RE: Benn: High Fuel Prices An 'Incentive'

RE: Benn: High Fuel Prices An 'Incentive'



1,897 posts

228 months

Monday 14th July 2008
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I have a feeling that Mr Benn has forgotten that even public transport relies on fossil fuel....

Unless they have managed to convert them to run on water and hot air...


183 posts

200 months

Monday 14th July 2008
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Richards 7 said:
Therefore my view is that this has little to do with the environment and everything to do with tax rises because the government has wasted so much it's now virtually broke!


How about, first thing....

Bring back troops form Iraq and Afganistan. Pointless never ending war thats costing (US) millions per year. Try to understand that the UK is a small counrtry..... but yet and we seem to get involved in everything that has nothing to do with us. I believe the UN and NATO were put there for a reason Blair/Brown.

Benefit cheats.....again clamp down and save millions.

Immigration......More people in more fuel used, increased demand for everything, funny that!!!

I'm certain there are things i've missed but those millions saved could stop me getting MRSA and improve the public transport and general state of the roads.

If thats not what they chose to do with the money i'm sure they can get good interior designers with the money!!

Edited by Dave81 on Monday 14th July 13:01


7,884 posts

267 months

Monday 14th July 2008
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MitchT said:
Personally I hate it when articles like this use the word 'families'. It implies that single people and childless couples all enjoy massive wages and tiny living costs.
Sorry to correct you, but I'm not childless, I'm childfree (and loving it).


13,736 posts

206 months

Monday 14th July 2008
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GF350 said:
What difference does it make who owns the second hand car?
Does he want us to scrap them and buy a new one?

I think the worrying thing is that there's a lot of people in Westminster who can't think past the ends of their noses.

Here's how their train of thought runs (alledegly):
- We want people to drive more efficient cars.
- Lets imagine an average person with an inefficient car.
- Lets make the 'inefficient' car more and more expensive to run.
- Eventually the person's behaviour will be modified and they will buy a more efficient car.
- Job done. Time for some cake.

But clearly what they're missing is whoever buys the old car will still run it. Yes, it changes owners, and the original owner now has a Prius, but the car still exists and is still being used. Doesn't save the environment at all.

Here's their actual train of thought:
- st, we're running out of money because we pissed it all up the wall on seccond houses and big TV's from John Lewis.
- This 'Green' thing seems quite popular at the moment, I'm sure there's an angle there for us...
- I know, how about fuel tax and VED. Everyone knows cars are polluting, so we can badge the taxes up as being 'Green' and then harp on that we're saving the planet.
- Hold on, taxes can be used to modify behaviour but these motorists don't have an alternative so they can't reduce the tax they pay at all... Brillant, isn't it!
- Lots of money raised, mostly from those ghastly better off folk. Even better. Time for some cake.

Edited by mrmr96 on Monday 14th July 13:05


30 posts

229 months

Monday 14th July 2008
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what a numpty they are so far up their own butts they have no idea what the general public have to go through.
if they had viable alternatives in place then fair enough but they dont !

its 30 mins for me in the car on a morning / evening if i took public transport it would be 3 busses a 1 mile walk and a train how long would that take (ages because i have done it on several occasions).


361 posts

200 months

Monday 14th July 2008
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You almost can't blame the government for coming out with stuff like this, they can fill their coffers and win votes while doing it, it's just irritating that so many people belive the tripe about the environment.


227 posts

200 months

Monday 14th July 2008
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The guy is this weeks ' of the week'.


694 posts

213 months

Monday 14th July 2008
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This guy's farther was a c$%k, and so is he, along with the rest of the government. I guarantee the next thing will be council tax's rising because of a fuel surcharge. I dont think I can wait 2yrs to get these tossers out, something needs to be done now. Join then vote the BNP


1,813 posts

245 months

Monday 14th July 2008
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How about removing MP's London crash pads and making them all commute from their homes to work just like the rest of us have to. Ohh and they have to pay fuel/train fair out of their wages post tax with no chance of reclaiming expenses just like the rest of us. Would that be enough 'INCENTIVE' for them to put some tax payers money into improving roads/public transport, and reducing the cost of travel for us all?


3,012 posts

280 months

Monday 14th July 2008
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ayfy said:
in a way I agree with him. Since petrol prices have gone up I've been using my car a lot less and been thinking more about what journeys I make and whether or not I need to make them or if it's easier to take alternative transport. Also I've been driving my car more efficiently, ie. not accelerating hard and keeping a consistent speed on motorways. Obviosuly if you need to make journeys then it can be hard on your finances but IMO a lot of journey's are not necessary to be made by car and people are just lazy, at least this way it forces people to think more about whether its necessary to use the car. Getting a bicycle is a good alternative and gets you fit. I know these comments probably won't be well received on a car forum but hey.
Ok I'm going to bite...

I have a moderate 50 mile round trip commute that takes up 1 hour 30 minutes of my life a day. I cannot actually afford to move house on my single income as house prices are stratospheric. Riding a bike is obviously not an option and public transport from my home to place of work is almost non-existant. Forced to use it I would have a 1 mile walk, followed by train, followed by bus, followed by another walk, totaling approximately 4 hours of my life every day. Not something again I'm going to entertain. So I could just get a job closer to home... Err no, in the field I work in I'm pretty much stuck where I am.

