Maxims that Have influenced Your Life
Passed down from my late Grandfather 'Your own front door'. In a nutshell; own, don't rent, your house.
One from my then Boss when I was moving to a new department 'Keep your eyes open and your gob shut'. Best bit of (work) advice anyone ever gave me as I thought I was going to show the new team a thing or two. Thank god I listened! I would often use this maxim after I was promoted and my staff were moving on.
Growing up in the 70's my own Mum was partial to dishing out a bit of corporal punishment. Not long before my own Daughter was born I was listening to a discussion on the radio regarding about discplining children. One of the guests said 'Never smack your child as this means you've already lost the arguement' My Daughter is well into her teens, to this day I have never lifted a hand to her
One from my then Boss when I was moving to a new department 'Keep your eyes open and your gob shut'. Best bit of (work) advice anyone ever gave me as I thought I was going to show the new team a thing or two. Thank god I listened! I would often use this maxim after I was promoted and my staff were moving on.
Growing up in the 70's my own Mum was partial to dishing out a bit of corporal punishment. Not long before my own Daughter was born I was listening to a discussion on the radio regarding about discplining children. One of the guests said 'Never smack your child as this means you've already lost the arguement' My Daughter is well into her teens, to this day I have never lifted a hand to her
RDMcG said:
"The major difference between a thing that might go wrong and a thing that cannot possibly go wrong is that when a thing that cannot possibly go wrong goes wrong it usually turns out to be impossible to get at or repair"
Douglas Adams.
I have met such devices and now just let them go.
An Adams quote I’ve always enjoyed, but I suppose is a bit of an anti-maxim;Douglas Adams.
I have met such devices and now just let them go.
‘I love deadlines. I like the whooshing noise they make as they fly by’.
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