Police pull over 'two abrest' cyclists - argument ensues

Police pull over 'two abrest' cyclists - argument ensues



Original Poster:

56 months

Monday 22nd May 2017
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This news story has been doing the rounds over the last few days, can't seem to find it on PH though.

Two cyclists pulled over by the police on a main road for riding two abreast and 'causing other drivers to drive carelessly'.

An argument and various threats then occur between the officer and cyclists, all caught on video of course.

I'm not a cyclist, and very occasionally I get a little irritated by them, but in this case I think they were absolutely 100% in the right, both legally and otherwise.

It's also a good example of a Police officer being annoyed about something and then making up laws/rules in his own head to suit his argument/opinion, which I'm sure we've all been on the receiving end of at some point. I know I have.

Have a watch:



Original Poster:

56 months

Monday 22nd May 2017
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spaximus said:
What got up my nose on this is the cyclist was spoiling for a fight. He says I am going to enjoy this, or words to that effect before the officer had said a word.
I'm guessing he's like that because he probably has drivers shouting at him on a weekly basis regarding the two-abreast thing, so he knew what was coming.

Plus, he's probably absolutely sick of hearing it.

But I will agree he was spoiling for a fight from the beginning, which isn't helpful.


Original Poster:

56 months

Monday 22nd May 2017
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Isn't this a case of blame the law rather than the cyclists?

They are obeying the rules as far as I can see, and the officer tries to tell them they aren't.

If we don't want cyclists riding side by side, then the law needs to be changed to preclude this. You can't really get angry at people for sticking to the letter of the law.


Original Poster:

56 months

Monday 22nd May 2017
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kambites said:
swisstoni said:
I'm with the policeman on this. Cycling in line is clearly the most considerate way, if not illegal.
Why? Yo need a bigger gap to overtake two cyclists who are line-astern than two who are side-by-side.

If you pass cyclists, you should pretty much end up on the other side of the road anyway if you give them the correct amount of room, which means you can only pass when there is no incoming traffic.

You will be on the wrong side of the road for less time passing two abrest than two in a line.

If you try to pass them without crossing over the line, then the chances are you aren't leaving them enough room.


Original Poster:

56 months

Monday 22nd May 2017
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ash73 said:
Police should just taser him. They should be single file on busy roads, no question. And wearing lycra over 30 should be illegal.
Moronic comments like that just automatically disqualify you from having any input into a discussion.


Original Poster:

56 months

Monday 22nd May 2017
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Cyclists love fighting there corner about how awesome and right they are, mainly for there youtube videos....

Riding 2 a breast is dangerous...


Original Poster:

56 months

Monday 22nd May 2017
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DSGbangs said:
Riding 2 a breast is dangerous...
How so?

The cyclist is entitled to ride a few feet out from the side of the road to avoid debris and drains etc, and if you pass a cyclist as per the police guidelines and leave plenty of room, then you will be on the other carriageway regardless of whether the cyclists are single file or two abreast.

So in either scenario, you have to wait until there is no incoming traffic to perform an overtake.

So why is two abreast more dangerous?


Original Poster:

56 months

Monday 22nd May 2017
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ash73 said:
NinjaPower said:
Moronic comments like that just automatically disqualify you from having any input into a discussion.
The cylist was wrong, the police showed him the rule that they should be single file on busy roads and he didn't listen, instead wasting police time when they could be doing something useful. And he hasn't learned his lesson so will continue to hassle other road users, he even thinks he's had a moral victory when he just came across as a dick. The police are far too tolerant in this country, they should have just tasered him immediately to stop him arguing. Once people learn that will happen they will be more polite and may actually listen to advice.

If you don't like my opinion I couldn't care less jog on mate.
I don't think anyone would like to live in a country where you aren't allowed to argue your case with a policeman for fear of being 'tasered'.

If that's your idea of a good way of policing then I despair.

Also, did you even watch the video? The officer tried to tell them they were committing an office (which they weren't) and then unsurprisingly couldn't find the relevant legislation to back up his claim, so the cyclists were legally correct.


Original Poster:

56 months

Monday 22nd May 2017
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Ed. said:
NinjaPower said:
ash73 said:
Police should just taser him. They should be single file on busy roads, no question. And wearing lycra over 30 should be illegal.
Moronic comments like that just automatically disqualify you from having any input into a discussion.
Can OP's disqualify posters they disagree with from threads now?
Of course not, but when someone includes childish and nonsensical comments about people wearing Lycra and 'should just taser them' then I don't see any reason for anyone to take anything they say seriously.


Original Poster:

56 months

Monday 22nd May 2017
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ash73 said:
NinjaPower said:
did you even watch the video? The officer tried to tell them they were committing an office (which they weren't) and then unsurprisingly couldn't find the relevant legislation to back up his claim, so the cyclists were legally correct.
Yes I did, and unlike you I understood it. The highway code says single file on busy roads, and they were on a busy road riding two abreast, end of discussion. Yes he took too long to find it, but his advice was correct, and they didn't listen. Who'd want his job these days, having to deal with idiots all the time. It would drive me mad.
Are you sure about that?

