Star Trek: Discovery - New series on Netflix

Star Trek: Discovery - New series on Netflix



3,842 posts

180 months

Friday 5th April
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Watching the first episode of season 5 and they appear to have teleported to tatooine.


8,595 posts

265 months

Friday 5th April
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Has anybody cried yet?


1,269 posts

33 months

Friday 5th April
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dxg said:
Has anybody cried yet?
Of course, wouldn't be Disco without it! Also lots of 'smile then pensive look' from Michael. I just ignore that crap, the rest is pretty good, the action scenes in both episiodes are brilliant.


3,604 posts

192 months

Friday 5th April
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I’m shocked this has made it to season 5.


4,346 posts

108 months

Friday 5th April
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Evolved said:
I’m shocked this has made it to season 5.
I think it's been pretty good overall. Some excellent bits and it spun off a very successful show as well as a "Long Trek" with the Section 31 film.

Watched the first episode, I like the overall arc they're going for and how it ties something up from 30 years ago! Loved a few of the easter eggs outside the main plot device as well. Moll and L'ak seem like good characters as well, not your usual cut and paste bad guys. I quite like Rayner as well.

There's a "This season on Discovery" clip on YouTube if you want to see it that has a VERY interesting shot in it of something to come.

Flip Martian

20,149 posts

195 months

Friday 5th April
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The only positive for me on Disco has been Pike and co getting their own series - it was almost like parts of ST fandom sat through Disco BECAUSE it was "ST" but saw Pike and said "YES! THIS IS WHAT WE WANT PLEASE".

But I will say having seen the "this season..." trailer on youtube (thanks above for pointing that out" that the story at least seems to finally have something to do with Trek and could be very interesting.

Although if the series finale is them finding "whatever it is" and all being overcome with happy tears and simpering at each other for an abnormally long time in slow motion, then that would be a pretty fitting way to end. Actually I might go place a bet on that being the finale now.... hehe


4,346 posts

108 months

Friday 5th April
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Flip Martian said:
The only positive for me on Disco has been Pike and co getting their own series - it was almost like parts of ST fandom sat through Disco BECAUSE it was "ST" but saw Pike and said "YES! THIS IS WHAT WE WANT PLEASE".

But I will say having seen the "this season..." trailer on youtube (thanks above for pointing that out" that the story at least seems to finally have something to do with Trek and could be very interesting.

Although if the series finale is them finding "whatever it is" and all being overcome with happy tears and simpering at each other for an abnormally long time in slow motion, then that would be a pretty fitting way to end. Actually I might go place a bet on that being the finale now.... hehe
Just putting it out there, this will be the first Trek series since TOS that doesn't feature Jonathan Frakes if he doesn't make an appearance before it ends.........perhaps him and Troi could appear in a finale again rofl

(they won't, they got more money to go and finish it properly I think we're all safe)


9,399 posts

263 months

Friday 5th April
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Starts with space Jesus surfing in a warp field, followed by a treasure hunt for a McGuffin.


13,290 posts

222 months

Friday 5th April
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Just went to have a look at S5 at realised that I couldn't be arsed to watch season 4 at the time - is it worth a go?

Flip Martian

20,149 posts

195 months

Friday 5th April
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C5_Steve said:
Just putting it out there, this will be the first Trek series since TOS that doesn't feature Jonathan Frakes if he doesn't make an appearance before it ends.........perhaps him and Troi could appear in a finale again rofl

(they won't, they got more money to go and finish it properly I think we're all safe)
Now I'm kinda hoping for Frakes and Sirtis to appear in the final episode as holograms that cry happy/sad tears and simper at each other... hehe

Flip Martian

20,149 posts

195 months

Friday 5th April
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smn159 said:
Just went to have a look at S5 at realised that I couldn't be arsed to watch season 4 at the time - is it worth a go?
If you weren't fussed about S3, I wouldn't particularly bother, no.

Flip Martian

20,149 posts

195 months

Saturday 6th April
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I have to say, after watching the first 2 eps of S5 that Tilly and Burnham still annoy. But this feels (finally) far more like a Star Trek series. Better pacing, less navel gazing. Burnham still manages to screw up the mission by disobeying orders though (but then, they'd have no jeopardy for the rest of the season).


4,346 posts

108 months

Monday 8th April
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Yeah I watched the second ep Friday night and it reminded me very much of older TNG episodes. I'm really liking Rayner, he's a great addition.

Also, across these two episodes it really does remind me how good Discovery looks as a series. Regardless of what you think of the plotline, it's a fantastic-looking show with a very unique style owing to the time period.

Oh and to the person asking about skipping season 4, the only affect I think it would have is you won't really understand one or two of the personal relationships as you'll be missing the back story but that won't massively impact you're enjoyment of the main plot. (I also found 4 a drag tbh, I went to rewatch it a few months ago and gave up quite quickly).


20,325 posts

191 months

Monday 8th April
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I gave up when even the ships computer started crying.
Can't remember if that was s3 or S4.

Flip Martian

20,149 posts

195 months

Monday 8th April
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C5_Steve said:
Yeah I watched the second ep Friday night and it reminded me very much of older TNG episodes. I'm really liking Rayner, he's a great addition.

He is. It was very silly early on when Burnham decided she "hated him" so quickly. Just because he didn't do exactly what she wanted, or treat her like the 2nd coming, as all the other characters do. Made her even less likeable (didn't realise that was possible). But at least now there's someone who will give her the same backchat she gives every other authority figure.


41,847 posts

195 months

Monday 8th April
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C5_Steve said:
Also, across these two episodes it really does remind me how good Discovery looks as a series. Regardless of what you think of the plotline, it's a fantastic-looking show with a very unique style owing to the time period.
I think, in some regards, that makes STbiggrin even more disappointing because, yes, it looks absolutely stunning weeping


1,492 posts

174 months

Thursday 18th April
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Another good episode imo. So 3 good and 1 average in my book(!) so far.


1,269 posts

33 months

Thursday 18th April
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cslwannabe said:
Another good episode imo. So 3 good and 1 average in my book(!) so far.
Yep. Nice take on the old trope.


33,030 posts

233 months

Friday 19th April
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Having seen all Star Trek series/films from day one and seen all the bridge staff get thrown around on the bridge, I often wonder why their seats don’t have seatbelts?

Excellent stuff nevertheless.

Flip Martian

20,149 posts

195 months

Friday 19th April
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This series has been the most "trek-like" by far. They can't resist the moralising speeches though. It was inevitable Rayner would have his "OMG Michael, actually your way IS the best way after all and I am an old fossil" speech at the end.

And also that once again while there's an urgent short deadline, Burnham stops everything to deliver a "you'll get there" speech to her former self. Who's unconscious on the floor. Despite having just been delayed 2 minutes by fighting her. No rush then...

But otherwise, it's at least watchable, with fewer "OMG just get ON WITH IT" moments.

Edited by Flip Martian on Friday 19th April 10:22