Bad crash at my local boy racer meet

Bad crash at my local boy racer meet



6,723 posts

139 months

Sunday 21st July 2019
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Algarve said:
If all the idiot pedestrians weren't standing in the middle of the road cheerleading the stty illegal driving, the drivers probably wouldn't have done it in the first place.

The drivers aren't the only one to blame here.
They might not be the only ones, but they’re 90%

Drivers really need to be able to manage their behavior irrespective of what’s going on around them. They’re responsible and they’re in charge of..... you know the rest.

On the point made by another poster about the council providing a facility. I wonder if there would have been as much of a backlash to these events if people didn’t drive so stupidly? Meets where people behave get left alone.

Even track days don’t allow people to behave stupidly (which is what some seem to think is a part of these events). If driving like a dick inches from the crowd is what people want to do, they’re idiots and there will never be any official venue that allows it.


9,904 posts

64 months

Sunday 21st July 2019
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PF62 said:
By that 'logic' taking away the person who invented the wheel would have prevented the accident.
What an absolutely dumb thing to say.


3,793 posts

122 months

Sunday 21st July 2019
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GEllisM4 said:
Unfortunately no tracks are open late at night when most people are not at work. Further to that, not everyone fancies paying for a track day and then track day insurance on top of that.

So even if a council provided somewhere for you to meet and "hoon" about, how far should it be free?

In reality if the council owned it, they would have to provide a safe environment to a certain standard. That would mean safety barriers,etc. a means to control who did it. There would have to be certain safety equipment worn by those who took part. The cars would need to be checked. There would need to be marshals and safety equipment. Medics on hand, some form of rescue unit. etc etc.

It would then also change your insurance.

It would be no different to a council swimming pool, you expect a certain standard (and there are laws and rules to say what those standards should be (as there are for tracks)) which includes the facilities and safety cover. Would you seriously expect a council to build a swimming pool and just say get on with it. No different to what you are proposing.

So by the time this idea of yours took shape, you would likely end up paying the same as you would for a track day. Which it would be in all but name.


2,963 posts

201 months

Sunday 21st July 2019
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Even in a perfect world with a free to use circuit on your doorstep open 24 hours a day you'll still get idiots like the guy I saw getting kicked out of knockhill on a trackday because he decided that yellow and red flags didn't apply to him.

While free venues for everyone would be lovely, it's not going to fix stupidity.


59 posts

67 months

Sunday 21st July 2019
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akirk said:
your name and profile photo suggest that you drive an M4, if you are doing that at 19, then you are likely to get very little sympathy from others when you suggest that the council should pick up the bill for your enjoyment...

yes, I and others get that you work hard and play hard, and it must be satisfying to be able to afford to drive such a car, however when you do eventually become an old fart like many on here and look back with a lot more experience and wisdom, (not patronising, just reality), you may understand a different perspective - one that questions the priority at 19 of driving an expensive car... and your priority in life, you might understand why older people refer to it as the me me generation...

to then come on here and post that you don’t want to pay for your fun, motorsport is too expensive, all too difficult, too far away type comments, and that the general population should pick up the bill for your enjoyment, well that just demonstrates why your generation are referred to as entitled snowflakes wink

if you can afford to run an M4, then you could afford to do what everyone else does and pay for your hobbies and fun, sell the car, buy a tow car, trailer and track car (and pocket the change), then drive to trackdays etc and pay for your fun... it won’t be as much of a look at me / poser solution, but it would be taking responsibility for your own entertainment rather than expecting it to be provided to you on a plate - Donnington too far away at 2 hours!!! get up earlier wink many people travel far more than that for their hobbies!

maybe you don’t want to hear such blunt words, but I know a lot of people your age and they do not have that attitude, they work hard, they don’t expect anything from anyone else, they certainly wouldn’t be expecting the council to fund their hobbies, and most of them are driving polos!

and the reality is that providing an official place wouldn’t work, the fun is in the subversive and ‘aren’t I hard’ nature - showing off - trying to look good in front of your mates etc. doing that on a council managed car park wouldn’t provide the same kicks...

I have no issue with car meets and having fun modding your cars, I get the feeling of belonging etc. but there is a world of difference between that and the utter stupidity of some of this type of driving, anyone who drives like the chaps in Stevenage should simply be banned for life before they do kill someone... I own several fast (and modded) cars, there is an enjoyment in sharing that enthusiasm and I have been to car meets (though more old fart types!), but never, never - even though the challenges are frequent - would I race on a road...

so if you want the fun, go and sort it out for yourself, there is zero excuse for the behaviour last Thursday...
Firstly, thank you for the reply to one of my comments that doesn't include calling me 'Stupid' etc...

