e46 M3 CSL (or just CSL steering rack) owner help needed

e46 M3 CSL (or just CSL steering rack) owner help needed


Jorge Pereira

Original Poster:

42 posts

56 months

Sunday 3rd May 2020
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Hello friends,

As part of my e46 M3 Project I'm contemplating replacing my steering rack with something a bit quicker. It's a known fact that the e46 has a not so quick rack, and even my 20d has a faster steering.

With that said, I would like to keep things as OEM as possible, hence I'm thinking about installing a CSL rack on my peasant M3. However, I have no idea of what difference the smaller ratio (15.4 vs 14.5 to 1) will turnout in steering wheel turns.

Can a CSL owner (or someone with a CSL rack) do a short video of the steering going from center to full lock?

That would be great for me.

Thank you so much in advance


471 posts

172 months

Sunday 3rd May 2020
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Hi mate not got a csl myself just a regular e46 m3 but alot of people fit the purple tag steering rack I beleive is the quickest out of all the e46's , have a google mate.

Jorge Pereira

Original Poster:

42 posts

56 months

Sunday 3rd May 2020
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Hey mate. I know about the purple tag rack. The reason why I'm avoiding it is because I think, since it's fitted to a non-M BMW, it probably doesn't have as much feel. This is purely based on judgment and not research.

There is a bit of confusion going around... Also some people say that when you replace steering racks you have to do something to the DSC because of the steering angle, and that's not true.

Just trying to get the most accurate information possible


2,063 posts

216 months

Monday 4th May 2020
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The CS and the CSL run the same rack, maybe that can help you broaden the search.

Jorge Pereira

Original Poster:

42 posts

56 months

Monday 4th May 2020
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That's well thought. Didn't remember to do that.

Perhaps post this thread on the normal M section?


471 posts

172 months

Monday 4th May 2020
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I think on the earlier dsc units it can play up but if it's a mk60 dsc unit it would be fine , I've been considering one when I get the engine back in.

Jorge Pereira

Original Poster:

42 posts

56 months

Monday 4th May 2020
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That's well thought. Didn't remember to do that.

Perhaps post this thread on the normal M section?

Jorge Pereira

Original Poster:

42 posts

56 months

Monday 4th May 2020
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clarkson22 said:
I think on the earlier dsc units it can play up but if it's a mk60 dsc unit it would be fine , I've been considering one when I get the engine back in.
I haven't read anything about the version of the doc unit. My car is an 02, with DSC still on the engine bay, where the battery would normally sit. Would there be a straight forward way of knowing which unit I have?

SS427 Camaro

6,504 posts

178 months

Friday 22nd October 2021
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My 53 plate M3 was fitted with a CSL rack, one of the best mods for these cars.


703 posts

83 months

Friday 22nd October 2021
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Why don’t you count the number of turns lock to lock that you have now, then use the different rack ratios to work out how many turns there will be with the faster rack? I.e. Multiply by 14.5 divided by 15.4.

Jorge Pereira

Original Poster:

42 posts

56 months

Friday 22nd October 2021
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SS427 Camaro said:
My 53 plate M3 was fitted with a CSL rack, one of the best mods for these cars.
I've driven a CS M3, which has the same rack as the CSL and there isn't much in it to be honest. You need to turn a little bit less, that's it.

I had already seen a video, that a member sent me, and compared it to my M3 and decided that it wasn't worth it.