Someone parking hit my car, I see, they deny!

Someone parking hit my car, I see, they deny!



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88 months

Monday 21st August 2017
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Alucidnation said:
Are you 100% sure it wasn't you reversing into their car?
I drove in forward as there was a bigger space, had no need to parallel park in at the time.


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88 months

Monday 21st August 2017
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Sheepshanks said:
So is it already in the hands of the other insurer and they've said they'll sort it?

If so, I'm confused by the whole thread, not to mention all the random suggestions for getting (or not) it fixed.
It is all getting a bit confusing, the main thing I wanted to know is will I lose my no claims if she is found at fault, my feeling being I shouldn't but as I've read through this thread my insurance will still go up because a claim is made.

And she called her insurance the next morning, her insurance company have said they will sort it, meaning they will either tell me to get lost or say she is in the wrong.

Either way by the looks of it the insurers are going to bend me over and give me a good seeing too.


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Monday 21st August 2017
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PorkInsider said:
It's all been covered already but as much as it's absolutely piss-boiling, and you're completely justified in wanting to pursue them for the damage, you'll end up losing out by much more than the cost of the repair now insurers are involved.

It's unfair but it's how it works.

And the blind, ignorant old fker who did the damage may well be paying less than one-tenth of what you're paying for your insurance, just to rub salt in the wound.
I'm assuming if a claim is dropped before a result is given it's all still noted and effects your insurance regardless?


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88 months

Tuesday 22nd August 2017
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SantaBarbara said:
It is not even an accident. It is a mere blemish no proof it was done by that guy
So it's fine, you can hop on your high horse as much as you like but imagine watching someone hit your car, walking over and seeing a clear mark they caused and then someone else saying there's no proof they done it... pfft like I've said previously, they DID do it.


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Tuesday 22nd August 2017
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lj04 said:
4 years ago I stopped at a cash point, and a taxi reversed into my Elise and drove off. I was probably 20 meters away and got his reg. no. Police were useless, and when I was honest to my insurance company and said I hadn't actually seen the accident but had turned round after hearing it, they used that as an excuse for not taking if further.
I'd be gutted, especially if it was an Elise too.

Was the damage bad or just minor? Mine is below minor if that's even a thing haha.


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Tuesday 22nd August 2017
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ToothbrushMan said:
thats a weird bit of damage like an odd squiggle and cant really see how that could have been caused by the other car just pushing into yours parallel unless maybe it caught a reg number screw head but even then youd need to be on full lock and pressed right up against the car I reckon to get a squiggle into the paint like that................mystery.
on full lock coming in, the offside of the number plate scraped coming in, I would draw a diagram but I'm too lazy.


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Tuesday 22nd August 2017
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JM said:
You don't mention in your opening paragraph that you saw them hit your car, just that they seemed "too close for comfort". Now you are saying you saw them hit your car.
Them being too close for comfort made me watch them.

You can say I'm lying as much as you like, but you're wrong so move on.


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Tuesday 22nd August 2017
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Agent XXX said:
Still waiting to see evidence that his parking on double yellows was permissible
You'll get it don't worry, I just have general life to attend to first.


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Tuesday 22nd August 2017
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Agent XXX said:
Shouldn't have been parked there. If he hadn't none of this mountain out of a molehill for a teeeny scratch would have happened. OP claims that it's allowable to park on those double yellows.
You're digging yourself a hole, you're going to look pretty stupid, I shouldn't have to prove it to be honest but I feel I have to make a point now.


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Tuesday 22nd August 2017
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OpulentBob said:
Double yellow lines are defined in all legal documents as "No waiting or loading at any time", there is no part-time allowance for them. If there ARE parking bays there, then they are incorrect and anyone parking there will be ticketable, regardless of the bays.

Personally, on my high horse, I think people who park on DYLs can't complain if someone tts their car, the DYLs are there for a reason. Too many people park on them "just for 5 minutes", and it causes inconvenience (at best) for everyone passing, and can be quite dangerous. Neighbour's daughter had a prang (big enough to pop airbags) a couple of weeks ago having to drive around a car parked on DYLs on a blind junction, blocking all visibility. The car owner came out and simply could/would not see that their parking had substantially contributed to the accident...
Well clearly not in this instance as the parking spaces are clearly marked with a sign for times when you can park there and how long for, I've lived in this town my whole life and have never been ticketed for using the space and neither has anyone else, unless parked longer than the allocated time of course, this does not block the road, or visibility.

Like I said I will post pictures of the spaces and signage, so yeah you should probably get off the high horse.


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Tuesday 22nd August 2017
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Don't know how to embed these.

Parked Thursday night after 6 smile


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88 months

Tuesday 22nd August 2017
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OpulentBob said:
Where were you parked then? All the bays have single yellows in them, according to google maps.

It's getting way OT now.
Along where the blue jag is parked, look at the sign above it which gives you times and how long you can park there.


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Tuesday 22nd August 2017
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OpulentBob said:
Aah yeah you can see the blue window frame in the background. Weird though. Goggle shows one line, yet your photo shows 2 clear yellows. Makes no odds to the old tt hitting your car though.
Yeah it's odd. there is another faded yellow all the way along so a few years ago they may have been double yellows but now they are parking spaces, just to confirm I wasn't parked illegally, even if we've all done it ever now and again haha


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88 months

Wednesday 23rd August 2017
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JM said:
Have I hit a nerve?

I never said you were lying, though you seem quick to say you aren't...

So to clarify, did you see them actually hit your car?
I did, so as you seem to think you're some kind of detective I will leave you to think what you like because you clearly have the correct answer anyway right?

You are on a car based forum and seem to think I wouldn't know about a scrape on the back of my car which I've owned 6 months, is it normal to be that oblivious? Pair that with the fact I watched them do it and we have a winner.


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88 months

Wednesday 23rd August 2017
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berlintaxi said:
Norfolk, normal rules of civilisation don't apply.;)
Oh that old chestnut! haha


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Wednesday 23rd August 2017
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deltashad said:
With behaviour like these old people have, you cannot win. Its quite normal too.
Now you have a scratch and they don't.

If you go to the insurance company you will lose even more.

The only way to deal with this is by operating outside the law, then you have to decide what sort of punishment these people deserve and how much time and money you are prepared to invest in carrying out your tasks. If you need help I am experienced in this type of non-confrontational combat warfare. Just because they are old it doesn't mean your enemy will be easily crushed.
I like the plan sir, we would need to discuss the plan of attack and what angle we should take this from, we shouldn't under estimate our enemies.


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Friday 25th August 2017
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xjay1337 said:

I would be very annoyed indeed but OP has really done a blinder here, by causing the other party to go through insurance for what would be able to be covered up in an hour with some touch up stick and polishing, has now probably added 100% to his insurance policy to be spread over the next 5 years.

Hopefully the feeling of righteousness is a good replacement for kebabs as you won't be able to afford one for a while laugh
I'll be back in a year to tell you if I'm poor or not but I'm sure I'll still be able to comfortably afford insuring my car.

People like to get on their high horse in this situation much like yourself, but I'm sure if you watched someone damage your car you wouldn't just let them walk away? I can Guarantee it won't increase 100% so the exaggeration isn't necessary just to help justify your point.

You're more than welcome to carry on driving your car around like a bumper car and filling it in with a stty touch up pen though.