Another MP Accused of lying about speeding ticket.

Another MP Accused of lying about speeding ticket.



Original Poster:

59 months

Monday 18th March 2019
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Only one conclusion to draw from that; either she is amazingly stupid or she thinks her constituents are.


Original Poster:

59 months

Monday 18th March 2019
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gothatway said:
REALIST123 said:
Only one conclusion to draw from that; either she is amazingly stupid or she thinks her constituents are.
It's the latter. And therefore the former.
.......of course, the third option.


Original Poster:

59 months

Tuesday 19th March 2019
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saaby93 said:
andy_s said:
So on top of everything else she's cost us all half a million quid.
no the stupid system has (plus all other costs leading up to it)
All they needed to do was issue a £70 penalty to the registered keeper
If the keeper wants to collect it from whoever they thought was driving it's up to them
Otherwise without a photograph of the driver the system is patently useless.
Imagine they tried it with parking tickets
Better £500k than having a lying, criminal, ex con of a lawyer/MP (could there be anything worse) sitting in parliament telling us all how to behave.


Original Poster:

59 months

Wednesday 20th March 2019
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Slaav said:
saaby93 said:
Burwood said:
saaby93 said:
andy_s said:
So on top of everything else she's cost us all half a million quid.
no the stupid system has (plus all other costs leading up to it)
All they needed to do was issue a £70 penalty to the registered keeper
If the keeper wants to collect it from whoever they thought was driving it's up to them
Otherwise without a photograph of the driver the system is patently useless.
Imagine they tried it with parking tickets
You should run for her soon to be vacant seat.
and try to change the penalty system for cameras wink

Those bus lane cash cows have it well under control
Is there any point in me asking my (and others') questions again? smile
He’s sworn to secrecy. I’m now suspecting it’s to do with the Official Secrets Act wink


Original Poster:

59 months

Wednesday 20th March 2019
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andy_s said:
REALIST123 said:
saaby93 said:
andy_s said:
So on top of everything else she's cost us all half a million quid.
no the stupid system has (plus all other costs leading up to it)
All they needed to do was issue a £70 penalty to the registered keeper
If the keeper wants to collect it from whoever they thought was driving it's up to them
Otherwise without a photograph of the driver the system is patently useless.
Imagine they tried it with parking tickets
Better £500k than having a lying, criminal, ex con of a lawyer/MP (could there be anything worse) sitting in parliament telling us all how to behave.
My point is that she should have resigned immediately [assuming she had a shred of decency] or she should have automatically been unseated rather than going through a laboursome [;)] process racking up another £500,000 pounds out of the public purse unnecessarily, especially in this time of 'austerity'she has no doubt bleated on about during her tenure. What a rascal indeed.
Yes, I saw that and entirely agree though she’s proved that she lacks the moral compass to do the right thing and, frankly, too many people benefit from that (and other) £500k cost for the ‘system’ to be allowed to do anything else.

I was just saying that, bad as it is, it’s preferable to having such as her in the house.


Original Poster:

59 months

Tuesday 26th March 2019
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She's a poet as well

"As I am no longer whipped for red and I'm certainly not blue, the future votes are just for you!"

Utter utter contempt I mentioned elsewhere about MP's showing contempt. This vile tosser exudes it in droves.


Original Poster:

59 months

Tuesday 30th April 2019
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Starfighter said:
Is she effectively fired on the day the vote is announced in on the date of the next bi-election?
Is it normal gravy or extra thick?


Original Poster:

59 months

Wednesday 1st May 2019
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uk66fastback said:
I thought we might have heard tonight that she was gone ...
You will wink


Original Poster:

59 months

Wednesday 1st May 2019
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lauda said:
My faith in our electorate has been restored. At least partially.
How many more to go?


Original Poster:

59 months

Wednesday 1st May 2019
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Where’s saaby?


Original Poster:

59 months

Thursday 2nd May 2019
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Gargamel said:
What an incredible fall from the sky.

Obviously worked hard to get into the position, good professional background and you would think possessed of decent judgement and decision making skills.

To let a very minor inconvenience like a speeding ticket become a small rock starting a landslide is incredible. From The House to prison, to unemployed and presumably dis barred too.

Quite the fall from grace. Hubris.
Agree with the above except this sentence:

"Obviously worked hard to get into the position, good professional background and you would think possessed of decent judgement and decision making skills."

I think she also ticked a few of the right boxes as well


Original Poster:

59 months

Wednesday 5th June 2019
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carinaman said:
NoddyonNitrous said:
I'd have thought the Aid who attended The Old Bailey to testify that Onasanya was at his place before passing the Speed Camera would've been an ideal Labour candidate, a party member who did the right thing etc.
How come there are only 2 in this gang ?


Original Poster:

59 months

Tuesday 6th August 2019
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Fiona onasanya struck off as a solicitor

Just heard on radio


Original Poster:

59 months

Tuesday 6th August 2019
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Saaby - you never did answer the question that was asked many times by many posters; is Fiona your mum?


Original Poster:

59 months

Sunday 12th January 2020
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A Winner Is You said:
Will this latest endeavour be taxpayer or privately funded?
She’s representing herself so hopefully not much cost involved.

Not much chance of success either, she didn’t make much of a lawyer first time around but who knows, if she created enough new evidence? wink


Original Poster:

59 months

Thursday 13th February 2020
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dieselgrunt said:
122 pages long and £15. Should be a massive bestseller.
This thread is 101 pages long and free. Far better value.


Original Poster:

59 months

Thursday 13th February 2020
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Starfighter said:
Richard got it about right...
Give it a couple of weeks of bad reviews and she'll deny she ever wrote it and claim she lent her name to her brother.


Original Poster:

59 months

Sunday 16th February 2020
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This shows a total lack of humility and it seems a blessing (for us) that she's no longer in politics. Other than that I wish her well in her life and am thankful that she now has no influence over mine.


Original Poster:

59 months

Monday 9th March 2020
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Agammemnon said:
Gameface said:
Quite astounding.

Hubris personified.
You won't be saying that when she achieves greatness, will you?
I think she's a silly cow and ought to keep her hubris to herself.

And if she's reading this having achieved greatness, what can I do for you, Your Highness?


Original Poster:

59 months

Tuesday 10th March 2020
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cicada273 said:
PCoJ being used for these is manifestly excessive.

It really isn't.