Importing A Westfield Kit to New Zealand

Importing A Westfield Kit to New Zealand



Original Poster:

4 posts

170 months

Tuesday 2nd November 2010
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Hi guys and girls,

I posted this in the "Kit Car" section but was wondering if anyone here could help me...

Basically, I'm thinking of importing a complete Westfield kit to New Zealand when I move over early next year and was wondering what pitfalls I might expect in terms of NZ customs with what is essentially car parts and then trying to get the car road legal when I've built it.

Any advice you can give me would be greatfully recieved!




4,614 posts

285 months

Tuesday 2nd November 2010
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customs, you will have to pay GST (15%) on value and pehaps some more duty depending on the origen of the car parts

Your issue is goning to be more around whether it will be able to be certified , denpending on volume of car producton me thinks and frontal impact regs E.G. TVRs ran foul a few years back and I think the only way to get them in now is as a special interest vehicle

but here will be a few along later that will fill you in better biggrin


Original Poster:

4 posts

170 months

Tuesday 2nd November 2010
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Thanks for replying, lestag. Well, the parts will be straight from the Westfield factory and will all be brand new... I'd hoped to avoid GST but hey, what you going to do? :-)

The big worry as you say is getting the car road legal when I've bolted it all together. I spoke to Westfield and they said that they've shipped one to NZ before and that they'd try and get in contact with the owner to help me out.

I've always wanted to build a Caterham/Westfield and thought that coming to NZ would be the perfect place and opportunity to do it... it'll be a shame if my plans get scuppered at the first hurdle!

Cheers for you help lestag!


321 posts

179 months

Tuesday 2nd November 2010
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And this is the other website to look at
There are kit car makers in NZ, and I know a couple of people that have imported Stratos replicas, so it can be done. So as long as you get as much info as possible before you proceed I'm sure it shouldn't be too big a problem.

Atom Johnny

1,072 posts

185 months

Tuesday 2nd November 2010
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You need to talk to Graham who is 'Kiwi XTR2' on this forum.


3 posts

170 months

Wednesday 3rd November 2010
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An alternative to importing would be one of the local manufacturers that will ease the compliance/registration issues you might otherwise face. They will also have designs based around (relatively) easily source components here in NZ. Have a look at:

Who are 2 local manufacturers of high-quality 7-esque cars and kits.




Original Poster:

4 posts

170 months

Wednesday 3rd November 2010
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Hi jmsnz. Thanks for those links... You made me reassess what I'm going to do now! I love the look of the Fraser Clubman S, very Caterham, which is my favourite 7! It now looks like I'm going to wait until I arrive in Auckland in January and visit Fraser and see about ordering one.. After taking one for a good test drive first though! Does anyone know how the Fraser compares with something like a Caterham Superlight?




3 posts

170 months

Wednesday 3rd November 2010
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My understanding is that the Fraser is dimensionally the same/very similar to a Caterham and the McG's are bigger, more like the later model Westfields.

No real idea how a Fraser compares with a Superlight. You have a wide range of engines, but the common 2 litre 3S-GE starts at around 175bhp and goes up from there, so I am sure you can match the power-to-weight ratio, and as you are biulding the quality as well. You might also checkout a 7's forum at



Kiwi XTR2

2,693 posts

241 months

Thursday 4th November 2010
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Neil Fraser, who founded Fraser Cars, has subsequently sold the company but is now a LVVTA Certifier. So he would be an excellent guy to get hold of to discuss the options.

A container is the expensive way to import, but the worry of damage is much less smile


196 posts

224 months

Thursday 4th November 2010
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Is another option. Larger, sevenesque with MX5 running gear.

For a look at 7 clones made in NZ the CCC website has a lot in the featured club cars index
Second hand 7 clones come up regularly on Trademe.


Edited by Marksteamnz on Thursday 4th November 19:30


823 posts

293 months

Friday 5th November 2010
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Frasers are nice but personally I'd rather have the original and the best (IMHO), the Caterham. Given the strength of the Kiwi dollar the price of a Caterham kit is very competitive with the local machines. You shouldn't have any trouble getting any of these on the road via a good low volume vehicle inspector.

TR Group

1 posts

12 months

Tuesday 6th February 2024
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If you need to transport your vehicle to your final destination in New Zealand you can also try


200 posts

55 months

Wednesday 7th February 2024
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Another possible option once in NZ.