RE: Motorists To Take Blame For Cycle Crashes

RE: Motorists To Take Blame For Cycle Crashes



156 posts

183 months

Wednesday 30th September 2009
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carscribes said:
Bladedancer said:
Someone that doesn't need a licence (and was not proven capable of handling a vehicle, using the road or having any knowlegde about highway code) should have more rights than someone that has a licence and was tested and certified as "roadworthy".
Have we crossed onto the other side of the mirror already?
In my experience as a bicycle rider (as well as a car driver), the fact that the person behind the wheel may have a licence doesn't necessarily qualify him or her to be out on the road.
But having a license means the driver would have had to pass a theory test based on their knowledge of the highway code, or like myself who sat a test before the theory element was introduced, bought/borrowed and studied the highway code in preparation for the questions after the driving test.


5,535 posts

192 months

Wednesday 30th September 2009
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FFS how can any sane person think this is a good idea? Mind you, the Government are not sane individuals, so I wouldn't be surprised. If it goes through I'm employing someone to hang out of the passenger window of the Panda with a sawn off to gun down any cyclists.


9 posts

209 months

Wednesday 30th September 2009
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how about cyclist have to insure themselves when they do something stupid and damage a motorists car??? how about that??? twice ive had a cyclist come down the side of the car and hit it - but what can you do??? claim on your own insurance when it wasnt your own fault??? pathetic.

if they ride on the roads they too should be insured.


689 posts

180 months

Wednesday 30th September 2009
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Why do people keep having a pop at the government?
It's not being proposed by them and judging by the last statement never will be

B Oeuf

39,731 posts

286 months

Wednesday 30th September 2009
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hooperpride said:
Why do people keep having a pop at the government?
It's not being proposed by them and judging by the last statement never will be
forget it, no ones listening

Oddball RS

1,757 posts

220 months

Wednesday 30th September 2009
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I'd like to see the legal onus placed on all cyclists that hit pedestrians and all pedestrians that step on insects and all insects that.......

Am i alone in being confused then, as a non 'Londoner' i thought it was a legal blood sport to be able to knock cyclists off? unfortunately too many hills round here so you don't see many of the blighters.......


1,553 posts

215 months

Wednesday 30th September 2009
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drewcole81 said:
I ride my bike on and off the road and think that this is a load of C R A P....

Because I know what it's like to drive with bikes undertaking you at a junction of swinging out on you at traffic lights I try my dam hardest not to..

What they should do is make anyone wanting to ride a bike on the road have insurance to cover them incase of a crash etc... just like bloody Horse riders should have to as well.

Make them pay road tax too whilst your at it...

Govenment = W A N K E R S

Edited by drewcole81 on Wednesday 30th September 08:54
I've got an even better idea. Couldn't we just ban horses from riding on the roads. I mean, the horses can't like it as its a hrd surface, surely they'd be much happier in a field or off-road track.

Also, old people shouldn't be allowed to ride bicycles, biggrin, too many times have I pretty much had to swing right over onto the other side of the road because some old duffer can't stay in a straight line. Apologies to any old people who are good cyclists, but can't have one rule for one and another for the others, biggrin, or there should be tests or something to determine the people who can ride a bike and those who can't.


35 posts

177 months

Wednesday 30th September 2009
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There are many 70 and 80 year old riders in my cycling club. I'm sure they would be sad to be banned when a 17 year old lad can drive around in his souped up Nova.


364 posts

241 months

Wednesday 30th September 2009
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swldxer said:
To the people who think a cyclist would think it would be sensible to try and get compo by deliberately getting knocked over, I can tell you that you could end up with anything from a few grazes to being in a wheelchair for the rest of your life. What good would any sum of money be then? I'd much rather be skint but able to get on my bike rather than being stuck at home in the sunshine. Your health is the most precious thing you have, not compensation money.
That's fairly obvious. What you fail to take into account is the sheer volume of idiots who won't think through the process in the same way.

