Speed Six - Anyone had a 2nd engine rebuild

Speed Six - Anyone had a 2nd engine rebuild



4,661 posts

264 months

Thursday 13th May 2010
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Gazzab said:
Kevin the RO for S Yorkshire has had his S6 rebuilt 4 times I think! But it is a 2000 ish car and so may have had rebuilds before the quality was sorted.
I think you cant really EXPECT a rebuilt engine to do 50K but it is certainly improving the odds. Part of the problem is that not many TVRs get a lot of miles put on them and not many are every day cars (unlike when the cars were newer) so there are less rebuilds needed now and so it is not so easy to judge the success of the solutions provided?
Just had 3 rebuilds and the last was done in 2003 when they put a new head on, it's now done 57k from new in 2001 and is still going strong. I have owned it from new.


Original Poster:

2,786 posts

189 months

Thursday 13th May 2010
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well im free whenever you are my friend :wink:

thats a good idea about selling those tables, im sure if you did eventually post pics up you would get lots of interest.


460 posts

211 months

Thursday 13th May 2010
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Well it's going to be into June now because I'm manically busy!
On a side note how'd you find your focus rs? A friend is looking to buy one but also fancies m3/911 etc and he can't make up his mind!


Original Poster:

2,786 posts

189 months

Thursday 13th May 2010
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I have the mk1 RS. If your friend is considering an M3 or 911 then he is probably considering the Mk2 RS.

But, the car is fantastic. I've now installed the Bluefin chip which makes the car come alive and a lot more aggressive. It's a lovely car but no TVR but im enjoying it none the less.

It's nice that you dont see so many many on the road. I've seen more Mk2 RS's than the Mk1's.

Had a little play with a DB9 on the mway the other day. I pulled up beside him and admired his car then he dropped a gear and pulled away. The i caught up with him a little while later (i wasnt chasing him at this point).

Anyway, he was in the middle lane and i was in the outside lanr and spotted him. So put my foot down and got side by side with him by which point he too put his foot down smile

Got up to about 115 leptons and he hadnt pulled away but at this point the OH was shouting in my ear to slow down. I had 4 people in the car and the boot filled with bags. Was going to centre parks for the weekend.

That little play was the highlight of my weekend smile

PS. I know the DB9 would have smashed me but it was still nice to be able to keep up if only for a few seconds. If i was in the Trev im sure things would have been different.

ETA: June is fine mate. Beggers cant be chooses huh

Edited by Diablos-666 on Thursday 13th May 11:34


14,668 posts

294 months

Thursday 13th May 2010
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Diablos-666 said:
PS. I know the DB9 would have smashed me but it was still nice to be able to keep up if only for a few seconds. If i was in the Trev im sure things would have been different.
I think you'll find the TVR will be about the same in that 'drag race'. They don't have rockets attached you know.


920 posts

203 months

Thursday 13th May 2010
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Diablos-666 said:
With regards to driving a Tuscan, does it feel like a large car to drive? The bonnet looks so long as looks like it might be a pain to park?

One of the reasons i really like the T350 is that its a small car and more manageable around town.

All men can park in any space and always know how big their vehicle is! wink


1,568 posts

246 months

Sunday 16th May 2010
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I've got a 1999 Speed Six in a Cerbera. It was rebuilt at 34,000 and began to show cam wear problems within 3.5K. These were replaced but a service at another indy lead to the failure of the half time bearing (poor workmanship by the servicing Indy). The head suffered warping and a oil leak which lead to a rebuild at 7,000 after the orginal rebuild. I must say that despite being out of warranty the rebuilder completely rebuilt the engine free of charge.


10,877 posts

199 months

Tuesday 18th May 2010
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I have a 1999 Cerb speed 6 and the original engine had 4 re-builds under warranty, eventually the engine was replaced in 2005 and there have been no problems (fingers crossed) and can't see any happening for a while yet, if any.

so called

9,143 posts

220 months

Tuesday 18th May 2010
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I had a year 2000 Tuscan that had a TVR rebuild at 35k back in 2003.
I bought late 2006 and she went staright for a rebuild at 70k. This time at Str8Six so with new oil way mods and better materials etc.
I unfortunately broke her at 90k + but the engine seemed in very good shape and I was hoping that she would have lasted much more than the previous 2 x 35k.


2,312 posts

190 months

Tuesday 18th May 2010
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Just to add some balance to this thread, 55 Sagaris 4.0 S spec engine 45k no rebuild.


2,312 posts

190 months

Tuesday 18th May 2010
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Gazzab said:
I think you cant really EXPECT a rebuilt engine to do 50K
That's a bold statement, PH member Shorts has over 60k+ on his rebuilt TVRPower red rose spec engine, and it was still going good uns when I last seen him driving round Oulton.


14,668 posts

294 months

Tuesday 18th May 2010
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Gazzab said:
I think you cant really EXPECT a rebuilt engine to do 50K
That's a bold statement, PH member Shorts has over 60k+ on his rebuilt TVRPower red rose spec engine, and it was still going good uns when I last seen him driving round Oulton.
He got 70k odd out of his original factory engine too. Lots of longer journeys makes for higher mileage before problems.

This is why those looking at cars with 15k on the odo may not be looking at an engine in better condition than one with 35k on the odo (many other factors affect engine life of course).


21,307 posts

293 months

Tuesday 18th May 2010
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I don't think it's a bold statement. Although it is one that you may disagree with. I stressed the word 'expect'. I am not suggesting the newly rebuilt S6 isn't an improvement over the poorly ones of old. However to expect a s6 or an AJP to do 50k might leave a customer dissappointed in years to come unless of course there is persistent evidence to prove otherwise?


197 posts

200 months

Tuesday 25th May 2010
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I bought my 200 Tuscan with 35k on the clock, had to have a rebuild at 42k by Dom at Power. Two years on its just gone in for a 12k service with 85k on the clock and continues to run like a dream.

Flyin Banana

2,178 posts

249 months

Wednesday 26th May 2010
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Anybody know how many of the later cars have had rebuilds, my 06 sag is just in the middle of of the first build after 16k

cheers Rob


Original Poster:

2,786 posts

189 months

Wednesday 26th May 2010
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Yeah, that was going to be my next question. Any bought a post 05 (S6 engine), either new or re-built, and still required an engine rebuild again?

so called

9,143 posts

220 months

Wednesday 26th May 2010
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My 06 Tuscan engine is reported to be fine with 39k on the clock.
Just driven to Germany and next month heading to Spain.

Must admit to having a little paranoia for the smallest noises after my Mk1 needed a rebuild 34 miles after I bought it.


314 posts

208 months

Wednesday 26th May 2010
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My 05 Sag slipped a liner on No1 Cylinder at 16750 miles.
Have now 13000 miles on the FFF engine.
Running like a dream.


10 posts

113 months

Monday 2nd November 2015
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Is there any way of telling if my Tam has had a rebuild? It is a Nov 2001 and I have all receipts from 2007 to now but no rebuild during that time. Last owner purchased at 20k miles from Dream Machines in 2007 with no receipts or service book. She now has 28k on the clock. Would there be a record anywhere of services and engine rebuilds?

Flyin Banana

2,178 posts

249 months

Tuesday 3rd November 2015
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doesnt time fly !!!!

06 Sagaris on second rebuild after Dulfords did the first one 2010 with 18k, Power has done the second build 12 months ago, this time at 26k engine seems alot stronger this time thankfully smile