thankyou and goodnight

thankyou and goodnight



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232 months

Monday 4th December 2006
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my gt3 left me today.

ive always wanted a porsche as long as i can remember. hell, when i was growing up and other kids wanted to be an astronaut i wanted to be a porsche. so to own one of this calibre was a huge thing for me. Huge. Most especially since i really dont earn the kind of money that could sustain or justify this kind of expenditure. but, good god am i glad that i made the stretch.

contrary to all of the nay-sayers, and a large majority of soft pooves advice, i used mine every day, for every-thing. Hell, i put 14,000 miles on it in sixth months. And, despite what everyone said, it was perfectly well suited to everything, and made every journey an experience. true enough, sometimes it was uncomfy compared to say a range rover, but do you know what? i never, ever, ever gave a about that. not once. cos, like the last cookie in the jar, the last drag of a cigarette and the first beer of the night, that car was all about moments. little, tiny, perfect moments. moments that made everything worth it. worth the expense, worth the fuel bowser following me, worth having my spine telescoped over particularly viscous discarded newspapers. cos when it did what it did, it moved me. moved me to feel that not only was i in something really special, but that I was something really special. and youve got to know, Im an ordinary bloke. I have an ordinary income. And i have ordinary abilities. And yet, in the care of this car, i felt none of those things. I can only imagine how this car would feel in the hands of someone with more of any of those facets than me. If i had to put a price on that, Id say the price of this car was more than reasonable.

Moreover, whilst were talking about money, apart from a set of tyres, a reconditioned starter motor and the fact that someone was clearly stealing petrol from me, it cost me almost nothing to run. im pretty sure i couldn t have run any other super car in this way. so, i cant even say it was destructivity indulgent in terms of cost: ive had girlfriends that cost me way more without ever making me feel this great. or for that matter, looked as good.

Im not going to try and argue that this car changed me on any level, it is just a machine after all. But, it did bring me many things, all of them happy: It brought me some of the most vivid memories ill ever attain or indeed retain; it brought me a great many admiring glances, and thats always nice; it brought me a sense that id achieved, that i had something to show for all my hard work; it brought me some of the most thrilling moments behind a wheel ever, as if constantly in a bank heist getaway; but most of all it brought me two of the most amazing chums ever. I see no reason why it could not so the same for you.

If you can, or even if you cant, buy one of these things, today. I promise, really promise, that you wont regret it.

Thanks for all the laughs gang, Ive really enjoyed my time here. hope you dont mind if i pop by from time to time wavey


Original Poster:

24,050 posts

232 months

Monday 4th December 2006
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loach said:
That post made me sad. cry

And what's with not posting here? I don't run a Porsche at the moment, and this has been, if anything, a positive boon when it comes to the pompous and opinionated effluent that spews forth and hits my keyboard like so much raw sewage *. It's liberating, because you've got no vested interest in justifying the jewel(s) residing expensively on your own driveway at any particular moment. This will all change when I get my next Porsche, of course, but then it won't be as much fun.

* All this naturally excludes Tips. I effing hate Tips.


again, loach gets my vote for poster of the year. both here and >ahem< elsewhere. whenever the voting starts, loach is my top three.


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232 months

Monday 4th December 2006
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SexPanther said:
Wonderful prose chum.

but, looking on the bright side, at least you can look back and say that's probably the longest you've ever owned a car.

true, true. and probably ever will be.

sex panther: robots in disguise.


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24,050 posts

232 months

Monday 4th December 2006
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stuttgartmetal said:
Can't you get hold of Burriana's 3.2 cheap ?
I know its a massive come down from the GT3, but your post struck a chord.....

too rich for my blood unfortunatley, since ive decide to spend much less than id originally planned. its lovely in every way, but ive managed to get the two vehicles i need for less than the price of burry's.

i would love it, but its not to be. sensible all the way for me now.

well, ish


Original Poster:

24,050 posts

232 months

Monday 4th December 2006
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thanks for all your kind words gang, it means the world to me


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24,050 posts

232 months

Monday 4th December 2006
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rich 36 said:
What else you got for sale,
Wife wants kitchen stuff?

do ye like dags?


Original Poster:

24,050 posts

232 months

Monday 4th December 2006
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semprini27 said:
Good luck Nervy. Only exchanged postings with you a few times but I was always amused and entertained.

sure your not confusing me with another nervy?