Accident = new Playstation or vast quantities of alcohol and/or drugs

The notion of personal well-being wouldn't enter into their equation until it's far too late.


238 posts

187 months

Wednesday 30th September 2009
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bales said:
Wow, so many responses and so few people who have even read the story never mind some of the sensible replies on here that actually clarify the issue.

Its funny really and pretty sad as it sums up the current demographic on here, most of the sensible reponses are from the older members...


3,652 posts

261 months

Wednesday 30th September 2009
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B Oeuf said:
hooperpride said:
Why do people keep having a pop at the government?
It's not being proposed by them and judging by the last statement never will be
forget it, no ones listening
Given the nonsense you come out with, it's clear that you're not! wobble



18 posts

205 months

Wednesday 30th September 2009
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what!!! you mean like the to$$er that cycled through a red lighted PEDESTRIAN crossing in front of me causing me to brake very hard and still hit the t***. So the fact i was travelling at 20mph in a 30 mph limit, with my lights on going through a green lighted junction (with pedestrian crossing controlled by ligfhts) makes it MY FAULT that he cycled from the footpath at great speed, through said red light over a crossing designed to be walked over straight into the front of my car!! Absolute B*****!! He took me to court after £50,000 compensation. When I hit him, he had NO INSURANCE, so could not claim for damages off him. Amazingly, 5 days later, blame and claim he has insurance to sue me. I took it all in my stride, NOT, and fought him in court. What a joy for common sense, cqse dismissed he copped for my court costs. Still lost a day off work and the cost of repair to my car. Each case bshould be tried on its merits and you are INNOCENT UNTIL PROVEN GUILTY, i thought that was the premise for justice in this country. God I hate these interfering bloody do-gooders. Sorry if i offended anyone but I got a tad annoyed when i read that.


1,215 posts

183 months

Wednesday 30th September 2009
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well in my opinion if a motorist needs trainning to be on the road.why not make it law for that way they know the highway code which most probably should lead to less accidents in the first place.i am a cyclist and a petrol head.and trainning could save well a huge insurance bill for the motorist...............


35 posts

177 months

Wednesday 30th September 2009
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You would not be to blame if this idea got passed here, which is highly unlikely anyway. The burden of proof would be on you as the driver of the bigger vehicle to prove you weren't at fault. You did do this in court and quite rightly was not to blame. That would not change at all.

Escort Si-130

3,284 posts

182 months

Wednesday 30th September 2009
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This is just total 4kin Bull.So if a stupid tree hugging tosspot cyclist hists your car when you are stationary at traffic lights, then it would also be your fault I guess then.
The majority of cyclists out there are friggin prats, they are WORSE than those pizza mopeds especially in centralLondon and I do not feelsorry for most of them when they get knocked over or hit, they deserve it.If you ride like a kant then you deserve wats coming.
They ride without helmets, swerve stupidly in and out of moving traffic and expect cars to stopon a knife edge they dont use lights at night, but then wonder why when you pull out on a rainy night when your mirrors are covered with raindrops and it is not as easy to see the idiots since they have no light.
I am sick of this stupidness from this blasted government about cyclists, they are bloody fools and are part to blame why people ride like kants.


13,334 posts

285 months

Wednesday 30th September 2009
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Oh dear, oh dear. God save me from these 'overeducated' people who come up with hairbrained ideas. No wonder this country is in the st!

Cyclist on a whim, decides to simply turn in front of my car. I can't avoid him so he's knocked off. He sues me.

We exchange details.
I immediately drive back home, get 'my bike'biggrin out of the shed, get up a good head of speed and crash my bike deliberately into the first 'nice and wealthy' car i see, (let's say a Porsche - just so I am confident he or she are insured!) and I then sue him.

Check Mate!
or should that be sizeable 'Cheque' Mate?biggrin

Em Hay Dee

Edited by dandarez on Wednesday 30th September 13:40


1,930 posts

242 months

Wednesday 30th September 2009
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How stupid.

Next thing you know, if some scrote runs in front of me with a nicked DVD player under his arm, I'll be held automatically responsible if I hit him because I'm a motorist.

