Hi Fi seperates - Black or Silver?

Hi Fi seperates - Black or Silver?



Original Poster:

1,026 posts

241 months

Wednesday 14th January 2009
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This will all be going in the Dining room, I have a set of Eltax monitor 3's in beech, and im looking an amp, cd player and later on a DAB tuner.

My main source is a creative wireless link from my PC (I have a HDD packed with mp3's) running through a home made (from kit) DAC box

Its just a budget system for occasional use, so im looking at entry level Cambridge Audio kit, which is decent enough for all I will be using it for.

Everything they do comes in black / silver but the black stuff seems to be easier to source for some reason, but the OH is insisting that it looks dated, and perhaps its more down to the design rather than the colour...


6,080 posts

205 months

Wednesday 14th January 2009
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Has to be black.

Silver is beyond tacky IMHO. Makes everything look like a £15 DVD player.


13,553 posts

215 months

Wednesday 14th January 2009
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NAD, Celestion

All hidden away.


30,882 posts

242 months

Wednesday 14th January 2009
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It does not matter what it looks like 'tis how it sounds that matters.

BTW, mine is both black and silver.


67,280 posts

280 months

Wednesday 14th January 2009
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We're back to black being en vogue now.

Largely doesnt matter for the British market, we prefer to hide our AV equipment away generally speaking.

The Americans like their large shiny racks on show and for that I dont think you can beat everything being black.


9,335 posts

217 months

Wednesday 14th January 2009
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17,618 posts

209 months

Wednesday 14th January 2009
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I just bought everything in black.

Guy in richer sounds tells me thats the way things are going (not why i bought them tho - the tv was black).

I just think things need to match.


949 posts

246 months

Wednesday 14th January 2009
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robinhood21 said:
It does not matter what it looks like 'tis how it sounds that matters.

BTW, mine is both black and silver.

Plus, if you are planning to keep the equipment for a number of years, it becomes a non-question as general preferences will cycle through both black and silver.


20,405 posts

267 months

Wednesday 14th January 2009
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Plotloss said:
The Americans like their large shiny racks on show
Not on TV they don't... wink


90,809 posts

265 months

Wednesday 14th January 2009
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robinhood21 said:
mine is both black and silver.
Good grief...

A bionic old fart...


11,973 posts

240 months

Wednesday 14th January 2009
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shalmaneser said:
Has to be black.

Silver is beyond tacky IMHO. Makes everything look like a £15 DVD player.
Depends if it is silver painted plastic per a £15 DVD player or a real brushed metal finish per a £800 Onkyo amp.


3,428 posts

247 months

Wednesday 14th January 2009
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It seems to me that all the replies have missed the point. The question, surely, is which sounds better.

In my experience, silver or black suits some components better than others. I would never have a black tone arm as silver deals with the high frequencies better, but for a CD player - at least the transport - silver is a no-no as it is just too shouty whereas black is much smoother. For the DAC, silver or black is OK.

Records decks must be wood so black is the only choice really as, again, silver is a bit strident at the top end.

Black amps definitely sound smoother but once you get into pre/power amps you are on dodgy ground. Silver is great with valves as the valve sound is very smooth to begin with, whereas black can muddy the sound a little. Black works better on lower powered transistor power amps for some reason but once you get into big wattages, silver is the way to go.

Silver speakers can sound a bit thin for some reason whereas black gives a fuller, richer sound comparing like for like. The cables will be critical too as the wrong colour choice will make the system impossible to listen to for long periods at high volume.

You also need to consider the type of glass you are using for the stand as this will affect the sound of silver kit more than black due to the different frequencies each emits.

What you need to do is get a home demo of all the kit you are considering, in all black, then all silver and then mix them up to see which sound you prefer. It might take a few days but it will be worth it.

funk odyssey

1,983 posts

239 months

Wednesday 14th January 2009
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Mike400 said:
What do we all prefer? Black or Silver finish?

The OH reckons silver stuff looks a bit more expensive / modern and you can see where the money went, but IMO sometimes Silver can look a bit showy / blingy for some tastes, wheras black seperates look a bit more subtle / classy?


67,280 posts

280 months

Wednesday 14th January 2009
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900T-R said:
Plotloss said:
The Americans like their large shiny racks on show
Not on TV they don't... wink
Depends if they work for David Hasselhoff..

funk odyssey

1,983 posts

239 months

Wednesday 14th January 2009
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yes don't forget the "run-in" cables!


30,882 posts

242 months

Wednesday 14th January 2009
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mybrainhurts said:
robinhood21 said:
mine is both black and silver.
Good grief...

A bionic old fart...
hehe Well the second part of your statement is certainly true. wink

Just for the record; the silvery bits (brushed aluminium) are the Krell power amp and the PAM 1 preamp and the two off-board power supplies. TBH, I don't think black would look as good on the PAM 1.

Edited by robinhood21 on Wednesday 14th January 12:15


13,211 posts

274 months

Wednesday 14th January 2009
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Jap 42cm wide stuff - I'll have in black please, though I quite like the 1980s-style gold stuff from the likes of Sony, Pioneer and Denon.

However, real hi-fi should not conform to the standard dimensions, and should have a style of its own that transcends colour, e.g:


2,705 posts

264 months

Wednesday 14th January 2009
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Black? Silver?

Nah, got to be olive!


525 posts

216 months

Wednesday 14th January 2009
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Technics components are a sort of plain chocolate brown colour....


Original Poster:

1,026 posts

241 months

Wednesday 14th January 2009
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funk odyssey said:
Mike400 said:
What do we all prefer? Black or Silver finish?

The OH reckons silver stuff looks a bit more expensive / modern and you can see where the money went, but IMO sometimes Silver can look a bit showy / blingy for some tastes, wheras black seperates look a bit more subtle / classy?
Yes, yes, I know but she isnt really interested beyond how it looks, and regardless of qound quality she would still spend more on something with a brushed aluminium front plate because it "looks worth the money"

women eh.....