Smoking, trying to drive & stench

Smoking, trying to drive & stench



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103 posts

65 months

Saturday 30th November 2019
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Almost every day I sew some clown trying to drive and a ciggy in the other hand.
The government does not want to ban smoking and trying to drive
because of the taxes it collects.

How on earth can you drive safely with a lit stick in your hand that throws
smoke into your and others eyes.

The other thing these clowns never fail to amuse me is they nearly always have
their window open even in freezing and rainy weather hence sharing
their stench and disease with those that do not want it.

These type more often than not are in older, battered cars unless its women then
its an old suv or newer Corsa. If you don't believe me, just watch the next ten smokers
and rarely will they have a decent car.

The clowns/smokers will often toss out their ash and cig butt on the road and
if thrown from a van, higher car it can land in your car if your window/s are open and landed on mine years
ago when I had a S class MB saloon - landed between the bonnet and wipers smoked for a good minute.
I tried to catch up with the inbred but traffic lights went in the inbreds favour.

These clowns are also usually guilty of the no-hands syndrome about 99% of the time as ciggy in one hand how on earth can they indicate.
These clowns slow down traffic especially at the roundabout as they don't indicate as 50% of the other clowns with the no-hands syndrome.
I politely hand gestured to a clown the other day at a roundabout why not indicate as it was truing left i could have gone straight on - should have seen the look on the inbreds face as though it wanted to hit me. I'm scared of creatures like that but if attacked I
will use reasonable force to body slam the inbred.

Do you, family, friend a inbred you know smokes and is guilty of driving badly like I have seen many times? Have you ever asked them why they don't keep windows closed and enjoy all of their stenches and why they don't indicate? In my family/relative no one smokes as its a lower class thing the vast majority of the time.

Please do not take offence if you smoke whilst trying to drive, keep your windows closed, don't throw out your rubbish out of your window and put others at risk and use your indicators.

Edited by fromkentgent on Saturday 30th November 13:18


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103 posts

65 months

Saturday 30th November 2019
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Mexman said:
I enjoy a smoke whilst driving.
Got a problem with that?
If the cap fits, read the OP, mate!


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103 posts

65 months

Saturday 30th November 2019
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popeyewhite said:
Mexman said:
I enjoy a smoke whilst driving.
Got a problem with that?
Read the OP.

My name is popeye and I used to smoke and drive. I stopped about ten years ago. I don't begrudge people the right to smoke in their cars, but I remember mine used to smell absolutely terrible. And the mess of ash thrown back in from the open window 'flick' on the floor in the back. Yuck. And I although I did it thousands of times I do feel irritated when I see someone chuck a fag out of a car, so I can imagine how annoyed a non-smoker might get. Such careless, senseless littering.
Many thanks!


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103 posts

65 months

Saturday 30th November 2019
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Don Roque said:
Smokers always have yellow fingertips too. How do they get that thick brown stain on the thumb and index finger though? Is it from falling asleep with a lit tab in their hand and having it burn down slowly?

Like this:



Original Poster:

103 posts

65 months

Saturday 30th November 2019
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One thing is for sure, you can tell by the abuse posted who the guilty clowns are.

You can't even handle a mobile phone whilst driving, engine running as its deemed dangerous yet clowns are allowed to smoke away, throw their rubbish out of the car onto other peoples cars/etc, they can hardly drive, rarely signal and I just knew that those that do this kind of thing would post abuse at me.

In nose to tail traffic a few years ago some smoker threw out his ciggy first and I thought about getting out of the car but my OH said to leave it, then they threw out empty food cartons and cars stopped. I went over and said, "sir (really meant you parasitic bag of donkey st) pick up your rubbish" the pair lol - then I told them a fib, I told them I had a dashcam which I don't, that got the clown out mutter trie and pick up its rubbish and all I could hear from other cars was wild LOL's

You are a clown and a loser if you don't recognise the fact that throwing rubbish out of your car, endangering others, not indicating, etc, etc is against the law and I hope you are pulled up or reported by good honest drivers with cctv and get points and fines but sadly, a lot of these clowns that break the law do not have their cars registered/etc and are the types that hit your car and f off. Ask any police officer that when they stop a car for a possible minor offence, the majority of the time they will find other things that need to be addressed,EG no ins, tax, mot, licence, registered, drugs, defective car and so on.

So keep on slagging me off if you wish but thankfully many everywhere inc here that understand and agree with my concerns.

I'm hoping that this thread will wake up some smokers/drivers to other road users concerns.

