New stereo - Will it affect handsfree?

New stereo - Will it affect handsfree?



Original Poster:

3,477 posts

200 months

Thursday 22nd January 2009
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No idea if anyone will know but:
Going to fit a new stereo to my Astravan. Currently has the original tape deck (old model van), and has a Nokia handsfree wired in. I can put in the Vauxhall to ISO converter wire easy enough, but will the handsfree wires just slot in somewhere?

Cheers for any advice.

ETA: It's a Nokia CK-7W.

Edited by skip_1 on Thursday 22 January 21:01


Original Poster:

3,477 posts

200 months

Thursday 22nd January 2009
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Moved to Home Cinema & Hi-Fi. Splendid rolleyes


4,778 posts

277 months

Friday 23rd January 2009
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skip_1 said:
Moved to Home Cinema & Hi-Fi. Splendid rolleyes
hehe - Today's random thread movement goes to...

Anyhow - My answer is a bit vague as IIRC it depends how the Nokia kit is installed.

In my experience, they are usually spliced into the speaker wires, with only the phone mute lead going to the stereo, so I'd say go for it - you should be fine.

If of course the new stereo & the car kit stop working, you never saw me & I take no responsibility wink

HTH (if I did!)



Original Poster:

3,477 posts

200 months

Saturday 24th January 2009
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I didn't think that the speaker wires would be spliced. Could just be a straight swap then. I'll give it a go. Thanks for the advice.


Original Poster:

3,477 posts

200 months

Sunday 25th January 2009
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Cheers Chris. I just connected the ISO's, put the aerial connector on and shoved it in the dash. Works a treat. I didn't even bother to wire in the telephone mute wire, but the Nokia somehow attenuates the sound anyway spin

Edited by skip_1 on Sunday 25th January 15:48