Attempted theft, Car torched.

Attempted theft, Car torched.



8,293 posts

279 months

Thursday 11th April 2002
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You underestimate the depth of passion many of us have for our TVR's. There is also the minor fact that this was one of the last 100 Griffs and was in that sense a limited edition and irreplaceable.

If you truly believe that it was 'just a car' then you have no place here, and you are an insensitive prick to boot. Clear off.


67,280 posts

272 months

Thursday 11th April 2002
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Short, sweet and apt.

Top work Phil.



40,578 posts

285 months

Thursday 11th April 2002
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If it's any consolation at all, these pics remind me of an unfortunate incident that my solicitor experienced.

He had a Griff 500 (identical to mine) and a mint (unrestored) E-Type series 1. Lost them both when some newspaper (which was under the Jag to catch any leaks) caught fire as he ran the car into the garage. The fire caught tremendously fast - cans of oil, creasote etc. made good accellerant - and he lost both cars, and was lucky the fire brigade got there before the house caught.

(I think his chassis (despite being even more thoroughly burnt out than yours) might be the one used by David Gerald for their Griff sprint/track day car.)

Hope your unpleasant experience doesn't put you off enjoying you cars & motoring for too long.


115 posts

285 months

Thursday 11th April 2002
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You can bet your boots if you caught the little b@stards and gave them a kicking you'd be the one who got nicked. I had my car door kicked whilst I was in it by some drunken twa@t who I'd let cross the road as he was pi55ed up.Next time I see the Kunt I'm gonna wheelspin on his friggin head

adam tucker

7 posts

272 months

Thursday 11th April 2002
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I've read all the treads and was shocked and saddened by the pictures as we all are. Ken - I hope that you can see this in the 'grand context of life' and the move and the fact that you're Ok will act as (small I'm sure) consolation.

Re the retribution point - I'm going to make myself unpopular here and suggest that the only thing for your long term sanity is to try and forgive the little buggers and move on - anger only harms the person that is angry and they won't even know or care if you're spitting feathers for the next few years. They know not what they do and you need to move on. I agree that they will recieve judgement in the end, though baseball bats and the like is us going down to their level - hopefully thats not were we really want to be guys ?

Good luck with sorting out an appropriate replacement and get another Tiv not a hot hatch - that's adding further pain to the misery....


62 posts

268 months

Thursday 11th April 2002
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it's bad to hear stories like this. thing is though, if you'd heard them and gone out there blazing away with a baseball bat, you'd be in the dock.

all too easy for the high and mighty to say 'it's only a car', but balls to that, if i caught anyone trying to nick my tvr, god help them. islamic shira(sp) law would work quite nicely in these cases.


39,754 posts

286 months

Thursday 11th April 2002
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Sorry to hear and see your loss.
I just cant understand the mentality of the little scrotes who perpetrated this heineous crime.

If TVR wanted to do a little PR they could knock you up a road going tuscan to see you through..


Paul V

4,489 posts

279 months

Thursday 11th April 2002
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It’s very said to see what some little arseholes can do to our pride and joy’s, but glad you’ll live to see another TVR hopefully!!


182 posts

270 months

Thursday 11th April 2002
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WOW, Just saw the pics. Feel really bad for you. I have had my car vandalised/stolen 7 times in 4 years. Nothing upsets me more than car vandals/thieves. In the old days a man would be hung and killed for nicking your horse, which seems like far better justice than that dished out these days. Trick is to simply think of these people as worthless scum who will never be able to get a TVR for themselves, and look forward to your insurance company buying you a new one (not another Griff I know).

Sorry again,


8 posts

266 months

Thursday 11th April 2002
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TVR , british car company , a true british sports car!
do you think they would do this to a ferarri in itay?
very sad

tazi , chimp 500


3,786 posts

276 months

Thursday 11th April 2002
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People really do disgust me sometimes - my sympathies go out to anyone who has ever experienced something like this.

