Seeing an idiot get their just desserts

Seeing an idiot get their just desserts


Spare tyre

9,735 posts

132 months

Wednesday 9th April 2014
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i went through a period of commuting daily from Southampton to Wells

Mostly single carriage A roads, little over taking opportunity and if there was its dodgy and pointless as you'd have another endless lines of cars to over take

Most mornings i'd encounter some dude in an old Mitsubishi, he'd drive really really crazy just over taking like he wanted to die

One morning the road was shut because of a death investigation.

Never did see him again after that, sad really as if he'd left 10 minutes earlier each day he'd probably still be here


32,091 posts

252 months

Wednesday 9th April 2014
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thatdude said:
I laughed and pointed as they looked up in their rear view mirror (i then quickly stopped incase they were big and strong and wanted to beat me up).
Rare honesty on PH, love it biggrin


6,299 posts

217 months

Wednesday 9th April 2014
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anonymous said:
In his mind, I bet he'll be blaming you for 'holding him up' - "If I'd'v'e got past him earlier, they wouldn't have seen me.." etc. smile


3,115 posts

237 months

Wednesday 9th April 2014
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We were heading south down the M6 a few months back. My son was driving and I was in the passenger seat. A White Audi A4 comes tearing past us. We were doing 70 mph as my lad is a steady sort. I've no idea how fast the A4 was going but it may have been 120++.
He turns down the M61 and we follow as we're off to Bolton.

Just pass the Rivington Services is a row or blue lights so my son slows to a crawl. As we go past the exit marks leading to the debris field at the bottom of the embankment a paramedic is walking back up.
The A4 is flat as a pancake and on its roof.
The paramedic makes that hand across the neck movement. The driver was presumably DOA.
Hopefully he only took himself out.


2,913 posts

192 months

Wednesday 9th April 2014
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This kind of stuff reminds of the guy brake testing a police car on the motorway

ETA NSFW (Language)


34 posts

134 months

Wednesday 9th April 2014
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Some years ago, when I was a student, on a warm spring evening sat outside a pub off Tottenham Court Road. Also at the pub was a group of drunk, lairy geezas clearly on a big night 'up West' looking for bother and generally being obnoxious.

Happily, they decided it was time to move on elsewhere, but to my amazement staggered off a little way down the street and got into their motor. The driver of the group looked as hammered as the rest of them.

The driver then started the car up (some badly max-powered late model Escort FWIW)and performed some sort of rolling burnout / launch control manoeuvre past the front of the pub. Way to impress the ladies, dude. What he failed or more likely was too boozed to spot was a substantial concrete island thing designed to segregate traffic from the cycle lane near the junction with the main road. I I do mean substantial - this thing was at least a foot high and 2 wide.

There were some very impressive noises as his Escort belly flopped sump first onto this thing, then came slide-crashing down on the nearside kerb, bursting both NS tyres and snapping one of his rims yo.

His 'mates' all jumped out of the car and legged it, while he wandered around the car, dazed, trying to work out what to do next. He needn't have worried though, within about 3 minutes a police van turned up and carted him away. All the while my friends and I had a ringside seat to the whole schadenfreudian mess unfolding. Priceless.


56 months

Wednesday 9th April 2014
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Tonsko said:
anonymous said:
In his mind, I bet he'll be blaming you for 'holding him up' - "If I'd'v'e got past him earlier, they wouldn't have seen me.." etc. smile

In the interest of honesty I did think it could well have been me, I tend not to hang about on that road, I have always treated it with a touch more caution since, albeit I wouldn't have sat on someones arse


13,616 posts

208 months

Wednesday 9th April 2014
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During one of the smowy winters a couple of years back, I was driving up the M3 in my Range Rover at a steady 50 in the unploughed Lane 3. This was a fast as I deemed safe, as I could feel the car start to move around a little too much at anything over that. Some chap in a 3 series decided to sit right on my back bumper so, deciding that he clearly had superior grip than me, I pulled over into Lane 2 at the next gap in traffic to let him on his way.

Judging by the 3 lane tank slapper he got as soon as he didn't have my tyre tracks to follow, he quickly learned that a 3 series BMW isn't too hot in the snow without 2 tonnes of FFRR ploughing a nice furrow for him. Strangely, he stayed in Lane 1 after that.


917 posts

179 months

Wednesday 9th April 2014
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Very similar tale... back in the summer I was out for a ride on my bike, just coming through a tiny village (Parkmill in Gower) and a car full of tossers slow down, give a swerve towards me, shout abuse, throw a cd at me and drive off laughing. Not too bothered to be honest... But, around the next corner, they had driven up the back of a Volvo estate that had stopped for traffic and the owner was tearing a strip off them. karma in action.