Post abuse at me if you wish just shows what you are.


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103 posts

65 months

Sunday 1st December 2019
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FA57REN said:
vantara said:
I smoke with my right hand and indicate with my left so am confused as to where I stand with the OP.
And which hand do you use when you want a drag from your cigarette? Front middle?

I don't believe you'd be so irresponsible as to lift a hand off a primary control.

I think the other posters is hinting that he smokes it with his rear.


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65 months

Sunday 1st December 2019
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A1VDY said:
Smoking is a dirty filthy habit and those that do don't realise how bad they smell, the bad breath is the worst thing.
We've even turned down trade ins which have been heavily smoked in. Once it's in the fabric of everything from the heading /seats /carpets no amount of wet vaccing with the Putzi get rid of it.
Wet dog is another one but not thread topic..

Edited by A1VDY on Sunday 1st December 14:16

They honestly stink like a dogs mess at times especailly eh new stuff that gets here from the EU

No jesting, last night wnet to my car and a small car parked next to windows open as i walked up to my car I really thought i'd stpped in dog mess but it was the rank stench of wahtever they were smoking a young woman and n older man - i muttered something about the stink
and the woman closed the window. It reall did smell like dog/fox mess.


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103 posts

65 months

Sunday 1st December 2019
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Pan Pan Pan said:
Reciprocating mass said:
When you gonna call out for the ban of cup holders

I don't know where the law stands on this, since I have occasionally seen articles where people have apparently been pulled, and fined by the police for eating / drinking whilst driving.
It does seem odd if this `is' illegal, since if one cannot eat an apple, or have drink whilst driving, whilst at the same time it `is' Ok to have a lit item which is also capable of dropping glowing cigarette ends into one`s crotch, does seem to be a case of double standards, especially since keeping hydrated, or ones sugar count up is likely to be required for safe driving.
A mate once described cigarettes/pipes etc as just being dummies for adults, which did make me laugh!
Like i said in my OP, the gov gets a lot of tax money and this is why this dangerous behaviour is allowed to continue and
add to that the dog sh it smell and dangerous fumes. Left to me I force them to close their car windows and turn on the internal air recirculation.

A few years ago at work, this heavy smoker was given a desk to mine - at the time we had twin pedastal desks so a good 6 foor away from smelly but the stench was really awful at times so i complained to the manager. The manger a cretin disagreed but was a non smoker so i said you sit there, so we left it it that and then a few days llater i was given another desk and the person that was moved next to them also asked to be moved. A few weeks later a bank of four desks was allocated to these smelly people but the poor sods sitting near them did not like it but I was lucky and sat away from them and their wet dog type stench


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103 posts

65 months

Monday 2nd December 2019
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When I get my dashcam and confidence using it i will ensure I report every driver/passenger that throws out fag ends and other rubbish and or using a handheld mobile or just holding it. There is a dedicated police website where you can easily send your evidence and i think 95% of the culprits accept an out of court fine and penalty points, really good site that is.


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65 months

Monday 2nd December 2019
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Rawwr said:
WJNB said:
Mexman said:
I enjoy a smoke whilst driving.
Got a problem with that?
You bet. Not only is your attitude arrogant probably because you're uncomfortable with the fact that you don't have the will or intelligence to give up a dreadful common habit … but also you may (deservedly) get cancer & be in front of a those waiting to be treated for NON-SELF-INFLICTED life-threatening illness, like my father & wife & many dear friends, some departed.
Excellent post Rawwr!!!

What now, Mexman you gone into hiding?


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103 posts

65 months

Monday 2nd December 2019
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bodhi said:
Being the sort of chap who can walk and chew gum at the same time I don't really find driving whilst smoking a cig especially taxing, and as long as the butts don't go out the window regularly I don't really see the issue.

Where smoking and driving does come in very handy though, is if the person behind you hasn't heard of the two second rule, and is trying to position their car in your boot so you can drag them along for the ride. If this is the case a strategically flicked ciggy is great at getting them to back off.

For instance I was on the way back from Gravesend a few years ago in fairly heavy traffic, when some knob jockey in a Mercedes decided to get his tailgate on. I remember looking in the rear view mirror and the driver was clearly one of those sort who is far too important to be waiting behind lesser folk, and the rosy complexion made me think he got really angry at everything, especially things which didn't affect him in the slightest. Anyway I'm not sure what sort of Mercedes it was as he was too close for me to see the grille, but I suspect it was an S Class from the size of it.

