3D Printed Door Caps and Other Rubber Bits

3D Printed Door Caps and Other Rubber Bits


glow worm

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6,081 posts

232 months

Monday 13th November 2023
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mitch79 said:
Hello I am interested in a pair of A - B - C caps for my Tamora
I've responded to your PM....can only do "B" post currently .... But I've re-engineered the "mucket seal" to be thicker and the TPE material stronger than silicon and adheres better , so less likely to drop off or perish smile

PS When RACETECH are selling them at £47 ( plus VAT) each , I can understand why mine at £40 a pair are selling so well smile


PPS Anyone wanting Ford Capri "mucket seals" are now on offer @ £20 a pair smile

Edited by glow worm on Monday 13th November 16:56


10,614 posts

230 months

Tuesday 14th November 2023
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Apologies GW. Unfortunately, my diary has become completely full with projects and tasks.

I need to get back into the car (Tamora for those that have asked for cappings) in the next couple of weeks and will get you shots of the A and C caps plus the plasticine temp item C pillar that I did. I think the C pillar could benefit from being taller.

I'll look at removing them and getting them up to you.

glow worm

Original Poster:

6,081 posts

232 months

Wednesday 15th November 2023
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mk1fan said:
Apologies GW. Unfortunately, my diary has become completely full with projects and tasks.

I need to get back into the car (Tamora for those that have asked for cappings) in the next couple of weeks and will get you shots of the A and C caps plus the plasticine temp item C pillar that I did. I think the C pillar could benefit from being taller.

I'll look at removing them and getting them up to you.
Stewart , no worries.... This morning I've got hold of examples of both the Tamora "A" & "C" post mucket seals... So I'll try scanning them and hopefully have them available quite soon.


110 posts

242 months

Wednesday 22nd November 2023
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whats the latest on the Saggaris A pillar caps?

i'm def on for a pair

been tardy as busy building a GR Yaris engine into my GT3 bodies Lotus Exige.

ps if you win the lottery i could be persuaded

glow worm

Original Poster:

6,081 posts

232 months

Wednesday 22nd November 2023
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Ross14 said:
whats the latest on the Saggaris A pillar caps?

i'm def on for a pair

been tardy as busy building a GR Yaris engine into my GT3 bodies Lotus Exige.

ps if you win the lottery i could be persuaded
Hi Ross,

I've got one pair from a Tamora "A" posts (which I am pretty sure are the same as a Sag). I am charging £100/pair (+£7 P&P) , because they take 12 hours and 30 metres of filament to make each one.and when something goes wrong i have to start the whole process again. As with the TVR originals they may need a bit of fettling for a perfect fit...I find using my dremel with a small paper sanding cylinder works quite well. PM me your address and I will give you my details if you are still interested.
I did not think there was a problem with my sag when you bought it ...i did replace a "B" post mucket... Are you sure you want the "A" post ones and not the "B" post ?...
The "B" posts are very popular and I have 5 pairs in stock.
Nice to hear from you smile

PS Today I got up at 3:30 AM to start an "A" post mucket for a Tuscan, it will finish at 8pm after 16hours 30 mins and 40 metres of filament.... just half an hour to go smile

Edited by glow worm on Wednesday 22 November 19:32

glow worm

Original Poster:

6,081 posts

232 months

Wednesday 22nd November 2023
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Tamora/T350/Sagaris "A" & "B" Post muckets

The insides aren't so pretty, because you can't 3D print in mid air, they require removable support structures which leave the rough surface. But since i try to keep the support structures on hidden areas, i regard it doesn't matter.

3D printed Tuscan "A" post with support structures and a TVR silicon original


1 posts

10 months

Wednesday 29th November 2023
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Hello and good evening.
I need a pair of the rear rubber end caps for the doors of my Tamora.
I could pay by PayPal or bank transfer.
How much are those caps including posting to Germany.

Kind regards

glow worm

Original Poster:

6,081 posts

232 months

Wednesday 29th November 2023
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A Tamora should have 3 door caps ..."A" ,"B" and "C" posts
I'm selling pairs only ..because they are better matched...£80 for "A" , £50 for "B" , £20 for "C" ... but if you want all three then £130 plus £10 postage and packing ..Send me an e-mail via my profile

I've improved the appearance of the insides of the "A" post ones

PS Some Tamoras may have ones slightly differently shaped , these are the only ones I have to date

Edited by glow worm on Wednesday 29th November 20:49


126 posts

241 months

Friday 23rd February
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Just a quick note of thanks to Glow Worm for his outstanding work on producing these.

