Goodwood Revival Sunday - tips for first timers please!

Goodwood Revival Sunday - tips for first timers please!



Original Poster:

2,367 posts

164 months

Monday 1st September 2014
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I understand we need to arrive early or face very long queues of traffic - but HOW early are we talking here? This and any other tips anyone can offer on getting the most out of one's first time at Revival will be gratefully received. TIA smile


1,153 posts

202 months

Monday 1st September 2014
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7.30. 8am latest. IMO. Stay late and avoid the queues out.

There's almost too much to see and do in one day. If you want to see cars racing, head up towards first corner after the start or just beyond, is only a 10 minute walk.
There is the village at the bottom of the footbridge with all the retro shops.
If you're on a budget for lunch, nip into the retro Tescos in the village and buy their sandwiches, which they sell at normal price!Get in there early!
You don't need a paddock pass to get a good closeup view of the cars, a lot are really accessible.
Do visit the Aviation park , always some fantastic machinery.
The Earls Court exhibition can get very overcrowded and possibly not worth the queue.
Do dress up. Not only important, but essential. If it rains, take an umbrella, there is nowhere to shelter.
Take a camera, probably not necessarily for the racing but for everything else!

Others will add their tuppence worth!


17,977 posts

175 months

Monday 1st September 2014
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Crowds will be big however if you venture from the infield you will soon have some breathing space. I slowly walk the whole circuit during the day to experience racing from all parts of the track. The revival village is worth a look at after racing has finished and they often have acts like black elvis and mr b the gentleman rhymer within the old speckled hen tent.


Original Poster:

2,367 posts

164 months

Tuesday 2nd September 2014
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9.3 said:
7.30. 8am latest. IMO. Stay late and avoid the queues out.

There's almost too much to see and do in one day. If you want to see cars racing, head up towards first corner after the start or just beyond, is only a 10 minute walk.
There is the village at the bottom of the footbridge with all the retro shops.
If you're on a budget for lunch, nip into the retro Tescos in the village and buy their sandwiches, which they sell at normal price!Get in there early!
You don't need a paddock pass to get a good closeup view of the cars, a lot are really accessible.
Do visit the Aviation park , always some fantastic machinery.
The Earls Court exhibition can get very overcrowded and possibly not worth the queue.
Do dress up. Not only important, but essential. If it rains, take an umbrella, there is nowhere to shelter.
Take a camera, probably not necessarily for the racing but for everything else!

Others will add their tuppence worth!
Thank you - just the sort of advice we need smile. Have had a look at our tickets & they include vouchers for a programme, tickets for the Woodcote Grandstand & lunch at The Richmond Arms. Am I right in thinking that The Richmond Arms is some distance from the hub of things?


1,280 posts

156 months

Tuesday 2nd September 2014
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We are going on Sunday, its our 3rd year on the trott, SWIMBO loves it. As others have said get in early and don't spend time "over the road" get straight into the circuit. I would then spend the morning looking around at the displays etc before the crowds get to big.

For the racing as already said head uptowards madgwick where you will see some great action, there are food and drink stalls nearby.

At the end of the day head back over the bridge and do the "over the road" experience, normally some music on, lots to see and plenty of food and drink on offer.

You realy must make some effort to dress for the event, if you don't you will be the odd one out, even a flat cap and an old sports jacket is better than nothing.

Finally you will come away at the end of the day wishing you had 2 day tickets, its very difficult to fit everything in in one day.

Enjoy. thumbup


221 posts

167 months

Tuesday 2nd September 2014
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Yep get there for gates open do inside of circuit first find good spot to watch a bit then go around the track go to st Mary's at some point. Loads of people leave after the tt on Sunday but stay all day even for prize giving. Enjoy and next year I bet you come for more than just one day


53,252 posts

294 months

Tuesday 2nd September 2014
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MollyGT3 said:
Am I right in thinking that The Richmond Arms is some distance from the hub of things?
Yes, it's the bar of the Goodwood hotel a mile or so away from the track.


96 posts

166 months

Tuesday 2nd September 2014
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RichB said:
Yes, it's the bar of the Goodwood hotel a mile or so away from the track.
There is a dedicated vintage bus from opposite the main gate (gate 2) that takes you to & from the restaurant.


