My '72 911T



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Friday 26th August 2011
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The Stelvio Pass:

The Stelvio Pass by Suggs, on Flickr

As most people who have driven it will tell you it's rubbish to drive (1.5 hours in first gear...), but the top makes it all worthwhile! If you turn through the hideous tourist trap at the top up a little track that will scare your passengers you end up here. Much nicer:

At the top of the Stelvio Pass by Suggs, on Flickr

We came back down via the Umbrail pass which had been recommended to us, but no one mentioned that half of it was gravel, hairpins and shear drops... Still it was a lovely place, if slightly intimidating.

Coming down on the gravel... by Suggs, on Flickr


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184 months

Friday 26th August 2011
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After a couple of days we came back in one drive via Austria, Switzerland, Austria again, Germany and France into Strasbourg for the night!

The following morning I took the family to the Bugatti 'factory' in Molsheim where I had arranged a tour through a contact in the VW group. No photos for obvious reasons, but it's fair to say it's amazing to see the level of dedication that goes into each car. Aligning the weave of your blue tinted carbon panels to ensure perfection was just one example! The last four of the world record edition cars were being built at the time and it was fantastic to see the monster engine out of the car, it's nearly the size of my car alone!

We also got to poke around one of the Bugatti Royals that they have there. Now that is a long bonnet!

The onto Reims for the night, where of course no trip is complete without a quick visit to the old circuit. I would have like to spend more time there, but we had to make it to Dieppe for the ferry.

Reims Old Circuit by Suggs, on Flickr

Reims Old Circuit by Suggs, on Flickr

All in all a brilliant trip, damn expensive, but one that will not be forgotten and ticked a lot of the 'must do' boxes.

The 911 was simply perfect. All the work on brakes, gearbox, carburettors, fuel tank and suspension over the winter was worth it. Not a single misfire, splutter, or bang on the overrun (well maybe three in total!) and an average of 25mpg!

I really needed an oil cooler as this held me back more than once, but other than that and the desperate need for air conditioning smile it was a wonderful couple of weeks.

Highly recommended smile Even to families!


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184 months

Saturday 27th August 2011
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Thanks to all for the positive comments smile

snotrag said:
I absolutely loved this thread already, and what you've done there is pretty much my 100% ideal holiday. My Parents have just come back from the same area of Switzerland, and my Grandparents have been taking them there (6 up in a Cortina through the night) since they were kids.

I am desperate to go to, but I have no way of affording it and no-one to go with. Exceptionally Jealous.

What were your onboard shots taken with? Looks like you have a video - are they stills off a go-pro?
Funny you should mention a cortina, I did a similar trip with my parents many years back in a 1.6 auto cortina towing a trailer tent! I still have the burns from those black vinyl seats...

The onboard shots were from my Nikon D300s with a wide angle lens mounted on a big sucker on the inside on the windscreen. It also does video, but the sound quality is not great.


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184 months

Wednesday 7th September 2011
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Thanks for the comments smile

Another photo from the trip:

911 on the Susten Pass by Suggs, on Flickr


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Thursday 8th September 2011
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LotusOmega375D said:
A mate of mine in Germany bought this old shed (911T Targa) from the USA a year ago. He's always wanted an old Porsche and decided to junp in before the prices got too silly. He's already restored a Volvo P1800 and Triumph TR3A to fabulous condition, so I am sure this will get there too (eventually!)

That should keep him busy... Older targas always worry me as I know how much the coupe rusts without a leaky roof! You can almost see the ropey ones sagging in the middle! smile


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Thursday 8th September 2011
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993SC said:
I saw you at the top of the Stelvio Pass! You were just pulling away from this viewing point. I was driving my 993 engined supercharged 911SC. 2,000 miles around Italy, Switzerland, France and Germany in 8 days. Superb!!!
Cool. Sounds like we did the same trip! 993 supercharged SC... I guess that won't have been struggling like my car did occasionally then!


