Hopefully RE: Nurburgring sold: official

Hopefully RE: Nurburgring sold: official



6,864 posts

211 months

Sunday 16th March 2014
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terenceb said:
Never a truen word etc.Surprised by the lack of knowledge about the place though.Has there been and mention of the "Test route"above Adenau that was completed in 1923
Its often denied that Hitler had anything to do with the building of the remaining track in order to give local people a way of earning a wage , why??
Probably because it had absolutely nothing to do with him.


1,488 posts

176 months

Monday 17th March 2014
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Non so blind etc-------


6,864 posts

211 months

Monday 17th March 2014
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terenceb said:
Non so blind etc-------
It's an indisputable fact that Hitler wasn't in power until 1933. Construction was 1925-1927. Your story doesn't make any sense.


1,488 posts

176 months

Monday 17th March 2014
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Who said he was in power? Ever though the just maybe, he could/was Minister of Employment or some such title? I tend to belive what local, very knowledgable tell or show me.Unless Hitler had a double, he was present when the photograph mentioned earlier was taken, incedently, it was the grand father of the Jamelshoffen resident spoke about.What I have seen and been told I tend to take these as indisputable, not things from an english author.


4,460 posts

139 months

Monday 17th March 2014
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terenceb said:
Our present landlady/very good friend owns what used to be the petrol station at the top of Breidsheid , its now an imbiss/pizzeria. Her father started the business in 1920, when the "Test"hill/track was completed in 1923, he would use his Horch onpen top cabriolet as sort of a "Half Ring Taxi".This car would take 7 passengers.He was one of the first people to drive on the ring as and official Ring Taxi, out several "inspectors"one his very first lap there was a slightly built man sitting in the middle row of seats, guess who he was.I have tried photographing the original but the quality is pretty naff so time it gets produced on here it'll be a waste of time.
Another thing about this area, the Eifel is that a lot of SS were recruited from this area.There is a once forgotten records office in the hills just up the road in the Ahr valley thats recently been open to the public, plan is to take a look before the season gets underway.
I'd tend to believe this; he could easily have been there, as he worked to consolidate power in the early 1920s and would have been busy co-opting anything that looked interesting in order to allow the NSDAP to take credit for it and win support.


6,864 posts

211 months

Monday 17th March 2014
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terenceb said:
Who said he was in power? Ever though the just maybe, he could/was Minister of Employment or some such title? I tend to belive what local, very knowledgable tell or show me.Unless Hitler had a double, he was present when the photograph mentioned earlier was taken, incedently, it was the grand father of the Jamelshoffen resident spoke about.What I have seen and been told I tend to take these as indisputable, not things from an english author.
No, he wasn't*. You're writing absolute garbage again. Have a look at a NSDAP history timeline. Are these 'very knowledgeable locals' in full possession of all of their faculties ?

  • Hitler spent the majority of 1924 in prison, after release he renounced his Austrian citizenship and was unable to stand for public office until 1932.
Your story about Hitler being minister of employment, personally supervising the building of the Karussel, etc, are some of the most stupid things I've ever read on this forum - and that takes some doing. Well done.


4,460 posts

139 months

Monday 17th March 2014
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agtlaw said:
Are these 'very knowledgeable locals' in full possession of all of their faculties ?

  • Hitler spent the majority of 1924 in prison, after release he renounced his Austrian citizenship and was unable to stand for public office until 1932.
There could easily be some truth to what he is saying regarding the locals.

Hitler was building popular and political support and laying plans for the future of the NSDAP in the early 1920s before the Putsch in '23. He could easily have been involved with the Ring prior to its "official" construction, and this sort of project is exactly the sort of thing the party would have wanted to be involved in for propaganda purposes (which would not be the only time they were involved in the auto sector). You also have no idea what the party's relationships were to Gustav Eichler and everyone else involved in its conceptualization and construction, so to say there was no party involvement is likely a stretch.


1,488 posts

176 months

Monday 17th March 2014
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I, as much as you obviously have done, can only go by what I have read/been told/shown.I have not shown any arrogance to you, so do not insult me or those who have given me the info I have passed on voluntary.
You can stay in your own little world, I, will stay in the real one.


10,613 posts

230 months

Monday 17th March 2014
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Surely we should be looking forward to what the new owners are going to do, rather than arguing about how/if Hitler was involved with the 'ring 90 years ago...


19,910 posts

195 months

Monday 17th March 2014
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terenceb said:
I, as much as you obviously have done, can only go by what I have read/been told/shown.I have not shown any arrogance to you, so do not insult me or those who have given me the info I have passed on voluntary.
You can stay in your own little world, I, will stay in the real one.
In 1924 Hitler was a beer keller rabble-rouser and anarchist. He was sent to prison after being charged with treason and spent his time writing Mein Kampf.


1,488 posts

176 months

Tuesday 18th March 2014
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Craikeybaby said:
Surely we should be looking forward to what the new owners are going to do, rather than arguing about how/if Hitler was involved with the 'ring 90 years ago...
Yes quite, its what happens re the EU , as long as they are happy with the deal etc.Why shouldn't they be, it stays in German hands so easier to keep an eye on it.Big plus points are the disposing of the money grabbing ring card system and also the long wished for removal of the biggest eye sore on the horizon.


57,658 posts

174 months

Tuesday 18th March 2014
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Re Ring Tockets and their cost, it's the core problem one of very basic economics in that if you can only let X number of people on the track but have X+ number of people wanting to buy that you increase the price to the point that demand reduces to match the supply in order to receive the optimum income?

One problem the Ring clearly has in monetising us general public is that we are in essence a really crap business. We change our numbers dependent on what time of year it is and what the weather is like. And the local infrastructure is very restrictive so only a small number of people can be funneled in.

If land is restrictive and client flow unpredictable then there are some pretty basic solutions to work around this.

Mainly the use of simple technology to use an eTicket system that allows you to buy online, manage your time slots, see what other vehicles are in that slot range. At the same time the 'app' can be used to ping ticket discounts during quiet periods or advance offers to draw in people ahead of a weekend. Or you manage sales on the same structure as airline or coach tickets.

However, just how important is the cash flow from out business in contrast to that from corporations?


1,488 posts

176 months

Saturday 22nd March 2014
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Short answer is VERY.First TF day last week was incredibly busy with the result of the surrounding businesses having a very good weekend. Likely to be extremely busy From the 24th as the Ring is open for three consecutive days.Local worry re the sale is that HIG had their own funding whereas Capricorn borrowed theirs, what if they cannot maintain the payments?
I certainly hope they can as I dread to think of the effect American ownership would have!!