Hi Fi seperates - Black or Silver?

Hi Fi seperates - Black or Silver?



Original Poster:

1,026 posts

241 months

Wednesday 14th January 2009
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What do we all prefer? Black or Silver finish?

The OH reckons silver stuff looks a bit more expensive / modern and you can see where the money went, but IMO sometimes Silver can look a bit showy / blingy for some tastes, wheras black seperates look a bit more subtle / classy?


27,015 posts

272 months

Wednesday 14th January 2009
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Black, but IMHO they should be hidden inside a nice bit of furniture anyway as a big glass stand with a stload of gear on it screams teenager's bedroom a bit, even if the badges say NAD, Arcam, Naim or whatnot.


Original Poster:

1,026 posts

241 months

Wednesday 14th January 2009
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miniman said:
Black, but IMHO they should be hidden inside a nice bit of furniture anyway as a big glass stand with a stload of gear on it screams teenager's bedroom a bit, even if the badges say NAD, Arcam, Naim or whatnot.
Would you go for a glass front on said furniture, or hide completely?

I am also averse to those glass stands, a wee bit vulgar IMO


27,015 posts

272 months

Wednesday 14th January 2009
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Personally the only thing I want visible is the TV which, to be fair, is kind of essential hehe

I try to hide everything entirely, whether that is behind doors or in a cupboard or whatever.


27,881 posts

226 months

Wednesday 14th January 2009
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Wouldn't that cause you a whole heap of problems having all your AV equipment locked inside a cupboard or whatever? What about ventilation, etc?


24,120 posts

239 months

Wednesday 14th January 2009
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I prefer black..But is this now looking a bit sortof 80's Pioneer style?
(he says with 90% of old school stuff).

Edited by Morningside on Wednesday 14th January 11:33


27,015 posts

272 months

Wednesday 14th January 2009
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Oakey said:
Wouldn't that cause you a whole heap of problems having all your AV equipment locked inside a cupboard or whatever? What about ventilation, etc?
Yes certainly that needs to be taken into account, but its not an insurmountable problem IMHO.


20,405 posts

267 months

Wednesday 14th January 2009
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miniman said:
Black, but IMHO they should be hidden inside a nice bit of furniture anyway
...which to me spells 'OAP'... wink


15,378 posts

261 months

Wednesday 14th January 2009
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Having it inside furniture is a PITA if you have to open the door to do anything.


68,663 posts

231 months

Wednesday 14th January 2009
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Sheets Tabuer

19,834 posts

225 months

Wednesday 14th January 2009
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Once you go black.....


20,405 posts

267 months

Wednesday 14th January 2009
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And of course, real hifi glows in the dark wink

Nolar Dog

8,786 posts

205 months

Wednesday 14th January 2009
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If I was choosing seperates I would go for black, exposed on a glass stand.

But not Argos glass and chrome type rubbish.
But I'm not choosing seperates, so I won't.



Original Poster:

1,026 posts

241 months

Wednesday 14th January 2009
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Morningside said:
I prefer black..But is this now looking a bit sortof 80's Pioneer style?
(he says with 90% of old school stuff).

Edited by Morningside on Wednesday 14th January 11:33
Thats the worry (from the OH's point of view anyway)


1,926 posts

212 months

Wednesday 14th January 2009
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Silver on display, black in an AV cabinet. No real reason why.

Mines all on display on a large glass and metal AV stand under the plasma (also silver). Amp is silver, dvd is silver, Sky+ is silver.

All silver to match with the Amp really (an Onkyo).


22,227 posts

243 months

Wednesday 14th January 2009
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You know I don't think it matters at all (other than to the teenagers).

As a rule, in the 80's everything was silver, in the 90's everything was black, in the 00's they moved to silver again.

It doesn't matter a jot to me what colours my 'main' Hi Fi is. As it stands I have a full size black CD and Amp from the early '90's, a portable broadcast Marantz tape deck from the '80's (black) a silver early '80's turntable and a pair of Wharfedale E20's from the '70's.

The one in the kitchen or sitting room that is there to give noise is when the styling matters, the one you use for those audiophile evenings should be solely about the sound.


4,203 posts

222 months

Wednesday 14th January 2009
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Black FTW smile

I agree that the only thing visable should be the TV.


35,295 posts

268 months

Wednesday 14th January 2009
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it's a matter of personal taste!

I have silver in some rooms and black in others.


90,809 posts

265 months

Wednesday 14th January 2009
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miniman said:
Black, but IMHO they should be hidden inside a nice bit of furniture anyway as a big glass stand with a stload of gear on it screams teenager's bedroom a bit, even if the badges say NAD, Arcam, Naim or whatnot.
You've got me thinking now...

When the Veyron arrives, I'll be taping cardboard all over it...



2,748 posts

238 months

Wednesday 14th January 2009
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I seem to have both,well 90% black but they all other than the amp have silver on them somewhere