Lets play the Photo Location Game! Vol 3

Lets play the Photo Location Game! Vol 3


s p a c e m a n

10,946 posts

153 months

Monday 26th February
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Go on, I was hoping for more of just a clothing store but they look to have half of the shop dedicated to clothing and I can't see anything near you on Google maps. I think they're missing a trick around your way, the decent clothing and accessory stores are always rammed around here and it's impossible to walk out without spending a few hundred quid.



18,462 posts

203 months

Monday 26th February
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Win, if the setting agrees!



14,854 posts

148 months

Monday 26th February
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Next challenge..car, custard, and the aftermath of an accident.
That can be a knocked down wall, a bent Armco or lamppost, smashed up car, even a roadside shrine to a local chav who got wiped out in a police chase, complete with cans of Prime, and football shirts. smile
Bonus points if you get the photo while Trumpton are still cutting the victim from the wreckagebiggrin

s p a c e m a n

10,946 posts

153 months

Monday 26th February
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Heh. My sister wrote her van off earlier today, don't think she'd appreciate me pulling up outside her house taking photos with custard hehe


458 posts

98 months

Saturday 30th March
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"Thank you for driving carefully through our village".

(Also, excuse the crusty E46.)


18,462 posts

203 months

Saturday 30th March
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Let’s get going!


Annoyed as I know of a similar place with abandoned fiat 500


2,527 posts

134 months

Saturday 30th March
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A crusty, E46 BMW 325i Touring, it may be; but still a win in my book.

Nice car, with a little TLC, I can’t see much wrong with that.


14,854 posts

148 months

Saturday 30th March
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This is a win. Next!


458 posts

98 months

Sunday 31st March
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daqinggregg said:
A crusty, E46 BMW 325i Touring, it may be; but still a win in my book.

Nice car, with a little TLC, I can’t see much wrong with that.

Game on.

Next challenge, car and custard etc. with a ‘No Parking’ sign.

s p a c e m a n

10,946 posts

153 months

Sunday 31st March
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Baja blast and my trainer on the 'hood' as we haven't found birds custard yet


14,854 posts

148 months

Sunday 31st March
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I'd call it a win


18,462 posts

203 months

Sunday 31st March
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Win, crack on!


458 posts

98 months

Sunday 31st March
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Yes, a big win. Let’s keep this thread alive.

shout Next!

s p a c e m a n

10,946 posts

153 months

Sunday 31st March
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Cool. As we are in freedom land the next challenge is: Car, custard and any American vehicle (excluding Tesla as that's too easy)


11,336 posts

214 months

Monday 1st April
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s p a c e m a n said:
Cool. As we are in freedom land the next challenge is: Car, custard and any American vehicle (excluding Tesla as that's too easy)
First time poster in here, does this count?

My daily with (my) American vehicle behind hehe


18,462 posts

203 months

Monday 1st April
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Win, bonus point if you didn’t need to move either vehicle!


14,854 posts

148 months

Monday 1st April
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IIRC the rules say your whole car has to be in shot.
I once got refused apart of the bumper was not in shot!!!!


11,336 posts

214 months

Monday 1st April
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illmonkey said:
Win, bonus point if you didn’t need to move either vehicle!
Had to reverse the daily back to the garage

Kowalski655 said:
IIRC the rules say your whole car has to be in shot.
I once got refused apart of the bumper was not in shot!!!!
Just checked back at the rules....

Has to be a photo taken specificly for the thead
NO Photoshop
A whole car has to be in the photo
Custard or an item for those who's custard has died a untimely death

I could go and get it out of the garage if needed, maybe this photo as it shows more of 'the car' ?


18,462 posts

203 months

Monday 1st April
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It’s more the whole of your ‘spotted’ car not the item in the game (in this instance a car!).

I say win as it’s obvious he could just go take an other with the silver car fully in shot.

s p a c e m a n

10,946 posts

153 months

Monday 1st April
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Normally that wouldn't be a win as your daily has to be fully in the photo (is it an Asta van?) but as we would just be waiting for you to to post another photo I'll call that a win as long as you set a new challenge before anyone else posts a photo completing mine with their whole car in shot