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184 months

Sunday 11th September 2011
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Thanks to all smile

I finally washed it today! ...and polished it!

Trouble is when you polish it you spot all the dodgy bits frown

Anyway it's got a few more years of driving in it yet before I have to take it apart (properly this time...)


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Monday 21st November 2011
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Time to post up a picture from earlier this year smile All this talk of the tech fest 991 launch makes me want to drag out the analogue version. wink

In the valleys by Suggs, on Flickr


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184 months

Sunday 29th April 2012
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I haven't driven my car for six weeks as an operation to remove part of my foot has resulted in temporary disability...

SO... When left alone on eBay during the day I get distracted and these are the result to keep me amused whilst I can't drive the real thing! smile. smile

My son has started on the Revell kit and I've started the Fujimi one, which is my second attempt, last year's effort went in the bin it was so bad...

It will be Viper green and modifying it into a '72 with 'S' front spoiler as my car was originally.

'S' conversion in progress...

Needs a bit more work but nearly there smile

Engine done.

Body will be going for paint on Monday as the custom mixed spray can has now arrived biggrin

...which is the point my models always go wrong...and never get finished biggrin


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Monday 30th April 2012
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Fresh from the paintbooth:

The seventies must have a really bright place!


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184 months

Sunday 9th June 2013
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Time to bring this thread up to date with another Welsh road trip (for a change!)

The coincidence of cracking weather, a car in one piece, and minimal family commitments meant there was only one thing to do... Full day trip to Wales smile

My son came along with me for more training in the way of the Porsche cool

So the route:

320 mile round trip from my house covering all the best bits of North Wales. And some of it twice as it's really good!

Kicking off at the traditional starting point for many bike and car drive the Ponderosa Cafe on the Horseshoe Pass just North of Llangollen:

Some of the key things to look for to identify the best roads... cool

Lucky my car is more noise than speed so these things aren't an issue smile

...and of course those cattle grids that neatly mark the start and end of every great moorland road cool

Up first the Evo triangle. As seen in the photos above and this one:

A truly magical section of tarmac known to most on here and a test of any dampers.

South from the triangle across the moor to Ysbyty Ifan:

Lake Bala for a cake stop then climb out of the town up the Bwylch Groes Pass:

Coming down the other side of Bwylch Groes the view opens up to remind you just why you drive this far out sometimes:

...and just round the corner is one of my favourite photo locations. This isn't the first and certainly won't be the last time this picture is taken! smile

Eventually the road brings you down to Lake Vyrnwy and out across the dam:

Of course it would be childish to bounce your exhaust note between these walls as you cross wouldn't it? wink

Time and miles pass and eventually we come to the Llanberis pass:

To be honest it's a bit like the Stelvio in that it's spectacular but not a great drive due to the traffic. Maybe mid afternoon on the sunniest Saturday for months isn't the best time for clear roads smile

The foothills of Snowdon always deliver the dramatic landscape though

Finally back to Bala for ice cream and then the slog home. Which always feels SO much longer than the drive out smile

10 hours after we left the house we return tired, slightly deaf, but happy cool


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184 months

Sunday 9th June 2013
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BeirutTaxi said:
We saw your 911 on the Cerrigydrudion road yesterday (heading towards the A543). I was on my road bike cycling with E38 Ross.

Sounded amazing and we both burst out laughing as you came past! That noise was something else biggrin
smile Hopefully I didn't buzz you too close, I normally try to give cyclists a wide berth as I know how it feels when I'm on two wheels...


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184 months

Monday 10th June 2013
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pthelazyjourno said:
Balls to that - what happened to the model car?!
Yes this one survived the build process, the Revell model didn't!


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184 months

Monday 10th June 2013
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Polynesian said:
I'd been looking for this thread. Hope your foot recovered, did the models survive their gestation?