I can understand how it can come across as my being from the 'me me' generation (of which I am included in it... unfortunately) and that I am only thinking about myself. However what I am trying to project across is not only for myself, but everyone else that attends these meets. I'm not just talking about myself.

The hidden beauty of these meets is that they are easy to attend. It doesn't involve spending excessive amounts of money on a trackway for example. You can turn up, meet up with people, watch (Which is mainly what I do) and then leave whenever you fancy. Meaning that unfortunately lots of people don't have enough money as the other person to fund a track day and all of the additional costs. Further to that, I have many times attended meets after work on Fridays, as it's local and can meet up with some people that I know are there. It's easy.

I do however disagree with the part where you say that I expect the council to fund my hobbies. I do not expect the council to do anything, I only think it would be nice if they would provide such a place for reasons mentioned above... Lots of people don't have enough money to splash on a trackday. I've always found being polite and respectful with nice gestures being a good way of building up rapport and respect.

I think lots of people nowadays believe the police and council are 'against' them, I certainly feel that way with regards to how police officers approach me with patronising attitudes etc... I think this is where the 'I'm hard' attitude comes from. Now, if a council or police force provided a quiet road or something 1 night a week and said 'Have fun'. Would people be appreciative of this? ... I would be. Means that I don't have to go quickly on a public road to enjoy my car.

Someone mentioned above, forgive me I cannot remember who, about gypy's being entitled to council funds for settling on land etc... Those funds are my tax money aren't they? Why is it being spent on things that are no use to me? I'm sure you don't like your hard earned tax money being spent on people that haven't even contributed to it?

We see more and more these days councils spending money on the wrong things - Parks nobody uses, cycle lanes nobody uses, library's nobody uses.


56 months

Sunday 21st July 2019
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markyb_lcy said:
There are tts and trolls of every age.
New drivers aren't safe or sensible. Car meets like this are just huge love fests for dumbasses. I have little sympathy for idiots who line a public road with bell ends driving just a few feet away.

Darwin wins.

Riley Blue

21,110 posts

228 months

Sunday 21st July 2019
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GEllisM4 said:
I do think the council should provide an area where like minded people can share there passion for cars... Disused car park, why not make it into an organised event the police won’t raid every weekend? Organised properly with volunteer Marshall’s telling cars when they are allowed to race up the strip or not... just throwing it out there as an idea.
If councils are to provide venues for such car activities, what, from their existing services, should be cut to pay for them? Perhaps an increase in council tax should cover it though I doubt that will go down well with tax payers.

Who would pay the multi-million pound public liability insurance, traffic management, medical cover, crowd barriers, site security etc. etc.; the council, the event organisers, the participants or the spectators? You really haven't thought your idea through.

Local authorities have drastically cut back on discretionary services to focus on those that are statutory. It's naive 'pie in the sky' thinking to expect taxation to cough up.


2,102 posts

83 months

Sunday 21st July 2019
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Hungrymc said:
Algarve said:
If all the idiot pedestrians weren't standing in the middle of the road cheerleading the stty illegal driving, the drivers probably wouldn't have done it in the first place.

The drivers aren't the only one to blame here.
They might not be the only ones, but they’re 90%

Drivers really need to be able to manage their behavior irrespective of what’s going on around them. They’re responsible and they’re in charge of..... you know the rest.
When I want to drive like an ahole I'll go do it, on my own. In a place thats only realistically likely to kill me if I mess it up.

If someone goes to a cruise and drives like an ahole, I think its pretty reasonable to assume they only done it for the attention. There are way better, and way safer, roads they could have used.


59 posts

67 months

Sunday 21st July 2019
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Riley Blue said:
If councils are to provide venues for such car activities, what, from their existing services, should be cut to pay for them? Perhaps an increase in council tax should cover it though I doubt that will go down well with tax payers.

Who would pay the multi-million pound public liability insurance, traffic management, medical cover, crowd barriers, site security etc. etc.; the council, the event organisers, the participants or the spectators? You really haven't thought your idea through.