I have no choice but to commute. I don't enjoy it. I'd love to be driven to work and have a read instead. I don't do it for fun, I do it to earn money.

This is the thing that the green lobby seem to forget. Fuel is NECCESSARY, the car is NECCESSARY. Without fuel there is no economy. Our haulage industry is being killed in the name of the environment. These are the same trucks that deliver your lentils to the supermarket that you drive to in your car to get your shopping. That same car that you drove to work to earn your money to buy your food with. Every time the cost of fuel rises so does the cost of living. It's not just about us evil car enthusiasts. Everything you buy has been in a truck at some point. Those costs are passed on to you.

Our country is on the edge of a precipice brought about by a nannying, overly intrusive, tax mad government and their obsession (or more accurately thier latching onto of for tax purposes) of green policy at the expense of the economy and the average man just trying to earn a living. I am sick and tired of being f**ked over by this government and interfering busy bodies. Please just f**k off and leave people to live their own lives without telling us how we should live them.

Edited by juansolo on Monday 14th July 14:39


209 posts

253 months

Monday 14th July 2008
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AndyTTC said:
Which planet does this ahole live on?!

Unlike him, not many of us can claim travel expenses from the tax payer. Unlike him, not everyone's day job is in the City of Westminster, where the public transport infrastructure is actually rather good for the UK.

Public transport is almost always not an option in anywhere but major cities, and even then, it's not always brilliant. I, for one, live 3 miles away from the nearly train station, 2 miles away from the nearest supermarket, 20-odd miles away from my office and the "local" bus runs about once an hour.

Can the honourable please tell me how I can reasonably reduce my dependence on my car?
By the way, the govenment have capped the amount company car drivers (Diesel <2.0litres) to 13p/mile. Even people who have to have a car for their jobs are now paying to work! most cars are costing 14 to 15p/mile * 30,000 miles = more tax!!

Edited by CraigyB on Monday 14th July 13:22


112 posts

230 months

Monday 14th July 2008
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Wot an utter-nutter. Just like his 'ole man.

How on earth does a political party engage

someone so out-of-touch with reality and give

them a monetary reward to delude both themselves

and to hoodwink the proletariat ?

Official Slacker

96 posts

202 months

Monday 14th July 2008
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The guy is right - High petrol prices are good for you!!

I can't afford to drive as much as I used to, and since the prices are so high whenever I've been out in my car I've had to push it - saves on the old go-juice don't you know - I've lost just over a stone so far!!wink

What a cock


3,354 posts

217 months

Monday 14th July 2008
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AndyTTC said:
I, for one, live 3 miles away from the nearly train station, 2 miles away from the nearest supermarket, 20-odd miles away from my office and the "local" bus runs about once an hour.

Can the honourable please tell me how I can reasonably reduce my dependence on my car?
idea You could make use of the vibrant housing market to move to a more practical location. Oh, wait...


39,731 posts

286 months

Monday 14th July 2008
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does this comedian have an email address?


10,529 posts

211 months

Monday 14th July 2008
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Martin_Hx said:
Weapons grade cocks more like.

Every day goes by with Labour somehow separating themselves further from the reality of every day life.

I wish public transport was a viable alernative for me - I only live 20 miles from work, but to use the train I'd have to cycle the 2 miles to the station, then do about 30 miles on trains, one change, then get a bus at the other end. It would clearly take at least an hour, closer to 90 minutes.

No thanks, I'll just have to "grin" and bear the weekly assault on my pocket when I top up the car.


69 posts

250 months

Monday 14th July 2008
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I can sort of understand what Benn means, even though I don't agree with him. But his attitude exemplifies why Labour are going to be kicked so hard and so far once the general election rolls around. They aren't solving problems to help the people, they regard the people as the problem and are trying to solve them!

The Government should be stabilising fuel costs by pegging the amount of tax they take, and they will inevitably be forced to re-think the car tax changes because they amount to retrospective legislation, which is unfair, unBritish and iniquitous. And even Labour MPs are starting to realise that.


3,354 posts

217 months

Monday 14th July 2008
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Apache said:
does this comedian have an email address?
mybrainhurts said:

'Orf you jolly well

peter pan

1,253 posts

226 months

Monday 14th July 2008
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I know the shower of sh*t are devastatingly useless and manage to mess up EVERYTHING they their claws into, But even I am amazed at the comments now coming out of the mouths of Gordon Clown and this idiot, with regard to fuel prices.
I really dont believe there is any point in them continuing any further now, they should just do the country a favour and get out NOW!. They must be very far adrift of what it means to work for a living in this country, and to have to pay to get to work. if they can come out with comments like this, They have GOT TO GO, they really, really must GO!


67,280 posts

272 months

Monday 14th July 2008
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How exactly does Mr Benn expect his government to rake in taxes if people cant get to work to earn money to pay them? Public transport for the vast majority of people are not a viable alternative in any way whatsoever. One of my sites is over 7 hours away on public transport and thats ignoring the fact that I quite regularly travel there with well over 100kgs of equipment.

This government are now skirting the edge of lunacy.