When people jump red lights

When people jump red lights



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22,722 posts

236 months

Tuesday 8th October 2019
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It fking hurts


Original Poster:

22,722 posts

236 months

Tuesday 8th October 2019
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Zarco said:
No! Didn't you post yesterday that it was getting silly with red light jumpers on your commute?

Hope the damage isn't too bad and the culprit is in the st.
Yeah, that was me.

It was at the Brampton Hut roundabout, I'd left A1 north to go around the roundabout towards Huntingdon. My lights went green, I edged forward as an Eddie Stobart lorry decided that he didn't need to pay attention to reds. After he'd passed, I looked right, saw a van approaching, well before the lights so (stupidly) assumed he'd stop for the red. I went forward, he jumped the red and... splat. The weird slow-motion sensation of thinking; "Oh. Yeah. He's going to hit me now. This is going to hurt." followed by the crunch.


  • Both cars at the front of the queue had dashcams and both gave me their cards and are going to send the footage to me and the attending police officer
  • The second car in the queue was driven by an off-duty Met officer who called the police and the ambulance. She was amazing and I need to find out who she was
  • Ambulance and police were on the scene in about 2 minutes, which was impressive
  • The van driver didn't attempt to do a runner
No broken bones for me, amazingly. I suspect I may be made of similar stuff to Wolverine or something.Will be on crutches for a couple of weeks, though. Hurts like a b*tch.


Original Poster:

22,722 posts

236 months

Tuesday 8th October 2019
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Mr Dendrite said:
Ouch! I Dislike that roundabout a lot! Hope you repair quickly.
I know, right? It really was just a matter of time on that roundabout. It was either going to be that one or Spittals because *everyone* ignores red lights at those. Totally bonkers.


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22,722 posts

236 months

Tuesday 8th October 2019
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bogie said:
Sorry to hear Martin frown glad to hear you are relatively ok, at least you have good witnesses, should save hassle later.

dainese airbag trousers are required.....perhaps one day they will make a suit that inflates like a zorb ball and you can roll off down the road as soon as you leave the bike smile
Not a bad idea smile

The most annoying thing was today was the 2nd of wearing my lovely new Dainese Antartica jacket and trousers. Bought because I'd lost a few stone in weight and dropped a few sizes.

His insurance company are going to have a nasty bill for that stuff.


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22,722 posts

236 months

Wednesday 9th October 2019
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yonex said:
GWS, hope the tt gets what he deserves. People are so bloody stupid sometimes.
It was a company van, too. If he ends up without a licence and unemployed, that'd be super. That's what I think he deserves.

Just got back from A&E after having to return at 3am this morning due to searing agony from my leg. The swelling had been trapping nerves and doing all kinds of st which made my foot feel like it was being dunked in fire.


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22,722 posts

236 months

Wednesday 9th October 2019
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moanthebairns said:
GWS, hows the bike?
Not too bad, as I recall. I remember seeing a mirror on the ground but not much else. I had the bike recovered to my local dealer and he said it's really not too bad but will work on a quote.


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22,722 posts

236 months

Thursday 10th October 2019
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£2,746.12 to get the Africa Twin back together.
£2,514.79 to replace my damaged clothing/helmet.


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22,722 posts

236 months

Thursday 10th October 2019
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RemyMartin81D said:
Can always be worse.

Get well soon.
I must admit, I did think of you when I was on the way to the hospital. Hope you're doing well.


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22,722 posts

236 months

Thursday 10th October 2019
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RemyMartin81D said:
I should also point out if it was me in your situation, I'd be plotting how I'd murder the person who did it lol.
I'll be doing whatever I can to make his life as hard as possible. It was the fact he watched an Eddie Stobart lorry jump the red and nearly hit me and then decided he'd follow anyway that I find particularly irksome. To me, that's a conscious decision to do the wrong thing and disregard the consequences. I have a full interview with the police on Saturday morning but I've already heard mention of Causing Injury by Dangerous Driving mentioned, which I believe is a pretty serious offence.


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22,722 posts

236 months

Saturday 12th October 2019
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Just had a phone call from the police. They think they're going to put forward prosecution for due care and attention and send him on a driver awareness course. Yes, his punishment for knowingly driving through a red light in rush hour, 5-10 seconds after it turned red and hitting someone, leaving them in agony, unable to walk and unable to attend work is most likely going to have to be to pay £100 and sit in a classroom for a few hours.

We are not amused.


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22,722 posts

236 months

Saturday 12th October 2019
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Trevor555 said:
Are they saying they haven't got the evidence to prosecute for failing to stop at a red light?

A driver awareness course is a proper cop out, for that scenario.. You could have been killed FFS....
Oh, they have the evidence. Just being useless.