Local authorities have drastically cut back on discretionary services to focus on those that are statutory. It's naive 'pie in the sky' thinking to expect taxation to cough up.
I have a sneaking suspicion the council are having no issues with cash. The amount of money they seem to be able to spend when it suits them is unbelievable. Useless expenditure is the main thing. My local council has built a new library, ignoring that in modern days thing such as library's are no longer used as people can access more information on their phones than going to the library.

If they didn't waste money on expenditure of things like that, I believe there would be a huge saving in costs...

Councillors are also paid way too much... however that is now straying off topic.


10,642 posts

223 months

Sunday 21st July 2019
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GEllisM4 said:
I’m 19 and honestly I don’t believe anyone on this forum remembers being a teenager.

If anyone has the guts to tell me on this forum that they’ve never as a young person, wanted to show people their car and let people hear their new golf R etc, you’re a liar. Wouldn’t be on this forum or not.
Most disused car parks are in ear shot of residential neighbourhoods, on so many levels your ideas would never be practical or tolerated.

We used to give a farmer who owned an airfield in the middle of nowhere £100 to use his airfield once a month or so, great safe fun and we kept it very small (capped at 20 iirc) to avoid issues. We were also extremely cautious on surrounding roads etc as to not attract unwanted attention.

Loads of ways to meet safely whilst still having fun.


5,437 posts

116 months

Sunday 21st July 2019
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GEllisM4 said:
Firstly, thank you for the reply to one of my comments that doesn't include calling me 'Stupid' etc...

I can understand how it can come across as my being from the 'me me' generation (of which I am included in it... unfortunately) and that I am only thinking about myself. However what I am trying to project across is not only for myself, but everyone else that attends these meets. I'm not just talking about myself.

The hidden beauty of these meets is that they are easy to attend. It doesn't involve spending excessive amounts of money on a trackway for example. You can turn up, meet up with people, watch (Which is mainly what I do) and then leave whenever you fancy. Meaning that unfortunately lots of people don't have enough money as the other person to fund a track day and all of the additional costs. Further to that, I have many times attended meets after work on Fridays, as it's local and can meet up with some people that I know are there. It's easy.

I do however disagree with the part where you say that I expect the council to fund my hobbies. I do not expect the council to do anything, I only think it would be nice if they would provide such a place for reasons mentioned above... Lots of people don't have enough money to splash on a trackday. I've always found being polite and respectful with nice gestures being a good way of building up rapport and respect.

I think lots of people nowadays believe the police and council are 'against' them, I certainly feel that way with regards to how police officers approach me with patronising attitudes etc... I think this is where the 'I'm hard' attitude comes from. Now, if a council or police force provided a quiet road or something 1 night a week and said 'Have fun'. Would people be appreciative of this? ... I would be. Means that I don't have to go quickly on a public road to enjoy my car.

Someone mentioned above, forgive me I cannot remember who, about gypy's being entitled to council funds for settling on land etc... Those funds are my tax money aren't they? Why is it being spent on things that are no use to me? I'm sure you don't like your hard earned tax money being spent on people that haven't even contributed to it?

We see more and more these days councils spending money on the wrong things - Parks nobody uses, cycle lanes nobody uses, library's nobody uses.
thank you for taking it the right way...

the reality though is that these people (driving stupidly - not the spectators) often do have the money to do a track day, which need not be expensive at all - when you see how much is spent on the cars, there is no debate there... the reality though is that a track day doesn’t provide the underground sense of illegality some people want - and let’s be clear a meet like stevenage had two groups of people - those interested in cars etc. and those interested in looking cool / clever / etc.

I am guessing that you are in the first group - and agree that local and after work is ideal for a meet, no issues with that at all, I have unintentionally ended up at a couple by being in the same car park, and the M5 is admired, and I admire their cars and enthusiasm etc. - all good...

the driving in stevenage was the issue and that is the second group, and to be honest, there is simply no place for that - I have been to MB World and spent a day drifting in safety - a lot of fun, but the driving that is seen after some of these meets where people do it inches from crowds - insanity (and it can be all ages, but the commonality is the desire to show off!)

simply put there is no justification for what is happening, and there are valid points made above about cost - let’s say you requested a road closure (anyone can apply to the council for a closure), you may in fact get it... but then you suddenly have all the h&s issues, costs, etc of running it... not cheap! there is no free option for this type of driving with spectators which doesn’t risk death


59 posts

67 months

Sunday 21st July 2019
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ukaskew said:
Most disused car parks are in ear shot of residential neighbourhoods, on so many levels your ideas would never be practical or tolerated.