8,420 posts

202 months

Wednesday 9th April 2014
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1990's, every morning whilst driving from Chandlers Ford to Salisbury in a modded Pug GTI (suspension included) along a winding road I knew very well. It was a national speed limit single lane road all the way through the middle, that was known for speed camera traps and I just stuck to 60 every morning - bends and all.

I started seeing a modded blue Renault Turbo some mornings which would drive flat out down the straights, but could never manage to navigate the corners on the one side of the road. I just viewed him as an accident waiting to happen.

Sure enought, after a couple of months I was running a few minutes late one morning and whilst approaching a 90deg bend, I saw his car in the bank and him walking up the hill on the other side with his front bumper in his hand.


10,381 posts

249 months

Wednesday 9th April 2014
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Johnnytheboy said:
On my narrow country lane commute, I frequently encounter a fat idiot in a Rover 75 going way too fast in the other direction, let's say 50% faster than would be safe. He never gives way, he's honked at me for failing to swerve into the hedge sufficiently fast when he's made no effort to do the same, and I once saw him do an insane overtake, only made possible by the overtakee veering into the verge and me more or less stopping.

This morning a lorry stopped to let me and the van in front through a slightly tight section. As I drove past I saw that the fat idiot had driven straight into the back of the lorry.


We've all thought "they are going to have an accident if they keep driving like that".

Anyone actually been right?
You can call me childish/immature/wker/whatever you like but by god if I'd been in your position I would've stopped and made sure he could see me laughing my tits off! biggrin

Which has reminded me; I once happened upon a cyclist riding down the very middle of the lane as he was turning right some distance up ahead. There was plenty of time for me to get past but he wasn't having it, especially after I gave him a single solitary "excuse me" toot on the horn. He turned round and gave me the fingers/abuse etc. I also saw him on another day passing a queue of cars on the right hand side, down a very narrow bit of road (too narrow for a queue of cars, him in the middle AND traffic coming the other way), to get to the mini roundabout whereby he tries to cut across the mini roundabout whilst the cars he just passed are coming round it!!

Anyways, one day I'm tootling along the same bit of road where I first came across this muppet and see a crowd of people on the pavement. As I go past I can see matey-boy sat on the pavement with his bike next to him. Clearly he's been the victim of a hit-and-run (as there was no car around), probably by somebody trying to squeeze past him while he was lane-hogging. I didn't laugh. Much.

Say what you like about me laughing at what could potentially have been very nasty but if he didn't ride and act like a tt it probably wouldn't have happened. Darwinism right there.


7,305 posts

177 months

Wednesday 9th April 2014
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I have a couple of these from both sides of the idiot divide and i might post about getting my just desserts later.
I was in my old Impreza Wagon, it was a lovely day and i was having a gentle mooch out to one of the local pubs for a pint. As i got onto the duel carriage way a council estate spec WRX Impreza pulled up next to me and started making it obvious he wanted a play. My OH at the time veto'd that suggestion and we carried on.
The driver and his passenger tried everything to encourage me but i knew from previous experience that the OH would put a swift "no touching of her boobies rule" into effect if i was not perfectly behaved.
The other car was pulling up inches from my bumper, getting next to me and giving it the beans, using gestures to show what size he thought my penis was, yelling at me through the window and then they managed to making sure that they were next to me when we got to a set of traffic lights. Mr Chavvy pulls up next to the car and started yelling through his window.
When the lights changed he screamed off (terrible start, clutch slip and a really st 1-2 gear change) for all of about 100yards until the next set of traffic lights.
The OH at the time was insanely competitive and after watching their attempt she smelt an easy scalp so as we pulled up she had got annoyed enough to give me permission to have little bit of fun, something like "go on then, but don't go stupid fast". Disclaimer - Traffic light GPs are not big and they are not clever. But they are fun.
So with permission given i got ready to pull away, pressed the high boost button, moved the seat one notch forward and gave the little beastie a quick rev to show my competition that i was game.

And then i noticed a very suspicious looking 3-series which set off my unmarked police car warning pulling up behind me at the lights. I had noticed it just in time and when the lights turned green i drove off quite sedately as the other Scooby flew off the line in another terrible start. As i got to about 40 the BMW went past with full music and lights.

