morning blast.



Original Poster:

1,938 posts

259 months

Sunday 28th March 2004
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Went out for an early morning blast down to cornwall on the A30m and spotted a green chimera, a red griffith, a bright red ultima and a white bond style esprit. they werent all together but still nice to see they get out and about.
Anyone else see any nice cars this morning?


3,519 posts

259 months

Sunday 28th March 2004
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Just come back from the Somerset TVRCC meet at Haselbury Mill. Spotted a white TVR S(2?) parked outside the pub near Cricket St.Thomas.

Also a Ferrari 355, in red of course, on the A30 at Monkton, near Honiton.

>> Edited by pstruck on Sunday 28th March 15:31