Original Poster:

24,050 posts

232 months

Monday 4th December 2006
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thanks Al, ill look forward to that beer

Edited by nervous on Monday 4th December 21:23


Original Poster:

24,050 posts

232 months

Monday 4th December 2006
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thanks boys


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24,050 posts

232 months

Tuesday 5th December 2006
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loach said:

Hey! Again... Please stop with all the goodbye talk. It is actually making me sad. You've sold what by all accounts was a GT3 amongst GT3s. But you're not buggering off for good, are you? Don't tell me 'my GT3' was a euphemism for 'my liver' or something... though if it was - you were probably ill-advised to let it go. It sounded like a belter. Who's got it now? Steve Austin?

If you're going to be busy with new pursuits or even a new business, you'll surely be back to us for the odd unsolicited lecture, irrelevant anecdote, occasional casual insult, veiled threat or even that elusive bit of genuinely relevant or helpful advice. No? In any event, selling a Porsche is like retiring from the CIA. You only think you're leaving it all behind you, but you're not. No. Mr. Wiedeking has your number, mister. Nervous? You should be....

Edited to capture escaped apostrophe. Got it now, so all sorted, thanks. Ummm....nothing to see here....move along.....

Edited by loach on Tuesday 5th December 00:22

thats it. seriously. cant we just give him the prize? im telling you, hes the best well ever see. loach for porsche forum poster of the year. motion seconded?

:donshugefalsemoustache: seconded

:ripsoffhugefalsemoustache: can we have the vote thirded?

:forgetstoreplacehugefalsemoustache: thirded. ooops, i mean :donshugefalsemoustache: thirded.

so, thats that with that then.

>humsmusicfromtheendofstarwarsandpretendstobeawookiestandingnexttoloach< ladies and gentlemen, i give you Loach, porsche forum poster of the year. *hronk*


take the bow loach, youve earned it


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24,050 posts

232 months

Tuesday 5th December 2006
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thanks LA wavey


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232 months

Tuesday 5th December 2006
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wait? did i die? if so, i want my money back cos its easily as shite here as it was at home.

thanks tho chaps, nice sentiments indeed,im really touched. unfortunatley my ego insists you only continue this for another eight or nine months, and then well have to wind it back a notch or two. laugh


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232 months

Tuesday 5th December 2006
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kayc said:

im going to miss you most of all kay


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232 months

Tuesday 5th December 2006
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anonymous said:

sure, ill do that now. 8 million words ok for you?


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232 months

Tuesday 5th December 2006
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kayc said:
It could be a great reality tv program..35 Porsche owners trying to remove their noses out of Nervous's arselaughHe had a Gt3 and sold it,who cares?move your own

or it could be a bloke with 35 nice mates, who care enough to wish him well. sure, its not TV but it is Reality.

Try it sometime, you might like it.


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232 months

Tuesday 5th December 2006
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kayc said:
Hes very entertaining i totally agree,but even he must be wondering what he has done to receive such accolades

Edited by kayc on Tuesday 5th December 15:41

i assumed it was because im awesome. perhaps im wrong? its happens. well, once. but her adams apple was very small. and in my defense, id had a few.

thanks for all your kind words and well wishes gang: its scary and exciting this


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232 months

Tuesday 5th December 2006
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C2'S'man said:
Hey nervy, just shown my partner your post; my God, even she is now begining to understand why i MUST have a gt3 in the garage soon.....thanks dude!!!!

youre welcome.

seriously, find out where slippys went and buy that. its perfect.


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232 months

Tuesday 5th December 2006
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softinthehead said:
on a more serious note, cant believe you've plumped for a lancia over a 944 - had you forgotten the fun you had in one when the gt3 was otherwise engaged?

honestly? it has everything i want: its a hoot to drive, its a bit unusual and i fancy the pants off it.

the 944 would have felt too much like a poor cousin after the three. its a great car, really, truly, and i loved it. and i will have one one day. but i need a completly different experience, cos i couldnt risk spending the money then sitting in traffic and feeling like ive cheated myself. the two porkers would have just been too similar and too different simultaneously. I had to break the pork cycle, for fear of comparison.


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Tuesday 5th December 2006
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he didnt.

strange post softy confused hope your ok chum.


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232 months

Thursday 7th December 2006
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thanks chum