If i had gone for it i would have been the car in front and depending on how long the BiB had been watching it might have been me who got tagged as the idiot instead i got to see them pulled over about 1/2mile down the road giving someone a proper bking. hehe

sebhaque said:
The Vambo said:
Subaru Impreza owner on here laughing at people who didn't have awesome WRC turbo spec super traction, sliding in the snow.

Some time later.... posted about crashing said Subaru in the snow.

Think he got slaughtered biggrin
I remember that thread. I believe the user was also saying how he could feel the tread blocks moving so he knew he was losing grip. Or something like that.

It does raise a smile when I'm on the motorway and I see someone driving like an idiot (tailgating, poor lane discipline, general dickery) and I then see them parked up having a chat with a Police officer a bit later on. I remember seeing a bloke on a quad bike harass some pedestrians on a footpath, a little while later I heard a skid and a thud, he'd managed to crash it (at some speed) into the only tree in the park.

I remember that, there had been quiet a few smug impreza owners (myself included) saying how much they were enjoying the snow and empty office car parks that week but he had been over the top about telling everyone what a driving god he was with his scooby in snow and that anyone who crashed should just return their licence.
His thread the next day was that he'd stacked it and broken an alloy and part of the suspension. rofl


1,262 posts

147 months

Wednesday 9th April 2014
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omgus said:

I remember that, there had been quiet a few smug impreza owners (myself included) saying how much they were enjoying the snow and empty office car parks that week but he had been over the top about telling everyone what a driving god he was with his scooby in snow and that anyone who crashed should just return their licence.
His thread the next day was that he'd stacked it and broken an alloy and part of the suspension. rofl
This video is so nearly on the money.....*takes back the ballons*


136 posts

165 months

Wednesday 9th April 2014
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3. stories.

1. Lunchtime walk with others from work, 2 lads in a faded red/pink Nova, bang’in stereo but no bass…throw a mc donalds milk shake out the window at us….misses but got close…they were so busy watching the near miss…they failed to a notice the roundabout getting rather close…They ended up locking up the wheels and sliding into the kerb…..after reversing off the kerb leaving a rather nice alloy mark in the concrete and disappeared at high revs and blue exhaust smoke up the road….

2. Traveling to work in the 1990s up the M1 from Hemel to Luton…thick snow (well for the UK anyway) meant traffic was only using lane 1 and sticking at 30mph….fair enough at least we were moving…lady in black 3 series bmw….yay….my lane is free from traffic…full motorway speed down the outside lane throwing up snow…..4 miles later we trundled past her…she was on the phone with the car facing oncoming traffic after hitting the crash barrier…

3. 1980s College mate and I head off toward the scrappy in High to the local tip…so road was always covered in mud…
He was driving his Vauxhall shovette and me in my Ford MK2 Rustcort. (1.3 drum brakes all round no servo - standard)
He overtook me….on this muddy road….oh was also frosty…..90 deg corner…..hmmm straight through the hedge and into the woods…
Stopped and we pushed his car pack onto the road…and he added a side mirror to his shopping list…


755 posts

155 months

Wednesday 9th April 2014
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About 8 weeks ago I was driving down the A429 near Cirencester way and came upon (steady) a white Jag F Type convertible stopped in the opposite carriageway. It was on its roof, with two sheepish looking blokes on mobiles standing next to it. It was completely aligned with the carriageway, bang in the middle of its lane, but upside down - on a pretty straight road.

Obviously I don't know the circumstances but I suspect there was some serious arsing about involved and couldn't help but imagine the outcome was deserved biggrin. Wouldn't be surprised to find it was a customer's car either!


825 posts

174 months

Wednesday 9th April 2014
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omgus said:
sebhaque said:
The Vambo said:
Subaru Impreza owner on here laughing at people who didn't have awesome WRC turbo spec super traction, sliding in the snow.

Some time later.... posted about crashing said Subaru in the snow.

Think he got slaughtered biggrin
I remember that thread. I believe the user was also saying how he could feel the tread blocks moving so he knew he was losing grip. Or something like that.

It does raise a smile when I'm on the motorway and I see someone driving like an idiot (tailgating, poor lane discipline, general dickery) and I then see them parked up having a chat with a Police officer a bit later on. I remember seeing a bloke on a quad bike harass some pedestrians on a footpath, a little while later I heard a skid and a thud, he'd managed to crash it (at some speed) into the only tree in the park.

