50 years of driving



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147 months

Saturday 15th February 2014
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This day in 1964, i had my provisional licence, set of L plates and a 1946 Ford Anglia, and went driving for the first time on public roads
50 years later, with one endorsement, 2 parking tickets, 2 write offs, 3 collisions (inc an aforementioned writeoff) and 14 cars in that time.
i still 'enjoy' getting about.
Back then petrol was 4 bob a gallon, road tax about a tenner, ins for a 17yr old 20.00 TPFT, tyres 8 quid a corner, the Local scrappy was Jones at Waltham Cross, where you turned up with a toolbox and got on with it, no speed limit, no breathalysers, Trafpol who used to 'chat' to you for 20mins, so they delayed you enough to realise that you were just a whisker away from a ticket, parking on Clacton Front, flashing your headlights at the pirate radio ships. The radio was a portable stuck on the back shelf, Wake Arms at Epping being 'one up' over the mods on their scooters even though the car was a wreck! Tottenham Royal and the Dave Clark 5,Dances with real bands, Seeing the Stones,and Chuck Berry on the same bill for 7/6 front row stalls.
Bugger, i am getting dirt in my eye.....cant see properly!!

Yep it has been fun, now helping my lad rebuild two Dolly Sprints, whilst i get the Spirit ready for the summer.


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147 months

Saturday 15th February 2014
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Sadly Jones has now gone under the M25 i think, or one of the new roads they have built, i was round that way a few weeks ago and got completely lost!!!
Just to put it into perspective, i went to see my old Primary School teacher last week. She was 96 a week ago, and is a lot brighter than some who post on here!!!

Yep 14 cars in total and only one was 'modified'. A 100E anglia with an GN twin SU conversion, Aquaplane inlet over exhaust head, and a homemade modified gear shift, along with a centre console made of ply and that fake plastic leather. The day the Ford GT40 won at Le Mans my mate and i had handpainted the Ford Stripes on our cars by 5pm..Lowered supension and nearly got around to fitting 51/2 J wheels before i sold it, in Favour of a 1957 Daimler Conquest Century. Suppose i was an old fart before my time, once i had a car it was like a family pet, and most of them went to be put down gently.
The V70 is the workhorse and the Spirit the summer car now ( but looking forward to getting those Sprints up and running and just 'going back' for a few weeks!!!
Just hope i can keep going for the next 10 and beyond


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7,714 posts

147 months

Saturday 15th February 2014
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Crolandc and Steffan.
Ahh Stockings
Did you ever see the film 'That'll be the Day' with David Essex? esp the scene with Deborah Watling? in his chalet nad he was running his hand up her leg and got to the welt at the top?

We called that 'The Giggle Band', as once your hand got past that you were laughing

Life was a different pace then and not so cut-throat. Weeks wages was £8.00 and a typical Sat was Spurs on Sat pm 4/- entrance, then the Prince of Wales PH for eight pints of Red and light at 2/6 a pint. 20 rothmans kingsize 4/6 and a steak and chips at hte Tottenham Liberal and Radical club next door for 5/- All for just over £1.60 for all you young whippersnappers!!
Then there were the 'Days out' at Brighton, Ramsgate, and Clacton, Watch Quadrophenia and it was a good reproduction.
Aids was unheard of,Coke and heroin were for rich people, and an aspirin in a Pepsi was the best high!! or so we thought. Seemed like every other week there was a Pop Tour at either the Regal or Granada. Acts were not out of reach of your pocket and there was a bill of 6 groups on ,about 4 who were well known.
If only i knew then what i know now. Still every minute was fun, not many friends, went in accidents
, although i count myself lucky when there was a cloudburst in Edmnonton, so cruising through the 2ft high water was a novelty, except, when i came around the corner to find the lights a Town road junction red and i hit the brakes, only to go through at an undiminshed speed. Thats when i found out drum brakes and water did not mix!!
Ok i didnt set any records, just was a normal lad growing up ,and into marriage and now have two great grandchildren, retired at 50 with a full pension and have done several jobs i always wante to do but didnt have the balls at the time.
All an all my only regret is beinng red/geen colour blind. missed out on several jobs because of that. But you play with the cards life dealt you


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147 months

Saturday 15th February 2014
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I knew a lad called Steffan who was an absolute nutter ( in the kindest sense of the word) played an organ which he towed behind a minivan. Before i carry on about him, it isnt you is it? 'cos i have some good stories about him.
If it is you ...my lips are sealed!!


