Gets Your Goat! worst driving traits

Gets Your Goat! worst driving traits



35,349 posts

236 months

Thursday 13th November 2014
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TankRizzo said:
heners54 said:
People that shoot out of junctions in front people, cutting it pretty fine, just to be that one car ahead and then sit daudling well below the speed limit. Especially if it's just you and there's no cars behind you; they could have pulled out safely then and meandered at their own steady pace. Why!
I normally overtake them straight away after they've pulled out if it's possible without losing pace, this then inexplicably sometimes leads to the coffee beans and light-flashing.
I often find people pull out in front of me causing me to brake when there's nothing behind me. Where's the logic in that? I usually do what you do if it's safe, which is to maintain my speed and just drive round them, and yes, it always results in flashing, hooting, and general nastiness, even if the overtaking manouvre was completely safe and surely they realise what they've just done? Everyone's always in the right on the roads though...


32,278 posts

202 months

Thursday 13th November 2014
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All of the above, but mostly when I see driving instructors do them. There are a few around here who shouldn't have a licence, let alone teach others.


13,237 posts

179 months

Thursday 13th November 2014
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People slowing down / stopping for well sighted roundabouts and junctions when it is clear.

Lane hoggers on clear motorways - no need whatsoever.

People who could pull over to let you join from a slip road but don't plus those who expect you to pull over despite the traffic outside you.

Bimblers on country roads, even in good confitions - seems to be worse at this time of year. Dry country lane last night and someone was do sub-30 miles per hour in a national speed limit.

Tailgaters on busy roads - does getting one car further in the moving traffic make you life that much better?

People ignoring the signs for roundabout lanes and then having a tantrum because you can't vanish to let them make up for their error.

I'm sure there are loads more too!


Original Poster:

7,388 posts

171 months

Thursday 13th November 2014
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ToothbrushMan said:
Drivers that:-
1. Bip their horns when sat behind you whilst you stay outside of a yellow box junction waiting for the exit to clear.....i almost wish i could drive back round behind them and bip my horn at them....
2. Those who see you approach whilst they have to pull out of a T junction because their house is seemingly on fire but then once ahead of you they drop speed to sauntering "i dont give a damn now im in front you" pace. Thought you was in a mad rush earlier????
3. Frustrated drivers who are intent on getting past you but due to traffic conditions just seem to be thwarted at every opportunity then as you approach some lights two lanes your inner lane is free and the outer lane is rammed they have to punch in so that at the lights you dont waft past them on the inside lane whilst theyre stuck at the back of the queue.
4. That do not adjust their speed up or down to match and fit in with whats already on the main road especially in road works 50 limits.
5. Lads who get up onto your back bumper then drop back 50 metres then speed up to your bumper again....then drop the hell off impatient tt. with the seat fully reclined, one finger on the steering wheel, leaning to one side in an over exxaggerated look at me arent i the bks rehearsed pose.again.....get the fk outta here!
7. Middle aged white guys who wear lots of gold rings again seat right back with thumb of right hand under the top of the wheel whilst the 4 fingers extend over the top of the wheel either patting or strumming the top of the dashboard to some tune on the look a knob mate.
8. That cant go anywhere but see you pull across their path turning right out of a T junction but to make turn trickier they drive virtually up flush to your car door. Wtf is that for knob end! You aint going anywhere...
whoa there mr happy!


2,183 posts

200 months

Thursday 13th November 2014
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LordHaveMurci said:
Is a Clio quite a low car? Or a Focus?
Ok well, never once has it even slightly bothered me. I always just accepted it as part of people driving autos.


450 posts

120 months

Thursday 13th November 2014
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People (chavs) who think it's funny to accelerate when you go to pass them


450 posts

120 months

Thursday 13th November 2014
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People (chavs) who think it's funny to accelerate when you go to pass them


1,265 posts

121 months

Thursday 13th November 2014
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People who cut into your braking distance in L1 and then come off at the junction (often combined into one manouevre) when they could have just slipped in behind you.

People who sit in your blindspot in L2 when you're approaching something in L1. It's pretty obvious I will need to pull out in a bit, I'm not going to drive through them!!!

People who pull in after overtaking you when they're level with your headlights!!

People who wait at junctions and think the front of their car is about 3m metres shorter than it actually is.

People who can't use the right turn lane properly and leave the left rear quarter of there car in the lane to the left.

People who tailgate and flash you in L2/3 when your overtaking other traffic at *cough* 70 *cough*

People who close gaps you're pulling into. Funny that, I could have sworn there was enough space to pull into a second ago...

Edited by Swanny87 on Thursday 13th November 14:13


67,726 posts

223 months

Thursday 13th November 2014
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crosseyedlion said:
I don't understand the problem with this?
The problem with it is that it's horrible to sit behind. It's monumentally selfish to shine a load of super-bright LEDs in the face of the person behind you just to save you having to move the gear level into "neutral" and put the handbrake on. I've driven automatic hire cars a lot and I've never found it a problem to put the car in neutral and the handbrake on when I'm stopped with a car behind me.