403 posts

190 months

Tuesday 2nd September 2014
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Make time for the champagne tent. Seriously…particularly if it's hot. The band in there is usually amazing and the atmosphere is wonderful.

Plus £60 odd for a bottle of Veuve Cliquot in the sunshine at one of the premier classic car events anywhere in the world doesn't seem so expensive.


1,280 posts

156 months

Tuesday 2nd September 2014
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corporalsparrow said:
Make time for the champagne tent. Seriously…particularly if it's hot. The band in there is usually amazing and the atmosphere is wonderful.

Plus £60 odd for a bottle of Veuve Cliquot in the sunshine at one of the premier classic car events anywhere in the world doesn't seem so expensive.
Its worth going in even if you have no intention of buying champagne, good music, atmosphere and dancing.


Original Poster:

2,367 posts

164 months

Tuesday 2nd September 2014
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PHomer said:
RichB said:
Yes, it's the bar of the Goodwood hotel a mile or so away from the track.
There is a dedicated vintage bus from opposite the main gate (gate 2) that takes you to & from the restaurant.
woohoo Brilliant - that's great info - thanks a lot smile


Original Poster:

2,367 posts

164 months

Tuesday 2nd September 2014
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oldnbold said:
You realy must make some effort to dress for the event, if you don't you will be the odd one out, even a flat cap and an old sports jacket is better than nothing.
This sort of thing?

Say hi if you see us wavey

Molly (currently working on how to keep that bl**dy hat on!)


1,280 posts

156 months

Tuesday 2nd September 2014
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1,153 posts

202 months

Tuesday 2nd September 2014
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Got to say Molly, that if you're only there for the one day, taking 2 hours out to go for lunch in a pub around the corner (which is something you can do anytime anywhere), would be too much of a time sacrifice for me. Depends how important lunch is to you, but for me I want every moment of Revival.


Original Poster:

2,367 posts

164 months

Tuesday 2nd September 2014
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9.3 said:
Got to say Molly, that if you're only there for the one day, taking 2 hours out to go for lunch in a pub around the corner (which is something you can do anytime anywhere), would be too much of a time sacrifice for me. Depends how important lunch is to you, but for me I want every moment of Revival.
Uh-oh - dillema time! We have a nice little package of tickets and those are in there - I understand them to be worth £49 pp so would seem silly to settle for a retro Tesco's sandwich instead wink Anyone experienced lunch at The Richmond Arms?


53,252 posts

294 months

Tuesday 2nd September 2014
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MollyGT3 said:
Anyone experienced lunch at The Richmond Arms?
Yes, as I said, it's the bar attached to the Goodwood Hotel. Nice but like 9.3 I wouldn't take 2 hours out of the day for it. But then I go to the Revival for the racing.


Original Poster:

2,367 posts

164 months

Tuesday 2nd September 2014
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RichB said:
MollyGT3 said:
Anyone experienced lunch at The Richmond Arms?
Yes, as I said, it's the bar attached to the Goodwood Hotel. Nice but like 9.3 I wouldn't take 2 hours out of the day for it. But then I go to the Revival for the racing.
Well it sounds like its going to be a long day if we are to arrive at 7.30 and leave about 12 hours later so I think we are going to a) deserve a relaxed lunch break and b) flippin' need it! It's alright for you lot with your sensible shoes on! wink Here's hoping for good weather or I'll be taking my wellies!


53,252 posts

294 months

Wednesday 3rd September 2014
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The Crack Fox said:
Here are 5 tips for first timers at the Revival that you might find handy. Have fun smile
All a bit patronising towards the ladies though eh? Going on about the totty and 26 pairs of shoes biglaugh


53,252 posts

294 months

Wednesday 3rd September 2014
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64 months

Saturday 6th September 2014
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Hi, this is my first trip to Goodwood and really can't wait to make the trip down from Scotland. We have been kindly invited down and have been given hospitality tickets for the War Rooms.

It's been suggested we dress up, which we are up for but my other half was concerned that that not all others in this area will be doing the same?

What the % of people who will dress up and any tips for what a guy in his mid 30s should wear?