As with all things tvr the ones for my Sag are slightly different to the ones he had produced already. I could have made them fit but after a quick email to Keith a new modified set arrived in the post today.

Would highly recommend Keith, absolute pleasure to deal with and goes above and beyond for us TVR owners.

bemand 123

1 posts

6 months

Sunday 10th March
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Hi 👋, I need a set for my Tuscan . Do you have them available?. Thanks 😊

The Three D Mucketeer

Original Poster:

6,081 posts

232 months

Monday 11th March
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bemand 123 said:
Hi ??, I need a set for my Tuscan . Do you have them available?. Thanks ??
Posting this morning Steve.... New PH handle to reflect my new enterprise smile .


126 posts

241 months

Monday 11th March
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The Three D Mucketeer said:
bemand 123 said:
Hi ??, I need a set for my Tuscan . Do you have them available?. Thanks ??
Posting this morning Steve.... New PH handle to reflect my new enterprise smile .
Lol love the new name..


1 posts

5 months

Monday 29th April
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Can you supply a pair front seals that go between the top of the front doors to the A post ( window screen post) on a 2000 tuscan

The Three D Mucketeer

Original Poster:

6,081 posts

232 months

Monday 29th April
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Abarth18 said:
Can you supply a pair front seals that go between the top of the front doors to the A post ( window screen post) on a 2000 tuscan
Yes , but I need to make some more.... I assume yours are like the ones at the start of the thread ..which I ask £100 / pair
However , very very early MK1s didn't have seals, the GRP door had them moulded in. Then early Tuscan MK1 had a silicon mucket which is a different.... then TVR seem to have standardise on the same MK1 , MK2s and Convertibles. If you have a phot it would make sure.

Send me a PM if interested

PS "A" frame muckets do seem to require a lot of fettling for a good fit , so you'll need to Dremel or similar to grind the inner surface.

Edited by The Three D Mucketeer on Monday 29th April 19:23


1 posts

13 months

Wednesday 1st May
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glow worm said:
Please can you post a photo of your door end cap on the car...There's a bit of confusion on Griffs and the possibility they differ on different ages of car.... Thanks
Are you making them for the Tuscan mk1s please?

The Three D Mucketeer

Original Poster:

6,081 posts

232 months

Wednesday 1st May
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chris.security said:
Are you making them for the Tuscan mk1s please?
I'm beginning to think TVR have used two different sorts on MK1 , the same as happened on Tamoras, or maybe some Tamoras got fitted with early Tuscan ones smile , can't be sure.

The ones on the top (A and B post), I suspect are from early MK1s . The ones at the bottom (A and B) are later MK1s , MK2s and Convertibles . The very first Tuscans didn't have A post muckets , only B post ones.

I've been busy trying to meet demand since I started. I'm trying to have a bit of break and do some testing to see if I can speed up the process and improve the quality . 30hours to make one A post one is a bit of a pain especially when it cocks up after 25 hours smile .

Most of demand has been for the Sagaris,T350, Tamora ones , which I'm happy with the quality.

Edited by The Three D Mucketeer on Wednesday 1st May 09:25

Edited by The Three D Mucketeer on Tuesday 7th May 21:01


7 posts

256 months

Thursday 30th May
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Hi The Three D Mucketeer

Would I be able get a pair of front door caps for a Tuscan Mk1. See photo. I've split the passenger door one.
Many thanks

The Three D Mucketeer

Original Poster:

6,081 posts

232 months

Thursday 30th May
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This is my Tuscan Convertible Drivers A Post Mucket... yours seems badly fitted and bits missing .... I can do a copy of mine ... but not a copy of what you have ... Unless you remove one , post it to me , I can scan it and hopefully produce a matching pair ..... up to you smile ... Cost you though hehe


7 posts

256 months

Friday 31st May
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Hi The Three D Mucketeer
ManyThanks for the feedback. How could I contact you away from this forum.


399 posts

227 months

Sunday 30th June
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These are my Mrk 1 Tuscan would like a driver and passenger set please if you can do them.

Edited by pblake on Sunday 30th June 07:43