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22,722 posts

236 months

Monday 14th October 2019
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The van driver is claiming that his light was green. What do you think?


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22,722 posts

236 months

Monday 14th October 2019
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anonymous said:
Yeah, we all know it's bks. The lights were probably in transition when the orange A2B lorry went through them. The Stobart lorry definitely went through on red and the van went through the red about five seconds after that.


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22,722 posts

236 months

Monday 14th October 2019
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Dibble said:
First off, I’m glad you’re ok and have “only” got bumps and bruises. I’m disappointed you only thought about that elevenerfier, Remy, and didn’t even consider me... wink
You're lucky I'm not bringing charges against you for having to look at your arse.

Dibble said:
As someone above mentioned, don’t be too hasty to settle any claim, make sure your injuries are all sorted, even if it means waiting a bit longer. I know it’s a pain, but the difference could be a fair few quid.

Lastly, with regard to driving offences, it’s not the outcome of the driving that’s measured, it’s the standard of it. Until a few years ago, if you were driving without due care and attention and happened to kill someone as a result, you would only have been prosecuted for DWDCA. Fortunately, the law has since changed and there is now a separate offence of causing death by DWDCA, which (rightly, IMHO), carries a heavier penalty than a simple DWDCA.

If the driving isn’t bad enough for the threshold of “dangerous”, it’ll only ever be prosecuted as a due care offence. Depending on which side of the fence you’re on (offender or aggrieved), one of the available options of a driver improvement/awareness scheme can seem like a godsend or an absolute piss take.

I know in my force, everything road traffic wise gets sent through and processed by a central unit and it’s there the actual decisions on prosecutions/courses (where they fit in with the guidelines) are made, it’s not down to the cop who attends on the day. That said, the officer can “suggest” a preferred outcome, especially if there are mitigating or aggravating factors.

If you’re not happy with the possibility of a course being offered, you need to raise it ASAP, ideally in writing (email would do and it would obviously be quicker than by post, as well as not having the opportunity to get “lost”). As a victim, you’re entitled to ask about any decision making process for prosecutions and your views should be taken into account. However, that doesn’t necessarily mean that you’ll get the van driver prosecuted.

It’s not just traffic stuff, there are more and more schemes to divert people away from being prosecuted for the less serious stuff. Try not to take it personally, it’s just how the system is at the moment I’m afraid. The whole criminal justice system/courts are absolutely creaking at the seams and it’s a wonder any of it functions. As I say, it’s not personal to you, it’s down to inefficiencies and cuts.

Again, I’m glad you’re ok and that hopefully, the bike can get sorted. I’m not trying to “Dibblesplain” to you, because I’m in the same position, the driver who pulled out on me didn’t even get sent on a course, let alone prosecuted! It’s an imperfect system, but it does hopefully allow the more serious stuff to get dealt with. That’s not much consolation when you’re the victim of the less serious stuff.

I hope you’re up and about soon.
I do understand all that, Dibble, honestly I do but it's so hard to let it go when the van driver was so far over the line of taking the piss that I can't see any other way of viewing it other than dangerous. I guess we'll have to wait and see what happens.


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22,722 posts

236 months

Monday 14th October 2019
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Biker's Nemesis said:
Thats a fair bat he gave you. I'm surprised you have nothing broken.
I've never broken a bone in my body. I've either been incredibly lucky or I'm Wolverine.


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22,722 posts

236 months

Tuesday 15th October 2019
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Drawweight said:
The bike cost I can understand but what kind of kit were you wearing to cost 2 and a half grand?
Good stuff! Though once all the insurance claims are settled, I've decided to sell the bikes and give up on riding.


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22,722 posts

236 months

Wednesday 16th October 2019
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RemyMartin81D said:
Give up? Really?
Yeah, it's not a cop out, it just feels like the right time.


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236 months

Saturday 19th October 2019
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Just had a call from the police officer dealing with it and now that he's seen the footage, he's told me there's zero chance the van driver is getting off lightly. So that's good news.


Original Poster:

22,722 posts

236 months

Thursday 7th November 2019
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And now, 4 weeks and 2 days later, the other party's insurance company has finally accepted liability and the bike can be repaired.


Original Poster:

22,722 posts

236 months

Thursday 7th November 2019
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Pica-Pica said:
Good luck for the future (always look right while waiting, and when pulling away at roundabout traffic lights!)
I did. What isn't immediately clear in the video is that I pulled forward ahead of my line but before their lane as I saw the Stobbart lorry had zero intention of stopping, which puts me in a position where I can absolutely seen from the traffic on the right. I also saw the van slow to an almost stop and then just as I committed to go, he decided to do the same thing, which is why there's a suspiciously large gap between the Stobbart lorry and the van.