Mac : Creating Links To Networked Resources?

Mac : Creating Links To Networked Resources?


The Dude

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6,546 posts

249 months

Monday 7th May 2007
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Rather than keep going through the "Connect To Server" process everytime I want to connect to a network resource, I thought I'd make a folder on my desktop that had links to commonly accessed drives & folder on the various Macs in the house.

In turn I connected to the resource, made an alias of that on the desktop, renamed the alias to something useful and then moved the alias into my newly created "Network Folders" folder.

Everything seemed to work fine. I could double click the links and the computer would connect to the necessary machine (and authenticate the connection through adding the passwords to my keychain etc.). I could even drag-and-drop files onto the link and, despite displaying a "no entry" sign, after a little delay it would copy the file to the intended destination. Awesome!

However, after some playing around I noticed something a little strange.

If I want to create a "shortcut" to the desktop on two different machines, both of them seem to resolve to the same machine. i.e. I have "Desktop TvMacMini" as one link and "Desktop MacServer" as another, each supposedly linked to the desktop on the respective machines but double clicking either of them opens the desktop on the TvMacMini, even though both have different (and fixed) IP addresses on the network.

I guess it's something to do with what info is (or is not it seems) stored in the alias link. The question is, where is the "afp://...." path stored for these links? Or, even better, am I going about it the wrong way and what would be a cleverer way to do the same task?

The Dude

Original Poster:

6,546 posts

249 months

Monday 7th May 2007
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Thanks for the reply.

I installed Sharepoints and followed the instructions but no matter what folders/drives I set to be shared in Sharepoints, when browsing to that computer over the network only the hard drive (system) and my home folder appear as shared resources. Do you think there's a clash between Sharepoints and the Personal File Sharing settings in the Sharing pref pane? (I currently have that switched on)

The Dude

Original Poster:

6,546 posts

249 months

Monday 7th May 2007
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Might have answered my own question here.

With Sharepoints, it seems that to access the newly created shared reources you have to connect as a non-admin user. To do that, create a new share-only user and then use these credentials when connecting to the shared folder. Then it works perfectly. thumbup