B.O.E. gets tougher on bankers



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245 months

Monday 11th August 2014
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fblm said:
crankedup said:
I believe 'transparency' can be a double edged sword
Are things really more transparent than 'before'? Despite the odd Snowden moment secrets are still secrets. We still don't know what we don't know. The internet makes things feel more open but it has also given everyone a voice; maybe now distinguishing fact from opinion, coincidence from evidence and correlation from causation is harder than ever. If you did stumble across 'something you shouldn't' today, IMO, it would be all but impossible to be heard above the cacophony of crackpottery. Before you got suicided.

crankedup said:
Then we have the third group, those that have the knowledge and wherewithal of a true business person but have tripped over a crack in the path and found themselves bankrupt. Perhaps a little 'charity' would see these people back onto their feet, are they deserving of that charity though?
You mean the banks right? wink
Yes I honestly do believe that more transparency exists now than even 30 years ago, and I agree it is the internet and such like bringing this to us. Complexity within the modern world and globalisation have though certainly widened the opportunity for all sorts of shenanigans from the major corporations (tax avoidance) down to the laundry of those involved in the 'grey areas'. The really important stuff though remains secret, and so it should.

'You mean the banks right?' well I guess that plenty of staff from the retail side have lost their jobs, as well as from the investment side. Maybe the charity could do with a cut off grade, 250k + former salary lost. Anyhow, the banks tripped over a canyon I reckon. wink


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245 months

Tuesday 12th August 2014
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Murph7355 said:
crankedup said:
As you are aware I am a strong believer in putting forward the argument that the wealth divide is approaching the unsustainable...
We're aware smile But what does it actually mean? Where is the line that marks out "sustainable" and "unsustainable"? Who decides? And on what basis?

And once you've decided, how the hell do you control it?

I wonder more what would happen if markets/systems (in the broadest sense) were allowed to truly find their own level, without politicians and/or idealists interfering and making the situation worse.
Unsustainable, only imo of course but based upon the evidence of growing unrest and dissatisfaction, heck even some PH'ers voice concerns! Guess that the tipping point comes at a General Election,the British way of voicing dissatisfaction, or 'on the streets'.
Government Policies are the only way for change to be implemented, what changes? Whatever they are its going to upset some but please the majority. Minimum wage rate abandoned in favour of 'cost of living wage' might be a good place to start.Lower tax on wage packets, closed door to all out friends from abroad, more Government assistance in the form of finance to Companies taking on apprentices. Continue cap reductions in benefits. Going to be downsides to that stuff I guess but at least it's a discussion point.


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245 months

Tuesday 12th August 2014
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turbobloke said:
crankedup said:
Murph7355 said:
crankedup said:
As you are aware I am a strong believer in putting forward the argument that the wealth divide is approaching the unsustainable...
We're aware smile But what does it actually mean? Where is the line that marks out "sustainable" and "unsustainable"? Who decides? And on what basis?

And once you've decided, how the hell do you control it?

I wonder more what would happen if markets/systems (in the broadest sense) were allowed to truly find their own level, without politicians and/or idealists interfering and making the situation worse.
Unsustainable, only imo of course but based upon the evidence of growing unrest and dissatisfaction, heck even some PH'ers voice concerns! Guess that the tipping point comes at a General Election,the British way of voicing dissatisfaction, or 'on the streets'.
Irresponsible self-serving politicians wanting to exploit people in various situations will amplify any genuine dissatisfaction, and their hangers-on will doubtless agree. As to the streets, we've seen all about that kind of thing in a different context not long ago, where the original 'cause' was lost in the noise from gatecrashers.

That'll be the streets home to events overseen by professional anarchists and toytown trots from the UK and abroad and further populated by a handful of Wolfie Smiths and various middle class gangsta wannabes who read about it on Facebook and then saw 'go to jail' signs flashing - for longer than they expected - also in double quick time and all for the revolutionary act of looting a bottle of water from a broken shop window. Whatever the cause, if there is a next time the thugs involved won't get a couple of days' head start.

crankedup said:
Government Policies are the only way for change to be implemented, what changes? Whatever they are its going to upset some but please the majority. Minimum wage rate abandoned in favour of 'cost of living wage' might be a good place to start. Lower tax on wage packets, closed door to all our friends from abroad, more Government assistance in the form of finance to Companies taking on apprentices. Continue cap reductions in benefits. Going to be downsides to that stuff I guess but at least it's a discussion point.
Those who are upset can contact their MP to complain. If not and they go further i.e. outside the law, it seems that spaces in our overcrowded jails can be found quickly when needed.
Not much hope then? let the wealth division continue to grow? are the people so weak as to allow themselves to become downtrodden, will zero hours contracts continue to grow and become the norm'. How do you see the future, not from your own personal situation but overall in the U.K.?


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245 months

Wednesday 13th August 2014
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turbobloke said:
The claimed threat of some vague uprising is exaggerated and tiresome.

Post-Tottenham, if some people get uppity for any reason, good luck to them as puppets and to their puppeteers too.

Time for another cup of tea.
Its not so much a threat of a uprising but simply a possibility of increasing social unrest, a completely different matter entirely.