After him being dangerously close for a mile or so with the washer jet trick not working, I decided to try another strategy. It was a brilliant shot, as it looked like I hit the Merc at the bottom of the windscreen. Anyway, angry man dropped back, and I could continue my journey in safety.

(Some of the above may not have happened).
Get yourself a dashcam for the rear, send the evidence to the police a dedicated website and they often process the item in 30 mins used to take many hours of work before but laws and processes changed. I have been advised by someone with knwoldge of the process that up to 95% of the clowns driving admit guilt out of court and accept a fine/points etc unless offence was very dangerous they go to court and at times they are the cars not registered.

These new cams on M1 and M6 and some on the M25 can now tack your mug shot and if you are holding a phone/etc, tail gating.



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103 posts

65 months

Monday 2nd December 2019
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clubracing said:
J4CKO said:
See a lot of drivers vaping as they drive these days, does that have a detrimental effect on a cars interior ?

Some seem to be like the Red Arrows, in terms of smoke output, others you cant tell except if you see them holding it or catch the smell through your vents.
Yes, everything inside the car including the windscreen/side windows gets covered in a sticky, greasy layer of the vaping fluid where it has condensed again onto the surfaces. Have been a passenger in cars where it's very difficult to see out, because it's like someone has smeared vaseline all over the windows.
A few years ago when this disgusting habit was taking off, I parked up my MB in works car park and it was light about 08-30hrs and I so this battered car and window open by about 5 inches and blowing out masses of smake i honestly though it was on fire for a moment - disgusting people


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103 posts

65 months

Monday 2nd December 2019
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Short Grain said:
As an ex smoker who smoked in his own cars, but not in company cars, I had the cig butt flying back in and onto the back seat and leaving a 50p sized burn! That stopped me smoking in the car.
But I just had the awful smell confirmed as I left Sainsburys. Couple stood smoking just outside the entrance, you know, where the sign says No Smoking in this area!! Both breathed out as I was walking between them. Stereo smoking!! God, for a second, the smoke caught in my throat and made me gag! And I used to roll my own so used to stronger flavour. They looked really offended as well!! hehe

Still vape a bit but even that's dwindling quite 'naturally' if I can use that term?
Hats off to you sir. you will save your self a few quid if you completely pack up.
This new illeagle tobbaco these misfits smoke, not joking but it smells like someone has stted their pants and not changed them for days worse that a damp dog smell in a car.

when i walk past smokers and wave the smoke away from myself and more importantly if i'm carrying our baby grandchild. Like you said people do look offended and one old hag muttered something and i blurted out, "inhale it we don't want your smoke" - i was lucky this old hag did not attack me.

Any smokers here that have been told they stink like dog mess?


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103 posts

65 months

Monday 2nd December 2019
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bodhi said:
Thanks for the heads up, I'll stop mainlining skag on the way through Wolverhampton in that case.
No worries, here to help!


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103 posts

65 months

Monday 2nd December 2019
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monzaxjr said:
It's a close call between ++++rentboyfromkent++++++ and ericmcn for biggest weirdo on PH.
Was that a Freudian slip, dear boy!
I'm sure it was otherwise I would have offered to
meet you for a drink.


Original Poster:

103 posts

65 months

Tuesday 3rd December 2019
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J4ACKO, half-decent post mate.
Your mate driving and smoking with one arm.
Cars can drive themselves these days yet it still does not make smoking and trying to drive right.

Not referring to jacko!!

Others throwing insults at me. I'm not a hard man on the net and real life
so carry on until you get a fag thrown from a car/van/lorry land through your Corsa
open window and on you old woman's legs then you may change you mind,

Edited by fromkentgent on Tuesday 3rd December 19:35


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103 posts

65 months

Tuesday 3rd December 2019
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talksthetorque said:
How do you know what JACKOs legs look like?
Sorry, I don't I have taken the liberties and clarified the post.

I'm so angry tonight that I could slap these stinkers that try to drive whilst smoking
and not indicate, throw out their rubbish out of the car. Having said that I would not to
go within 15 feet of them as I may need a shower afterwards.


Original Poster:

103 posts

65 months

Tuesday 3rd December 2019
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talksthetorque said:
How do you know what JACKOs legs look like?
Sorry, I don't I have taken the liberties and clarified the post.

I'm so angry tonight that I could slap these stinkers that try to drive whilst smoking
and not indicate, throw out their rubbish out of the car. Having said that I would not to
go within 15 feet of them as I may need a shower afterwards.