Driving in the Northwest :-(

Driving in the Northwest :-(



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652 posts

204 months

Monday 19th March 2012
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I’m furious at the old witch this morning in her nice little red Fiat 500, who is incompetent at understanding the simple fking rules of a roundabout, which is mainly to give way to traffic from the right / give way to traffic already on the roundabout.

I commute on the St Helens Linkway most mornings and everyday seems to have some demonstration at how fking incompetent the morons of St Helens are. Nowhere else have I witnessed such st driving as performed by the fking inbreds of this area of St Helens. Roundabouts seem to confuse the fking wkers and they simply don’t give a st!

This morning I enter this roundabout taking the path shown.


I see the stupid old bag enter the roundabout where this white pickup is, not looking to her right at all.


Sometime this happens, but every time it has people are taking the first exit, so it kind of works out, I just end up in lane 2 of the A58, but not this time, she simply swerves into the side of my car, again the fking st for brains old bag isn’t looking to her right, or indicating. I have to swerve heavy to the right and stamp on the brakes, and she is fking waving!

The fking nasty old bh! I’m now sat stationary on a busy roundabout and thinking about giving chase, but that’s just going to make matters worse. So I have to go back around and get on with things.

At this same roundabout someone has straight lined me before, forcing me to take avoiding action.


At the next roundabout I’ve been straight lined here:


and straight lined going the other way


And at the roundabout before the first one, but that isn’t on any map yet.

The fking morons indicate left when they are going straight on, or right, and indicate right when they’re fking turning left, off the roundabout. If you drive through this driving hell hole of a st hole, you haven’t a clue what to do.

Why is this? Why is this area so full of stupid fking st-for brains, cretinous, moronic, selfish, ignorant, rude, incompetent, dangerous, inbred, bds who shouldn’t be allowed to tie their own fking shoe laces let alone drive a car.

I have unofficially named this area, “The St Helens bd Triangle”


If you enter your car will be damaged or you will be killed.

I have lived in different places, such as Ipswich and Oxford. I used to commute from Abingdon to Slough everyday, drive into London for a conference at the Grosvenor every month, driven through France, up to Scotland and so on, and no where I have experienced has shown such ineptitude as the drivers on the roads of St Helens. They are so fking thick! They drive like there is no one else around them.

I wish the police would sit in a few lay-bys during rush hour times just to look at this gross incompetence, but no, they’d rather sit on the motorways where it’s more fun.

I not perfect, I’ve made mistakes, but unless you are two years old, how the fk can you mistake a circle for straight line?

Drivers of St Helens, I have a news flash, roundabouts placed as a junction connecting two or more roads are fkING ROUND! So even if you are going straight on, you still need to turn the fking steering wheel! Maybe a little to left at first, then a little to the right, to follow the contour of the fking circle you fking bunch of morons!

Oh, and a special message to the OAP in the Fiat 500.
1. At roundabouts you are required to check for vehicles coming from your right (that’s the side window on your car closest to you), you may have to turn your head to do this, if you are unfamiliar with this, please see your doctor.
2. When you have completed this simple check, and your pea brain does indeed register a vehicle on the roundabout, going around the roundabout, which is a circle, stop.
3. That’s right, fkING STOP, and wait for that vehicle to go past before you enter the roundabout.
4. Be careful, there maybe another car behind it, if so, go back to step 1 and repeat.
I feel a little better.

Thank you.