One for the spelling police

One for the spelling police



5,648 posts

201 months

Monday 29th May 2017
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Magic919 said:
TooMany2cvs said:
You're already traipsing a hose across the pavement and waving water spray about.
Huh? Spelling mistook where? Have I overlooked the obvious?


2,490 posts

180 months

Monday 29th May 2017
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littleredrooster said:
Huh? Spelling mistook where? Have I overlooked the obvious?
Me too, couldn't be bothered at the time, though.



14,126 posts

206 months

Monday 29th May 2017
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I posted it due to the 'traipsing'. Spelling of that word is fine, but I don't see how it fits.


5,453 posts

126 months

Monday 29th May 2017
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Fits just fine, got an itchy trigger finger?


14,126 posts

206 months

Monday 29th May 2017
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I don't agree.


8,140 posts

218 months

Monday 29th May 2017
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Courtesy of this thread - - in SP&L


5,453 posts

126 months

Monday 29th May 2017
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Magic919 said:
I don't agree.
Jolly good but you're wrong, it's absolutely fine.


13,008 posts

218 months

Tuesday 30th May 2017
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This one sounds a bit fishy:-

"Still cheap, mussel cars go for millions"

Eric Mc

122,664 posts

270 months

Tuesday 30th May 2017
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Sounds more molluscy to me rather than fishy.


14,126 posts

206 months

Tuesday 30th May 2017
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SystemParanoia said:
do any sleuths know the OP's tennents?


582 posts

91 months

Wednesday 31st May 2017
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optimate said:
well one mate took and hes living good another dident and hes living in a bed sit with fk all while shes in a 5 bed hes paying for ans screwing some chav

thing is as a man in a divorce your had it no such thing as fair if you want fair you need to do it out side the law


13,154 posts

245 months

Wednesday 31st May 2017
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FreeLitres said:
The shoes that are getting by far the most wear are some battered old cheapy Grenson moccasons. It makes a huge difference to literally step out of my house slippers and step into the moccasons and walk out of the door.


8,140 posts

218 months

Wednesday 31st May 2017
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r4_rick said:
If anyone can recommend someone to give advise on doing this in the mist tax effective way at reasonable cost I would be very grateful


5,453 posts

126 months

Thursday 1st June 2017
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optimate said:
im not happy for em to all be armed you appear to be level levelheaded without the need to test the new toy for no reason .but iv met a few cops i would not trust with a pea shooter let alone a loaded glock 17. and im shaw if you tell the truth there be a few on you shift you would want to hand a loaded gun too. Out of curiosity when you carry do they allow you to carry em chambered or un chambered ?


8,140 posts

218 months

Thursday 1st June 2017
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Found this one on another forum hehe

person talking about a Jaguar said:
Why would you want to stick an old leper on your bonnet?
This was in relation to someone deciding to stick a classic look Jaguar "leaper" onto the bonnet of their 2 year old XF hehe

And from PH:

optimate said:
Are you lot so board these days since kicked every one out that don't agree with your views that you have to troll yourself`s lol
optimate said:
not your problem there contract was with the dealer they brought it off
Edit - Thinking about it. Looking back on the, short, posting history suggests this could easily be a troll account with deliberately crap spelling.


5,453 posts

126 months

Thursday 1st June 2017
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optimate said:
exactly, only some wont pass id say quite a few more than that lol
the main cost is the training not the fire arm and 9mm rounds are cheap

trining some with no intrest or zero experience in fire arms and to use em them in combat on urban settings is very expensive and a pity bad idea

armed uniformed police in uk are mostly for show bar armed response
in a emergence and back up if there a op on
Edited by Osinjak on Thursday 1st June 20:48


5,453 posts

126 months

Friday 2nd June 2017
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optimate said:
not your problem there contract was with the dealer they brought it off
Consistent this one is.


4,254 posts

201 months

Friday 2nd June 2017
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From someone who supposedly has a legal background..then gets all upset when someone corrects them.
Breadvan72 said:
All you need to start a grievance is the following -

Dear [ ]

I would like to raise a grievance about the handling of an overpaymant of my salary.

The facts are these: From xxxx to yyyy the company erroneously paid me £NNN per month too much. I was not aware of this error until zzzz. The company has asked for the overpayment to be refunded by me, but has not engaged in reasonable discussions about repayment, and especially about the time for repayment. I have attempted on several occasions to discuss the matter, but the company has not engaged in discussion. I attach the relevant emails to this letter.

My most recent salary payment has had an amount equal to one quarter of the amount claimed by the company. This has place me in financial difficulty. It is not fair that I should have to suffer this difficulty because of the company's mistake. I have been legally advised that the company is not acting in a manner that is fair, reasonable and consistent with its obligation to maintain trust and confidence.

I therefore wish to invoke the grievance procedure. I am looking for, at the very least, a reasonable payment schedule. But before that can be agreed, the whole issue of the amount of repayment should please be discussed. This letter has been written with the benefit of legal advice. I reserve all of my rights. I await hearing from you as soon as possible.

Yours sincerely
Breadvan72 said:
EDIT - typos corrected to keep some snarky tosser happy.
The gift that keeps on giving.


4,254 posts

201 months

Friday 2nd June 2017
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J4CKO said:
Its up to the individual if they want to follow a faith, just dont expect everyone to like it or want to pander to it.

To me, its some good moral rules, mixed in with heaps and heaps of nonsense that seemed like a good idea 2000 plus years ago, every other book gets revised and improved over time, but not religious ones.

I cant get my head around ll the different ones, if there was just one I would be a bit more impressed but they are all different, mainly as they were all invented by humans, largely to control other humans, with particular fixations about sex, pork and alcohol, I cannot countenance any restrictions on those items as it would really ruin my weekends.

They all seem to rely mainly on folk being born into them and indoctrinated from an early age and you cant really leave or decide its not for you as you get ostracised, so its easier to tow the line, go through the motions and not stick your neck out, like a big Ponzi scheme really though Christianity seems to have broken it a bit.

I think the human ace could have developed quicker without it, its like group OCD in my eyes but if it works for you, knock yourself out


13,154 posts

245 months

Friday 2nd June 2017
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mattlad said:
Must be some kind of conespiracy! rolleyes