One day I'll get annoyed enough to buy one of these overpowered laser pens to shine in the mirrors of the car in front when people do this to me. smile

Edited by kambites on Thursday 13th November 14:18


53 posts

194 months

Thursday 13th November 2014
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I hate people that come speeding up to junctions, thinking that they do not have to stop or give way and end up just about stopping, with the majority of their car over the stop / give way line. And then give you a dirty look because they had to stop?


10,290 posts

189 months

Thursday 13th November 2014
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Nothing, and I mean nothing annoys me more than:

People who exit off a roundabout onto a dual carriageway, straight into L2 when there's nothing in L1.

I live in MK, where there's a lot of roundabouts, a lot of dual carriageways and a lot of people who do this. It drives me fking nuts.

It's usually because they want to make a right turn 5 miles and 3 roundabouts further along the road and are worried they won't have the gumption to change lanes.....rolleyes


1,265 posts

121 months

Thursday 13th November 2014
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Oh and people who tailgate you in L1!?!?! What the fks that all about? I'm not moving onto the hard shoulder for you!


2,073 posts

223 months

Thursday 13th November 2014
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In my area with 100 Km/H good country roads, I often find someone doing 80Km/H. No problem, if that is all they are comfortable at, I will pass them at the next clear opportunity.

I am not so happy with the dill who sits too close to them for a car to drop in safely, but is never ever going to pull out & pass. No real problem. My cars have enough to power pass both on a straight bit.

Now the really annoying one, who sits in 3Rd spot, again too close for me to drop in, unless I am extremely rude, & cut them up. They also have no intention of passing anyone, but definitely don't want anyone else to be able to do so.

Is it any wonder I am becoming less courteous in my gathering age?


551 posts

145 months

Thursday 13th November 2014
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Why do people feel the need to slow right down when passing an accident on the opposite side of the road??

This is hugely frustrating.


3,570 posts

134 months

Thursday 13th November 2014
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Court_S said:
People ignoring the signs for roundabout lanes and then having a tantrum because you can't vanish to let them make up for their error.
What error? This is deliberate behaviour usually. The mentality is: "Pick the lane with the shortest line of traffic, then drive through everyone else to go where you want to go".


1,385 posts

192 months

Thursday 13th November 2014
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Tyre Tread said:
People who don't position their cars at the centreline when turning right so that vehicles going straight on, or in the case of at a T junction, turning left, can continue on their way unimpeded instead of having to sit needlessly behind Mr/Mrs I'll sit in the middle of the lane and needlessly block traffic that could be going on its merry way.

Really gets up my nose!

Smacks massively of tunnel-vision and inconsiderate mouth breathers with ZERO appreciation for anyone else on the road nor any desire to make things flow as smoothly as possible for everyone.

Also not indicating...


1,203 posts

128 months

Thursday 13th November 2014
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thatdude said:
I covered some 45,000 miles commuting through london
Thats not possible. Driving 45000 miles in london would take longer than the lifetime of the known universe.

Edited by gavsdavs on Thursday 13th November 15:00


838 posts

157 months

Thursday 13th November 2014
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Europa1 said:
God, where to start?!

Not People who bimble along the open road at 40-50mph, then bimble through the following 30-limit at 40-50mph.
I’m with you on this.

Another down right anoying habit is when this happens on a dual carriageway and they bimble in a 70mph road at 40mph in the right hand lane because they will be turning right........................ in about 4 miles!

Baz Tench

5,648 posts

192 months

Thursday 13th November 2014
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There is a small roundabout near me, which for some unknown reason confuses people when they all arrive at it at the same time.

No-one seems to know who to give way to. It's great for me, as I just sail around it while they sit there faffing. It's slightly annoying, but mildly amusing at the same time.

It's a strange one. Must be something to with the layout, I've never seen the same scenario anywhere else, but it happens quite often at this particular one.


3,035 posts

157 months

Thursday 13th November 2014
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LeoSayer said:
Motorway joiners who expect vehicles on the motorway to make way for them.
I disagree here. If there is space in L2 then move across if it is safe. It makes if safer for people on the "on ramp" to merge into L1 at the correct motorway speed.

We should match motorway speeds when joining, but it is safer to join at 70mph, rather than having to slow to 50mph to merge behind you as your to lazy to move across a lane.

The amount of times that i have come down the ramp accelerating to join the motorway, only to find some dozy driver pootling along at 70mph meet me half way, thusly leaving me with the decision of a) accelerating ahead of said driver by 10-20mph (merging at 80-90mph) and breaking the speed limit or b) decelerating or braking and joining the motorway at 10-20mph less (merging at 50-60mph) which increases my chances of having someone plough into me or give them road rage whilst i then attempt to get back up to speed.

The only exception to this is if there is a queue of traffic and there is no where to go for L1 drivers.

Just move over and make it safer for everyone.