We used to give a farmer who owned an airfield in the middle of nowhere £100 to use his airfield once a month or so, great safe fun and we kept it very small (capped at 20 iirc) to avoid issues. We were also extremely cautious on surrounding roads etc as to not attract unwanted attention.

Loads of ways to meet safely whilst still having fun.
Would you be kind enough to let me know where this farm and farmer is located? I'll drop him a message and I'm sure everyone from my local meet would be willing to put some moneys in...

There we go everyone - Problem solved!

Happy Farmer - Made a fortune from a 1 evening event.
Happy General Public - No racing on roads.
Happy Car Enthusiasts - We have a massive airfield to blast up and down bounce


3,793 posts

122 months

Sunday 21st July 2019
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GEllisM4 said:
Someone mentioned above, forgive me I cannot remember who, about gypy's being entitled to council funds for settling on land etc... Those funds are my tax money aren't they? Why is it being spent on things that are no use to me? I'm sure you don't like your hard earned tax money being spent on people that haven't even contributed to it?

We see more and more these days councils spending money on the wrong things - Parks nobody uses, cycle lanes nobody uses, library's nobody uses.
It was me that mentioned it.

Again, councils have legal obligations so the vast majority of money has to be spent on certain things. Just as much as you don't see why your money should pay for certain things a council does, I am pretty sure a lot of people would object to what you are planning.

You seem to think you could just get a piece of road closed so you and your friends could have a "hoon" a I said in an earlier post it won't happen, for the reasons I mentioned.. As someone who has been involved in organising closed rallying in this country, you would not believe the "hoops" we had to go through to enable rallying to take place.


Original Poster:

1,103 posts

142 months

Sunday 21st July 2019
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And so it begins !!

slipstream 1985

12,441 posts

181 months

Sunday 21st July 2019
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I see this from both sides. when i was 18,19,20 i wanted to be seen driving. showing off to girls and wanted the fastest car possible. (mr2 turbo at 19 btw) Now my fun fast driving is done away from the busy places and prying eyes
I thought was the bees knees as a driver when younger having had alot more experience than most youngsters my age (6 years of national karting) but I knew nothing.
Experience cannont be bought handed down or talked into you just have to get it yourself.
It is very easy for folks on here to bang on about how holy they were as a youngster driving but i bet 90% were just lain lucky like me nothign serious happened when they did all the stupid things they did when younger.


1,995 posts

75 months

Sunday 21st July 2019
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GEllisM4 said:
Someone mentioned above, forgive me I cannot remember who, about gypy's being entitled to council funds for settling on land etc... Those funds are my tax money aren't they? Why is it being spent on things that are no use to me? I'm sure you don't like your hard earned tax money being spent on people that haven't even contributed to it?

We see more and more these days councils spending money on the wrong things - Parks nobody uses, cycle lanes nobody uses, library's nobody uses.
That's the beauty of tax, no-one likes paying it because they don't always noticeably benefit from it, immediately.

More than half of your council tax will go towards adult social care. I've not directly benefitted from this, nor has anyone I know. Another significant proportion goes on education. I don't have kids in school so why should I pay?! And who do think funds benefits? Giving money to the unemployed doesn't benefit me either.

So to summarise, if you don't like how your tax contributions are used, a) live in a different country, b) lobby your local councillors and MP to make a change or c) become a politician and change legislation yourself (and I suppose d ... become a contractor and pay as little tax as possible.)


8,478 posts

141 months

Sunday 21st July 2019
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GEllisM4 said:
Riley Blue said:
If councils are to provide venues for such car activities, what, from their existing services, should be cut to pay for them? Perhaps an increase in council tax should cover it though I doubt that will go down well with tax payers.

Who would pay the multi-million pound public liability insurance, traffic management, medical cover, crowd barriers, site security etc. etc.; the council, the event organisers, the participants or the spectators? You really haven't thought your idea through.

Local authorities have drastically cut back on discretionary services to focus on those that are statutory. It's naive 'pie in the sky' thinking to expect taxation to cough up.
I have a sneaking suspicion the council are having no issues with cash. The amount of money they seem to be able to spend when it suits them is unbelievable. Useless expenditure is the main thing. My local council has built a new library, ignoring that in modern days thing such as library's are no longer used as people can access more information on their phones than going to the library.

If they didn't waste money on expenditure of things like that, I believe there would be a huge saving in costs...

