some good sound advice please..

some good sound advice please..



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13,698 posts

249 months

Saturday 13th September 2003
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Hello all,

I am about to buy an interesting sports car. looking at the usual suspects up to 40K. Now I am not going to get everyone going about reliability issues or such like
( I figure its a lottery whatever you buy) , but I am interested in peoples point of view and comparisons about driving the things.

There is only so much you can learn when blagging a drive for an hour or so..

Experience? Well I have driven loads of stuff and owned a fair bit ( Elise/ Exige/964/993/996/ Esprit) and I have driven a few Griffs/ Chims, a Tuscan and a Tamora.

I love the TVR style and performance. But the Tuscan I drove had pretty scary handling - when barrelling into bumpy corners it felt really unsettled and I was not sure if it was going to understeer/ oversteer or both at the same time! When trying to get the braking done before turning in ( (911 stylee) I swore that the rear wheels were squirming and threatening to lock up.

I reckon that I am an OK driver. Been on plenty of track days, got some tuition and many , many, many years ago had a racing license,, but I am not some gifted god of a driver or ever think I will be.

Advice please ! Was this a dodgy one? Does the "red rose" malarkey sort this out?
Or should I accept that the car looks simply stunning, goes like stink, but wobbles a bit on corners?

I find myself hesitating after the Tuscan drive ( a friends car which I had to myself for a over Salisbury plains) cos it seemed so unruly. He is not really a "sporty" driver and he thinks its fine.

But I reckon the Elise I had would be quicker point to point..

Problem is that I don't want a Porsche. The Esprit V8 is sooo fast, and handles like it was made in heaven - but its a bit dated. I think the Noble is ugly ( and it does'nt have a boot).

I can't bring myself to buy an M3 - so that leaves a TVR. My mates are Lotus fans and they forever crow about handling, but my heart says buy a TVR !!!

Sensible real life advice from Tuscan drivers who "push it a bit" (in a safe environment of course) would be gratefully received.



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13,698 posts

249 months

Wednesday 17th September 2003
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Thanks for all the terrific feedback ! I have been away working for a few days, and just getting back to find so much creative, honest and constructive advice is a pleasure indeed !
The Tuscan I drove is an early one ( on an x plate I think ) and i can well believe that the S model and other later versions handle better. I have received an offer to try the new model.

I think half the pleasure of owning a special car is the sense of getting wrapped up in the ownership experience. Hearing so much positive and enthusiastic debate makes me warm to the idea of TVR ownership.

I hope to try a newer car very soon ( and maybe a T350 - I gather a targa version is available now) and I'll post some thoughts and my eventual purchase decision.

Thanks again !


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13,698 posts

249 months

Tuesday 7th October 2003
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Hi all,

As a potential Tuscan owner, I received lots of good advice from you guys about what I might expect if I bought one of your stunning machines.

As i promised to post some feedback on my decision, here goes.

I guess the nature of the site is that I am preaching to the converted, but I'll try and offer some objective 'outside looking in " observations.

Plus points: Well the Tuscan really is the most stunningly styled car on the road IMO. And the interior is equally gorgeous. Whoever styled the car deserves the same accolades as Giugiaro, Bertone et al..

Engine - awesome. Major grunt, huge torque, awesome noise.

Handling - OK, and this is where I have the problem.

Without kicking off the whole "computer aids vs human responsibility" debate again and risk a flaming, I must say that from my point of view I have a problem with the total lack of any traction controls or ABS.

The overwhelming evidence from smart men in white coats is that these things work and save lives. Granted, 99% of the time they make no difference, but that 1% might just save a life. I am not referring to if it saves my life or not ( after all I would have chosen to drive the car ) but if it saves the life of a passenger or another road user that ABS allowed me to avoid hitting, then it is definitely worth having.

I think many people accept that the Tuscan is not the best handling car on the road and can be a bit of a handful. If the Tuscan had these devices (especially if they could be switched off) then I would rush out and buy one right now.

They do not, so I'll buy a Carrera 4 instead.

However, let me sign off by saluting all you Tuscan drivers.
I will always look twice whenever I see one, and I know that a knot inside of me will kind of wish that I should have bought one.

But even though I am a reasonably experienced driver, and even though I know that I can take personal responsibility, I still have that worry about barreling around a corner to find a horse in the road , a slippery surface, and a car coming the other way. I just reckon that in the heat of the situation, any help ABS and PSM can give would be appreciated, and might save a life.

So while I truly respect the Tuscan and all who drive them, and a part of me will remain deeply jealous of you all, I guess it's just not for me.

A sale lost to TVR? Yes, but I think they'll do fine anyway.

But the Tuscan does truly rock....

As you had all responded so positively ( and the TVR community is way cooler that any other on PH , IMHO ) , I wanted to pay the respect of letting you know my decision rather than just disappear. And if it gets some discussion going, then I guess there is no harm in that.

Thanks to you all. If you see a 996 Carrera 4 driver waving or admiring your motor ( in silver - and yes I know they are as common as muck..) in the Bath area then please be nice to me....


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13,698 posts

249 months

Wednesday 8th October 2003
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Thanks, wise words,

No car can make up for duff driving, but at least I'll get what maybe an added safety net.

But compared to a Tusc, the 996 is so dull. I wonder how long it'll keep my interest...

Perhaps until TVR offer ABS in order to satisfy the US market ! I'll then be a very happy bunny and give Mr Wheeler all my money !!!


Original Poster:

13,698 posts

249 months

Wednesday 8th October 2003
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I went for the C4 cos is was there and the price was right.

The 4wd was not the issue ( a C2 with PSM is pretty planted on the road anyhow ).

But would you believe it ? I was filling up my wifes Mini One this morning and a black tuscan with black wheels was just a few feet away ( Esso in Bath on the A4 anyone?) !

It looked gorgeous - very mad max..

I reckon the predictions that I may come to the fold anyhow are not far from the truth..

I'll get the C4 out of my system and take a look again..