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147 months

Sunday 16th February 2014
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Steffan, as it isn't you, the stories.
Chap i worked with was in the business, went on to do some impressive stuff with some well known names, still gigging, and off to see him and the band next month. Anyway the group decided to get an organist to augment the sound, and Steffan arrived, towing an organ that was bigger than the minivan he was driving. Well he joined and got on well, but he could drink, and i mean drink. so one night after doing a gig a a very well known global manufacturers 'country club', he drove home, and told the tale the next day of it was a bugger of a place to get out off, took him an hour.
Well the chap that made the booking got a very irate phone call from the secretary of the club monday morning wanting to know if any of the band thought it would be a good ideas to do a lot of 'off roading' around the golf course?.2+2 equal Steff but ranks were closed and it was pointed out that they thought they saw some 'undesirables' lurking as they departed. Steffan vowed to lay off the sauce, but the audience still plied him and his powers of refusal soon waned. A few weeks after he was back to normal ,and this on really cracked us up.
Gig finished Steffan stewed as normal and off he goes up the A3 in his minvan well over both limits and could see the organ boucing about behind him, sie to side, and up and down. Suddenly between he gyrations there were blue lights gaining very rpidly, and they puld him. Several dozen mints wee chewd and the conveation went

S Yes officer?
P do you realise you were speeding?
S well i might have been slightly over, i was in a hurry
P Surely not at 90 mph? and towing a trailer What is that you have on the back?
S Im a Musician, its my organ
P and this time at night you have got a late booking?
S (thinking quick) No, i am off to the Hospital as my wif has gone into labour, its our first'
P Glad to hear that sir, what hospital?
Well Steff had used this before and knew most of them within a 15 mile radius he could name and get on PDQ
S West Surrey ( or something) i really need to get there.
P Well sir its quiet tonight ( steff breathes sigh of relief, and expects to be given the get go) we will escort you, it will be safer with our lights on
S No its no trouble bimble bimble
P no problem we will be there in five mins

So off they go the Plod giving it like Jim Clark and Steff trying to keep up, he sees the trailer was flying more often than on the ground. So they get to the Hosp, and Steff jumps out, and waves to the plod, Who just sit there, smiling ,and then telling him to get in there PDQ. Bugger he thought they are going to wait!!! so he ran through the entire hospital and eventually got back to where the minivan was parked. No plod
He really gave up the booze after thate


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147 months

Sunday 16th February 2014
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Steffan and Hasbeen.

Yes i think we were very lucky in growing up when we did, and seeing the new marvels, jet travel, colour TV, pirate radio, easy transport for the 'teens' scooters and motoring,The space age with sputniks and men reaching the moon, which 15yrs earlier was stuff of Dan Dare and Buck Rogers, and later when we are still 'young enough' to appreciate them, Satellite TV, computers reducing in size,apparently the Moon lander had less computing power than the first Sinclair ZX80 which was IIRC 16kb?, t'internet, again, look at the first series of Star Trek and even Hitchhikers guide, and wasnt the Ipad thought of before its time? The emancipation of youth, where a bonus wasnt a measure of doing your job correctly, just doing your job correctly WAS the incentive.but on the plus side, you could leave one job on Friday nd start another Monday Geez Civil Servants getting bonuses. Not heard of at all.
The only other time i can think of where so much was avanced in such a short timescale would be 1890-1920, with flying, motoring, electricity coming to the fore and radio and TV in its infancy.
But what has changed is the attitude towards the world and people in general, there is a lack of respect that is rife, every tom dick and Harry can quote the last minutia? of their 'uman rights, but know tiddly squat of their Human responsibilities. Were we money driven like today, were we in a race to have something bigger and better than the next bloke? where being famous is being on a talent show, Yet with only two tv channels and no pop music radio, except luxembourg in the evening that appeared to fade as the tide went in and out, we were never lost for something to do.But today they roam the streets like feral packs, claiming 'no one does nothing for us'. Well it was the same with us, but we went out and found something to do, mainly because we had to. you dont see kids plating run outs, hopscotch, bulldog, hide and seek etc, today, mainly because the elfansafty nutcases deem it dangerous. I cannot remember wholesale deaths of children from falling out of trees, mass drownings when swimming in the local river,because we were brought up to respect danger, and if someone did break an arm or leg, it was learnt and never forgotten. it was our fault, we didnt look to blame someone els, It is the Nanny state over the years, say from the early 70's that has got us where we are today.Where being on benefits was looked upon asthe last resort, as opposed to it being one of the growh 'employment' industries today. Despite the amount of entertainment that is about, the art of doing something for yourself is slowly dying, except where violence,and destruction is involved, yes that existed in my early years ,but you knew that if you were caught, a clip round the ear by the local bobby, was also followed up by a thump from your Dad
Now i havent any regrets about my time here, just think myself lucky to have been part of it, would i do it again..Yes i bloody well would, everyday was a new learning experience. Not a rant bemoaning today, nor a rose coloured look back. I expect today children wll have similar memories, but in a different way.