Councillors are also paid way too much... however that is now straying off topic.
Major projects like a new library will be funded by a number of sources, most of which won’t be their own funds. Primarily central government funds, and also things like lottery funding. Libraries are still used. Use is going down but the still are used a lot, and not just for books, and even for books they are used by many people. The world extends beyond Wikipedia.

As for councillors pay, how much do you think they get, and how much should they get?

Most councils have very little money are are working hard to cut what little is left.

I am not a believer in “stupid youth” or the idea of the “me me” generation and young people being any more or less selfish than they ever have been, BUT, I’m afraid a lot of your comments are showing a lack of worldliness and self centred ideas that typify lack of experience. Many people grow and learn, but not all. I hope you look at the gaps in your knowledge and experience before making further statements like the above and learn, rather than continuing to live in angry ignorance.

Edited by Electro1980 on Sunday 21st July 21:14


26,983 posts

163 months

Sunday 21st July 2019
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PF62 said:
markyb_lcy said:
There is only two people to blame for this outcome ... the driver doing 70 in a 40 when there are people lining the streets and the driver who pulled out without looking.
You seem to have forgotten about the morons stood in the road, the police (the police station is a stone's throw away) who chose not to take effective action following the previous problems, the car magazines and TV shows who encourage this type of ttish behavior, etc, etc.
So everybody else fault? How the fk do the youth of today function without someone to wipe their collective arses?

No wonder they all vote for Corbyn!!!!


59 posts

67 months

Sunday 21st July 2019
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akirk said:
thank you for taking it the right way...

the reality though is that these people (driving stupidly - not the spectators) often do have the money to do a track day, which need not be expensive at all - when you see how much is spent on the cars, there is no debate there... the reality though is that a track day doesn’t provide the underground sense of illegality some people want - and let’s be clear a meet like stevenage had two groups of people - those interested in cars etc. and those interested in looking cool / clever / etc.

I am guessing that you are in the first group - and agree that local and after work is ideal for a meet, no issues with that at all, I have unintentionally ended up at a couple by being in the same car park, and the M5 is admired, and I admire their cars and enthusiasm etc. - all good...

the driving in stevenage was the issue and that is the second group, and to be honest, there is simply no place for that - I have been to MB World and spent a day drifting in safety - a lot of fun, but the driving that is seen after some of these meets where people do it inches from crowds - insanity (and it can be all ages, but the commonality is the desire to show off!)

simply put there is no justification for what is happening, and there are valid points made above about cost - let’s say you requested a road closure (anyone can apply to the council for a closure), you may in fact get it... but then you suddenly have all the h&s issues, costs, etc of running it... not cheap! there is no free option for this type of driving with spectators which doesn’t risk death
Hit the nail on the head about the 'underground' sense. That's what I was trying to get at with regards to the rebel against the authorities. There are people there for other reasons, and that's a sad reality. I guess the same can be applied to football matches? Some people are there to watch the football, some people are there for a fight.

Unfortunately it's not possible to have the first group that me and yourself fall into, I wish it could be. (Got to say everyone loves an M5, hope you're enjoying it smile)

There's always a barry big balls who needs to show how much faster his car is to everyone else half way through the event and causes it to be dangerous for everyone.

I'm just trying to put out a solution to help the whole situation, not that it would ever be actioned on. I'd like to believe something like I have suggested would one day be possible.

Until then, I'll have to wait for the correct lottery numbers to come up so I can buy a piece of land and organise an event myself for everyone! I'm sure somebody would still complain frown


59 posts

67 months

Sunday 21st July 2019
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Drumroll said:
It was me that mentioned it.

Again, councils have legal obligations so the vast majority of money has to be spent on certain things. Just as much as you don't see why your money should pay for certain things a council does, I am pretty sure a lot of people would object to what you are planning.

You seem to think you could just get a piece of road closed so you and your friends could have a "hoon" a I said in an earlier post it won't happen, for the reasons I mentioned.. As someone who has been involved in organising closed rallying in this country, you would not believe the "hoops" we had to go through to enable rallying to take place.
I must agree, I suppose people would object to how I am intending to spend that money. However everyone disagrees on something so at some point, a decision has to be made I guess.

I assume if the council were to endorse the event as something 'Safe' they'd be able to force it through quickly?

Could I ask where the first port of call is to enquire about a small stretch of road being closed? - Just out of interest.