Cyclist posts video of London road rage assault online

Cyclist posts video of London road rage assault online


Toilet Duck

1,329 posts

188 months

Wednesday 13th July 2011
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Perhaps the cyclist jumped a red light; they normally do.


16,837 posts

265 months

Wednesday 13th July 2011
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Garlick said:
skinley said:
Poor innocent cyclist, obviously he did nothing to incite this thuggish behavior.
Oh dear......

Peace brothers....

poo at Paul's

14,245 posts

178 months

Wednesday 13th July 2011
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va1o said:
What a , why do people feel the need to behave like that
They feel somehow superior to the rest of us and think they have more right to the road, I suppose.

Anyway, hopefully, after getting lamped in the face, he will be a bit less of a from now on.


7,117 posts

252 months

Wednesday 13th July 2011
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Maybe people should start videoing cyclists on pavements, and footpaths smile


821 posts

166 months

Wednesday 13th July 2011
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Noger said:
Maybe people should start videoing cyclists on pavements, and footpaths smile
Maybe drivers could do it as a change from using their mobiles at the wheel?


3,917 posts

183 months

Wednesday 13th July 2011
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The guy driving the car looks like a very nice fella. But he made a fatal error: he punched someone wearing a helmet.

He is the perfect example of the people I hate in this country: "you wanna fight about it" culture is ridiculous, no I don't want to have a fight, I simple would like you not to run me off the road.


24,559 posts

199 months

Wednesday 13th July 2011
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Noger said:
Maybe people should start videoing "tapping" cyclists on pavements, and footpaths smile
efa hehe


23,329 posts

233 months

Wednesday 13th July 2011
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The guys in the car look exactly like the bunch that killed that lad at a bus stop in SE London years ago. They look like a bunch of violent chav 5 and will be out on the pi55 tonight then stamping on some poor sods head on the way home from the club.

I hope they find him and throw the book at him.


24,559 posts

199 months

Wednesday 13th July 2011
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1,170 posts

198 months

Wednesday 13th July 2011
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If anyone sees KJ56 HGF on the road.. please feel free to fk it up..

Simond S

4,519 posts

280 months

Wednesday 13th July 2011
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The mail are less concerned with hiding the vehicle number plate

Also absolutely no need to hide the plate as it occurred in a public place.

Maybe the BiB should start by dropping a parking ticket in the post for parking on a double yellow, but is that photo turns up in the local paper I'm pretty sure someone will be willing to point a finger.


1,170 posts

198 months

Wednesday 13th July 2011
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228 posts

171 months

Wednesday 13th July 2011
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rockandrollmark said:
Even if he'd kicked seven shades out of the car, does this really warrant assault on the part of the driver.
Yes it does! How would you like it if someone did that to your car every time you made a mistake on the roads?

I know you only drive an old c class but I'm sure you would still be pretty pissed off.


378 posts

162 months

Wednesday 13th July 2011
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007 VXR said:
Is Emma going to comment on this ???? hehe
oh I do hope so, I quite like her


1,170 posts

198 months

Wednesday 13th July 2011
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char5 said:
Yes it does! How would you like it if someone did that to your car every time you made a mistake on the roads?

I know you only drive an old c class but I'm sure you would still be pretty pissed off.
Cyclists don't go out on the road to attack cars !!

If the cyclist did tap the car it was more than likely because the driver was running him into the kerb..


40,601 posts

243 months

Wednesday 13th July 2011
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char5 said:
I know you only drive an old c class but I'm sure you would still be pretty pissed off.
Nice dig. So he shouldn't care about his car because it's an 'old C Class'?

What do you drive then?


57 months

Wednesday 13th July 2011
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This thread is going to turn into a huge Cyclist vs Driver thread.

Obviously the cyclist hit the car (tapped* rolleyes)which caused a reaction but he also obviously did it for a reason, you don't just hit cars no matter how green you are. Unless you're the Hulk. So the driver probably was closing him down. I've noticed cyclists (not all but a lot) do seem to think they have more right to be on the road than the cars they were built for but as I said that is not all of them, just the ones who probably choose the Veggie option when eating...
I'd like to see cyclists back on the pavements though to be honest, they get close to my lovely Mini.


1,412 posts

177 months

Wednesday 13th July 2011
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ZesPak said:
While I think it would be completely unacceptable to "tap" my car, I think I might stop and have a talk but never punch the cyclist. Although, as a cyclist my self (recumbent for that matter!), I can't believe how you can think it's acceptable to "tap" anyone's car? If you're driving, and another car gets too close, do you open your door against his car to warn him about this?
Ah, but the consequences of a 'tap' car to car are, what? Financial? A bit of paint? If you need to 'tap' someones car when out on your bike its usually because they have nearly killed you.

I am both a keen drive and occasional cyclist commuter. The number of times that I have been seriously endangered by car users is incredible and yes, sometimes I have had to bang my hand on a side window as some arse mounts the pavement (and crosses the cycle lane with me in it) to get round a right-turning car.

I once got pinned against a railing at about 20 mph because a car decided to use the cycle lane to undertake a slower can and this did all sorts of great stuff to my bike.

Cyclists have every right to use the road along with car users, and the reality is that car users need to accept this. Not doing so can end up with someone being killed.


57 months

Wednesday 13th July 2011
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LOL at punching a man in the head who has a cycling helmet on rofl

"Never fk with a man's vehicle. You just don't do it."

Edited by MSTRBKR on Wednesday 13th July 09:25


73,668 posts

258 months

Wednesday 13th July 2011
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winshent said:
Cyclists don't go out on the road to attack cars !!

If the cyclist did tap the car it was more than likely because the driver was running him into the kerb..
And motorists don't go out to attack cyclists... Are we done with generalizations?.