Why anyone decides to cycle along main roads without cycle-lanes in rush hour is beyond me, yet I see it on a daily basis. I'd rather have a large carbon footprint that a large HGV mirror embedded in the back of my head.


2,032 posts

186 months

Wednesday 30th September 2009
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As a keen cyclist and petrol head I agree that this is a mad idea, whoever is at fault should be responsible.

However, most drivers in cars are blind to cyclists and would almost run them over rather than give them any consideration. I do not go through red lights or ride on the pavement, and like to think I am a considerate road user, regardless of the form of transport I am using.

The other morning, a fat c*** in a transit pick up passed me too close. So I give him a load of verbal and raise my hand in a v-sign, at which point the back of his van catches my hand. That is too close, whether or not my hand is by my side or at full arm's length. He then brakes and obviously wants to get into the finer points of this, but the volume of traffic means he can't just stop, so he waits for me in the nearest layby. Maybe I am mentally deficient, but if I had done that I would have said sorry, not been looking for a fight.

Further on, a dope in a Zafira pulled out in front of me causing me to swerve and brake. I give him a load of verbal too, and then because the traffic is moving slowly, I catch him, so we argue about it, me on my bike, him is his 1.5 ton heap of Luton's finest, moving along the road at 15-20 mph. I tell him what the problem is, so he starts edging his heap nearer and nearer to me. So, some other clown in the wrong, and he is threatening me with his vehicle. What a big man!

The fact is that in most towns today, a push-bike is as quick as a car. I can certainly out-brake and out-steer anything on four wheels, and with the aid of a slight downhill, 30 mph is not difficult. I am infinitely more vulnerable than even a motorbike, and I just want to be able to make my journies in safety. I think this is what Cycling England are driving at.


13,334 posts

285 months

Wednesday 30th September 2009
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I can see your point, but Cycling England has got it wrong. You can't just have a one-sided 'win only' guise.

Perhaps, the solution is more visible policing of the roads?

As for confronting drivers, it's an immediate reaction to give the Vs etc. But you are vulnerable, so I wouldn't do it... next time the fat 'c***t' (that conjurs up a vision of ...never mind!!!) might just jump out and stick a bl**dy great bread knife in you.

Just report them, it could be on CTV (not that anything will be done, but you will still be alive - far more important!)


76 posts

192 months

Wednesday 30th September 2009
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dr_rallye said:
Yes it is fair to say that some cyclists ignore the rules of the road. It drives me mad every day - I actually have a go at the f***ers who give us all a bad name. Clearly they've never been in a bad car vs bike accident. If they had they'd have a lot more respect for the road traffic act and wouldn't jump the lights etc. Over the years through no fault of my own, I have been over the bonnet three times of cars that pulled out of side streets onto a main road without looking and once through a windscreen.

So the flip side to this is whilst there are bad cyclists there are a lot of bad drivers out there too. Many don't have insurance, so insurance premiums are linked to this too. When cyclists crash into cars then clearly insurance is an issue. Some cyclists do have insurance through British Cycling, CTC and IMBA amongst other organisations. It's not compulsory, but when you are riding in some cases a bike that is several grands worth of kit, you get insurance to make sure you don't end up out of pocket through no fault of your own in a crash.
QFE - First thing I did with my Pinarello was insure it smile

Ive been knocked off of my (last) bike twice, once by someone just pulling out of a sidestreet and hoping for the best, and once by someone overtaking me (misjudging the speed I was traveling at, pulling back in far too soon and making contact.)

I dont so much want laws to protect me as a tank following me on my evening tens, weekend rides etc, with live ammo.

(However my 'worst' fall was riding through Stratford, just past the river where roughly 7 million people were gathered in the sun enjoying the afternoon. I stopped at some lights, completely failed to get my feet out of the cleats, fell over and then had to ask one of the 7 million people who were now laughing at me to phone for a taxi to take my broken wrist to A&E. Really quite embarrasing...)