I also wanted to comment on the 'it's only a car' issue which has been raised on this forum. If he's anything like the rest of us, it isn't just a car, it's the embodiment of all the hard work he's done and all the things he's gone without so that he can afford it. More than that, it's also the embodiment of all the times he's probably sat back and thought, "I can't wait to get my Griffith." That's certainly how I feel about my Chimaera anyway. Therefore, to cricise people for empathising is ignorant and insensitive at best, and in fact I find it difficult to believe that someone who had been through the things I've just talked about could say such a thing.

Regarding the kind of person who perpetrates this kind of offence, I have to agree that more than likely it was a 'no-hoper' who will almost certainly never achieve anything. My only advice is always to remember that, "the best revenge is to live a good life." This is something I believe in 100% - we shouldn't stoop to their level and give them a beating if we caught them (though I suspect I would have found it difficult to practice what I am preaching if I'd caught them in the act, but that doesn't mean the principle is worthless) the law should provide an adequate punishment. The simple fact is that the law doesn't protect people like us, in fact they often persecute people like us. This might seem strange given that we probably pay more taxes and commit fewer (non-speeding-related) crimes than the population average, but the simple fact is that we are easy meat.

Think about this: The Inland Revenue, contrary to urban legend, concentrate on small business and self-employed people, not big businesses and multi-million pound fraudsters. This is simply because the return/effort ratio is more favourable for the small guy. So, it makes economic sense to target such people. However, does it make moral sense? I think not. That's what it comes down to these days - think about speeding vs. burglary, the principle is no different.

Anyway, sorry to rant on but I feel very strongly about this kind of thing (I am hoping to start up my own political party in the near future) so thought I would share my opinions with anyone strong-willed enough to read all the way to the end!



9,238 posts

286 months

Thursday 11th April 2002
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You underestimate the depth of passion many of us have for our TVR's. There is also the minor fact that this was one of the last 100 Griffs and was in that sense a limited edition and irreplaceable.

If you truly believe that it was 'just a car' then you have no place here, and you are an insensitive prick to boot. Clear off.

Spot on Phil, and I thought I was blunt


14,694 posts

272 months

Thursday 11th April 2002
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Many moons ago when my Tickford MG was stolen, thrashed and trashed I was informed by the social worker who was at court nurturing the three little vermin that did it (all under 16 and one of whom was out on bail cos he'd knocked down and killed a woman the previous month whilst driving a Sierra Cossie he had just nicked), that it was MY fault that my car was stolen!
I remember her words very clearly:
"What do you expect when you put things like that in plain view of these poor under privelaged children?"

I don't suppose it would have made any difference if I had told her that I was brought up in a one parent family on a council estate and that I had worked my balls off for everything I'd got.
She had her view: I was a rich c**t and I could afford to pay. Even the copper who'd caught them told me off record that a visit from Bertie and his magic Baseball Bat would be the only thing these kids would understand. As for the social worker, well words just failed me. If you ever wanted a reason for why things like this happen just take a look at people like that.

Mega dittos on the sympathy for your loss
Andy 400se


203 posts

266 months

Thursday 11th April 2002
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The punishment required :

Plup fiction: Hard hitting n*gg**s with pliers and blow torches

Casino: lump hammer to Hand

Casino: Head in Vice

Robo Cop: Shot in Balls

anyone have any better ideas?


75,191 posts

274 months

Thursday 11th April 2002
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Think about this: The Inland Revenue, contrary to urban legend, concentrate on small business and self-employed people
Just how many I.T. Contractors do we have here, I wonder?

Maybe Ted could set up a poll - one vote per username, but the results wouldn't reveal who's who.


34,441 posts

305 months

Thursday 11th April 2002
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Corresponded with TVR who suggest that Nigel at Harrogate might have a new Griff in blue.


2,745 posts

275 months

Thursday 11th April 2002
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Just how many I.T. Contractors

Please forgive my ignorance, but what is an IT contractor?
Thank you


1,244 posts

268 months

Thursday 11th April 2002
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Someone who is one page ahead of you in Computers for dummies.


2,745 posts

275 months

Thursday 11th April 2002
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Aha ok


125 posts

284 months

Thursday 11th April 2002
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Think about this: The Inland Revenue, contrary to urban legend, concentrate on small business and self-employed people
Just how many I.T. Contractors do we have here, I wonder?