The Highway Code says 'should' ride single file on a busy road, not 'must'.

As you are well aware, the instruction 'must' is the one that has to be obeyed.

'Should' is optional but recommended.

The officer was trying to tell them they were committing an offence when they weren't.


Original Poster:

56 months

Monday 22nd May 2017
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That Audi has an illegal plate, for starters.


Original Poster:

56 months

Monday 22nd May 2017
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Heaveho said:
If cyclists think it's ok to demand that much room from passing cars, why don't they give that much when they skim past pedestrians in the park?
You can't seriously compare the potential impact of 2 tons of metal whizzing past you to 80kg of human and bicycle?

No one would like to by hit by a bicycle, and it would certainly hurt, but it's not comparable to a car.

How many pedestrians are killed after being hit by cars vs hit by bikes? I suspect those statistics will tell all we need to know.


Original Poster:

56 months

Monday 22nd May 2017
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Original Poster:

56 months

Tuesday 23rd May 2017
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The cyclists are wkers, those defending them are wkers. Let's move on!


Original Poster:

56 months

Tuesday 23rd May 2017
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I think the video adequately demonstrates that the cyclists know the letter of the law but not the intent. Just because the law allows for what they were doing, the consideration for other road users bit is completely missing.

Sadly there too many lycra clad cyclists with sort of me me me attitude..


Original Poster:

56 months

Tuesday 23rd May 2017
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IroningMan said:
You should be leaving a gap of 1.5m between the near side of your vehicle and the closest cyclist. In the event that the road is too narrow to allow for this then ideally the cyclists will move into single file once they know you're there - but don't be surprised if they don't do so immediately, or if they struggle to get organised quickly on a steep hill, or if they wait until they are certain that it's safe for them for you to overtake.

Odds are that they can see more than you can - they're higher up and don't have any cyclists obstructing their view.

And if they don't get out of your way? Well then they're not being as courteous as they might be. That is all. The odds are pretty good that the next slow-moving road user won't get out of your way in their tractor/caravan/HGV or whatever either. And the odds are also pretty good that you won't get out of the way of the next driver who tailgates you...

Why this whole business is still a 'thing' on a website supposed used by driving enthusiasts baffles me, but never mind: another week and another Police force adopts the Close Pass initiative, so we'll get there in the end.

Edited by anonymous-user on Tuesday 23 May 19:58
Ah the fantasy land of the 1.5m gap.... see this in London all the time... they have a hissy fit if you get within a football pitch's width of them and then having given you a stack of abuse shoot through a gap no wider than their bike plus an inch either side between two buses or the likes. They're hypocritical ****s!


Original Poster:

56 months

Tuesday 23rd May 2017
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WinstonWolf said:
And you haven't got a fking clue about physics. Or pretty much anything else going most of the poor driving crap you spout.
No, it just doesn't align with your 'all cyclists are poor innocent victims' twisted view of reality. Well you're wrong as a quick trip round central London will prove to anyone with half a brain or more (that obviously doesn't include you by the way). As for not having a clue about physics... if only you knew how utterly stupid that comment is. Now go away and next time try to construct a sentence that actually makes sense!!!!


Original Poster:

56 months

Wednesday 24th May 2017
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WinstonWolf said:
Why bother being polite with idiots? He's obviously not got a fking clue about basic physics...
He has a first class honours degree in Applied Maths and Physics so yes obviously clueless. Now f**k off you nauseous tt!

Edited to remove outright hostility, as pointed out below it was a bit harsh even if it was only aimed at you!

Edited by anonymous-user on Wednesday 24th May 14:42


Original Poster:

56 months

Wednesday 24th May 2017
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Rawwr said:
Fed up with the ****! But you're right... a bit harsh so edited!

Edited by anonymous-user on Wednesday 24th May 14:43


Original Poster:

56 months

Thursday 25th May 2017
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WinstonWolf said:
And that's why you're a poor driver, you can't contain your temper. If you're this bad on a forum I'd hate to think how you are when you're in a tin box.

Brave clap
Funnily enough, and unlike on this forum, on the road I don't tend to meet the same self righteous intellectually challenged bell end every day and have them spout nonsense with no knowledge of the person they are speaking to so no, actually on the road I am fine and have not 'lost my temper' in over 30 years of driving.

All that may of course change if I see you pedalling along however as there is not a fibre of my being that would stop me having a proper chat with you in the real world if I had the complete and utter misfortune to meet you. Thankfully that's not likely so now run along and please stop making accusations about what I know about physics or how I drive etc.

You know nothing about me so it's childish, irksome and frankly stupid to keep doing so! The only thing I have said about you is you are a self righteous dolt, because your posts make you come across like that, maybe you just hide your intellect well or maybe you just can't find it in the first place!