I remember that, there had been quiet a few smug impreza owners (myself included) saying how much they were enjoying the snow and empty office car parks that week but he had been over the top about telling everyone what a driving god he was with his scooby in snow and that anyone who crashed should just return their licence.
His thread the next day was that he'd stacked it and broken an alloy and part of the suspension. rofl
That thread was pure gold! I remember him blaming diesel spilt on ice and tried to blame the council. hehe


11,296 posts

274 months

Wednesday 9th April 2014
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ORD said:
I would LOVE to see this happen. The number of drivers that accelerate hard to prevent you merging between them and the car in front is absurd! The insanely annoying thing is that they only know you are about to do it if you signal! They would just have to brake if you nudged out, but they decide instead to punish politeness.
Depends how it goes.

I was travelling in the middle lane of the M4 motorway in my Discovery, a vehicle which benefits from giving the driver an elevated and clear view of the road and vehicles ahead; I was a few miles prior to the Swindon junction, travelling westbound. Traffic at the time was most dense in lane 3 as is usually the case on a Friday during commuting hours. Lane 2 was also populated with cars however they were spaced much further apart than lane 3; lane 2 was flowing more freely than lane 3 which is common for commuting conditions at the time of day of the accident.

A steadily moving group of cars was in clear view in front progressing in lane 3, probably about five car lengths in front. I could also see out of my rear, and then side mirror, another vehicle "making advantage" of the gap in lane 3 behind the group. I was travelling at a similar speed to the group until the whole line of vehicles in lane 3 braked sharply as someone way up ahead had done so. All the cars in the group braked sharply in a safe and consistent manner with the other vehicles ahead however the Volvo who had been accelerating towards these vehicles in lane 3 from further back, failed to anticipate the stopping traffic and attempted to brake and steer in vain towards the middle lane. Due to his speed and late reaction, he struck the last vehicle in the group in the rear passenger side corner with the front driver’s side corner of his car then went on to collide with my Land Rover Discovery in lane 2 frown

I got to spend some time in the undergrowth of the embankment where I came to rest, and amazingly the Volvo driver then went on to blame the last car in the group for the accident. This went on for a year, beyond insurance companies to solicitors and within a week of the court date before the other side finally changed their mind and accepted liability.


41,788 posts

202 months

Wednesday 9th April 2014
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Used to live on a quiet road, new estate gets built at the top end, fairly expensive new builds. Was at the top of a long, stright road, cars go past a lot more after this and a lot faster. There was a Escort Cosworth, Esprit Turbo and various BMWs, one of which was a then new 328i.

Anyway, 328i man used to hammer down the road, despite kids and grannies being about, just out of order, then one day I was getting the baby out of the car and he screams past, inches from my backside, shouldnt have been getting him out roadside but it was generally quiet and thats the way the car ended up parked as the missus had parked on the drive. Anyway, i was livid and reasolved to have a word.

I saw him come back and walked up there, I had a polite word and explained I was getting a baby out of the car when he went past, at speed which was met with hostility, he actually offered to fight me there and then, his wife apologised and marched him in the house

From this point on he made a point of going even faster and flicking me the bird if he saw me, utter headcase, occasionally swerved a bit. I got in trouble off my wife for antagonising him !

So, I had a word with the local Police, spoke to a very understanding bobby, helped working for the Police and knowing him a bit beforehand, plus matey boy was well known. He arranged a car to wait with a speed gun at suitable times, didnt take long, I was told he had been caught doing 68 mph in a 30. Thats where it ended, never saw him or the car again.

Bonefish Blues

27,196 posts

225 months

Wednesday 9th April 2014
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andrewrob said:
This kind of stuff reminds of the guy brake testing a police car on the motorway

ETA NSFW (Language)
Language isn't the finest, but every time I see this, I laugh out loud.


1,852 posts

174 months

Wednesday 9th April 2014
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when i was about 15 i went for a weekend away in newquay with my Dad, we were sat outside a pub in the centre of town (think it was called The Central?) and there were some morons that kept racing past the pub in their crap cars with even worse music hoofing out as they repeatedly let all of us sat outside the pub that they thought we were excessevie masturbators (i was 15, they were right)

after about 15 laps one of the cretins in a Suzuki vitara packed with 5 of his mates spots some of his non driving goon mates outside the pub so pulls up to speak to them, they then hammer out some more music, give everyone some more abuse, rev the engine repetitively before setting off at high reverse straight into a lampost, the 4 guys in the back fall out onto floor, two looking quite injured, the back of the vitara is smashed. the driver leaves his mates on the floor and speeds off. The cheers of celebration from the people outside the pub were like if England won the world cup, or maybe just scored a goal, or got a corner, anyway people were happy