What is your "Le Mans Magical Memory"?

What is your "Le Mans Magical Memory"?



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703 posts

258 months

Tuesday 7th October 2003
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Do you have a memory of Le Mans that you will never forget? That is impossible to describe accurately to those who weren't there at the time?

For example:
In 2001 it began raining just after the start of the race, and it continued to pour for just about the entire weekend. It wasn't particularly warm that year either.

Saturday evening I met up with a couple of friends for dinner and a few (?) beers. After dinner, we headed out to the Mulsanne straight to watch the cars shoot by at 200+ mph in the rain. This area is normally somewhat restricted, but we bluffed our way past the local law enforcement to get a closer look. Not content with this, Mike, Andy and I started trekking through the woods parallel to the straight, trying to get even closer. This area is REALLY restricted, so we treated it like a commando mission, crouching low and dashing from bush to bush.

We came to a clearing, and found a house under construction. Someone had considerately enough left a ladder there for us, allowing us to enter the 2nd floor. And there, in a magical moment, we sat for about a half hour at 2 in the morning, protected from the rain in the upper floor of a partially completed house, watching cars fly by us about 20 feet away. We had front-row balcony seats, with an amazing view.

The magical moment came to an end when the patrolling police on the other side apparently spotted us, and we couldn’t duck from the spotlight quickly enough.

We weren’t positive if they had actually seen us or not, but decided that since we were reasonably certain that we weren’t supposed to be where we were, or doing what we were doing, it would be best to leave. So back out into the rain we went. We went back into commando mode, sneaking from tree to tree. Unfortunately, one of those trees happened to be a somewhat irate landowner carrying a flashlight, who was not too happy to find the three of us sneaking around on his land. I lamely explained that we had gotten lost on the way to our car as we quickly made our escape and picked up speed. More flashlights in the distance indicated that we had in fact been spotted by the police, and it seemed wise to move on. So back to the campsite we went...

What is your most memorable adventure?