pulled out of a junction on a dual carriageway in front of me today then didn't even bother to accelerate.


7,592 posts

169 months

Saturday 19th September 2015
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Some idiot in a green Insignia, I was in the middle(straight) lane on a three Lane road and directly to my right the Insignia in the right lane, I notice he starts to become a bit odd, suddenly without warning or indication he moved into my lane sharply and aggressive(probably thought I was blocking him from changing lanes using my mind reading device), luckily nothing to my left as he forced me into that lane to avoid a collision.
When I beeped(as he started changing lane) he beeped(held down the horn) back and slammed on the brakes, a little further on he slammed on the brakes, and a couple more times for good measure(stopped doing it when I nearly hit him). He actually managed to do the same thing not far up the road, went into a right turn lane, then changed his mind and cut me up again, saw this coming however and let him get on with it. Then he went through a red light and turned without indicating.

There seems to be something about Insignia drivers.

Big Rod

6,210 posts

218 months

Saturday 19th September 2015
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carlove said:
Some idiot in a green Insignia, I was in the middle(straight) lane on a three Lane road and directly to my right the Insignia in the right lane, I notice he starts to become a bit odd, suddenly without warning or indication he moved into my lane sharply and aggressive(probably thought I was blocking him from changing lanes using my mind reading device), luckily nothing to my left as he forced me into that lane to avoid a collision.
When I beeped(as he started changing lane) he beeped(held down the horn) back and slammed on the brakes, a little further on he slammed on the brakes, and a couple more times for good measure(stopped doing it when I nearly hit him). He actually managed to do the same thing not far up the road, went into a right turn lane, then changed his mind and cut me up again, saw this coming however and let him get on with it. Then he went through a red light and turned without indicating.

There seems to be something about Insignia drivers.
There's an instinct to driving.

I mean proper driving, not being able to 'use' a car.

I'll admit, I don't drive anywhere near as much as I used to and as a result, I'm not as sharp as I used to be but there's just 'something' that I have that tells me when there's trouble ahead and because of that I can generally stay out of altercations, (On a motorway recently I stayed away from a car. They weren't doing anything particularly exciting but the car blew a tyre five miles after I clocked them and spun off the DC. I couldn't quantify it and there was no harm done, I just 'knew'.), but there's an increasing contingent of motorists who 'just can't drive'!

They have no idea of what's under them and they have no idea of what's around them.

For some time I've considered this and I think driving licenses should be put under considerably more scrutiny.

There are too many people 'driving' that shouldn't be.


1,251 posts

128 months

Saturday 19th September 2015
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Big Rod said:
jogger1976 said:
I was pretty stressed and pissed off by the time I'd arrived home frown
Careful what you write! wink
Any particular reason? confused