The photography, story and general want level on your thread/ car are just fantastic. Thanks for sharing the ownership experience with us!
Thanks, the foot is slightly smaller than it used to be, but it doesn't hurt anymore smile


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184 months

Monday 10th June 2013
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BeirutTaxi said:
You were heading in the opposite direction to us smile Is the engine/exhaust on the 911 standard?
The exhaust is stainless, but is a regular Dansk part to the stock design. They are just quite loud!

pthelazyjourno said:
When are you painting its (considerably) bigger brother bright green?

Nice car, BTW. Not a fan of modern 911s (although the 997 is the latest I've driven), they seem too sterile. Love the 70s models though.
Maybe next time the body gets done or then again maybe not! A large part of me loves the distinctive viper green, and it's original of course, the other part loves the silver.

Value wise it doesn't bother me as I have no intention of ever selling it, so I'll make the choice for me at the time. Hopefully I can stall it another 10 years before it needs another full going over, as it will be full on this time not patching and the panel cost alone will be crippling.


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184 months

Saturday 24th August 2013
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Small update!

No work done to the car as luckily it doesn't need anything! Which makes a change. So back to driving it smile

I went out today with some friends from work for a little drive over to Snowdonia and a visit to the Real Car Company to drool over some vintage Bentleys and Rolls Royces.

They gave us a run out in a 1937 Bentley which was tremendous! I was offered the chance to drive it, but discretion was the better part of valour and the thought of bending £150k of vintage Bentley down narrow Welsh lanes wasn't something I fancied.

Off to Oulton Park in the morning for the Gold Cup and a parade lap around the track to celebrate the 50th anniversary of the 911 smile


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Thursday 23rd January 2014
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Small update! As the car is hibernating this winter to avoid encouraging any more rust (I've had enough of that!) I finally decided to get the wheels refurbished, a job I've been putting off since I bought the car.

Of course being an old Porsche means this isn't a simple 'clean and spray silver' job. They have to be stripped, polished, machined, anodised and finally masked and painted. So somewhat outside the skill set of the average home restorer.

Originally the wheels were partially submerged in paint after anodising to achieve a black level line around the spokes. This time around they are masked and painted, but the results are good.

Work done by Early 911 down in Sussex:

Boxes of shiny things:

Nice detailing:

Oh and the cracked one:

Whilst I would not normally advocate welding of wheels I'm going to have to get over it as I can't source a replacement. So it's off to a man that knows of these things in the morning and then, as long as it goes OK, back down to Sussex to finish the refurb process which stopped half way when they found the crack.

Can't wait for the weather to turn (and the salt to go!) so I can get out in the car again.


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Friday 24th January 2014
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Now welded up and on it's way back to Sussex!


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Sunday 8th June 2014
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Minor update smile

Wheels now fully finished and back on the car, unfortunately they make the rest of it look a bit tatty!

Anyway had the MOT done last month; always a nervous time but a good result!

I'm off to Classic Le Mans next month so wanted to check the car over before hand and try and sort a squeaky brake. Whilst I had it up on stands I noticed one of the inner driveshaft boots had split, so not quite sure how it passed the MOT...

I hate driveshaft maintenance with a passion, always have since playing with many front drive VWs. The fixings never come off without at least one of them rounding, then you get covered in grease, fight with circlips, then fail to work out how all those little balls go back in the cage they so easily fell out of...

I only partially rounded one fixing this time, and managed to get that one out without resorting to a chisel!

Whilst I was at it I planned to do all four CV joints, not just the one that had split, as they have been one there about 10 years. Or at least I would have done if one of the CV boots wasn't in the wrong box... Still 3 out of 4 ain't bad!

Hopefully get it finished early this week when the replacement boot turns up. Then I can get it out in the sunshine for some new pictures.


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Sunday 8th June 2014
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johnfm said:
Is that as 550 replica you were out with?
Yes, one of the guys from work. Lovely little car, although he did get a bit wet!