One single thing that makes you think "knob" Vol 3

One single thing that makes you think "knob" Vol 3



312 posts

116 months

Wednesday 7th October 2015
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Thermobaric said:
fking Marlow high street. Pedestrians walking around like lemmings crossing roads, not looking, not giving a flying fk stepping out into traffic. Then they give you that look as if you're in the wrong.
Saw this on the youtube thread.

Just down the road from Marlow, I find that plenty of the drivers in the area are just as bad as the pedestrians you mentioned.

Also, the people who thought that having a Range River Sport or Merc CLK was the same as having a disabled badge in Henley at the weekend were intensely irritating. They had no blue badges but there were 3 of the selfish idiots parked in disabled spots in the town. I had to circle the town twice to find a spot to park and get my wife out of her vehicle. One of them drove past us later on (I recognised his crap aftermarket exhaust) and he nearly crashed because his neck was craning that hard to stare. For some people disabled woman + husband + daughter = small mind explodes into tiny pieces. I almost feel embarrassed for them at times.


725 posts

125 months

Wednesday 7th October 2015
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I've not found the quality of driving around Marlow to be that bad to be fair. I'm just guaranteed to see total div pedestrians every time I'm there.


59 months

Wednesday 7th October 2015
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sim72 said:
masermartin said:
sim72 said:
This is always a fun junction. As you can see, the main road is from South to East and vice versa. This leads to people going South to North indicating left (so that people coming from the West pull out, thinking they're turning West), and more comically to people queuing from the West and North doing the "after you" bit to each other because they haven't grasped the concept of give way to the right. More soberly, there are fairly frequent accidents there for this reason.

But today's was a classic. Following a car coming from the North, which reaching the junction where there were cars approaching from the West AND East, but simply barrelled out straight on across the junction, causing both to stop.

The thing was, it was a driving school car. With only one person in it.
There's a junction like that in an industrial estate in Newbury here:,+West+...

Whoever signs off on these junctions needs putting out of our misery.[sic]
The really stupid bit is that the major traffic flow is probably East to West. It'd be trivial to turn it into a normal crossroads. Or there's even plenty of room to stick a mini-roundabout on it.
(My bolding) There's a good reason they're not crossroads - it'll (almost certainly) be down to majority flows. There would have been counts done, and the majority would get the priority. Just because YOU don't use the priority directions doesn't mean it's wrong.

The junctions, especially the one at Rugby, would have been there long before anyone you could blame nowadays were even born.

4 arm mini roundabouts are very much frowned upon in the industry, they cause more congestion than they save. There's plenty enough guidance out there. If thee is an issue they can put signals in, but then they get accused of tampering, wasting money etc. Can't win, can they?


4,078 posts

127 months

Wednesday 7th October 2015
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Not bad driving as such, just bad manners.

Slow moving traffic, so I let said knob out from the side turn, who happens to be in an A4 All-Road. Did I get a thanks? Did I fk; just a dirty look.

People like that really boil my piss. Does he think, that it's his right to be let out? Well sorry chuck, it's not. So be a little more fking thankful next time you miserable old cock.

Horse Pop

685 posts

149 months

Wednesday 7th October 2015
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That's what you get for letting an Audi out.


7,394 posts

123 months

Wednesday 7th October 2015
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On a similar note to that, I ended up being a knob last night.

On my commute home, after a decent NSL B-road it's back into the suburbs where parking, manners and common sense all go to st.

On three occasions in the space of about a minute, I gave way to cars. The first two were because there was a row of school moms parked on my side of the road. Most cars in front of me forced their way through anyway, but I pulled in and let a couple of cars pass. No thank you.

Shortly after, turning left at a junction off a main road, the car coming the other way also wanted to turn and had a queue behind him. Cars in front of me couldn't be bothered to let him go, so I did. No thank you.

So after that I was a bit of a knob, I could've let people out several times when crawling in traffic etc but I just couldn't be bothered, I'd had enough with people for that day laugh


4,553 posts

118 months

Wednesday 7th October 2015
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Liquid Knight said:
Probably late for a shoe sales conference and needed to go the extra three miles per hour to make up lost time sending a tweet from the slow lane. hehe

With the old BMW lane cleche' dominated by Audi recently has anyone else noticed the abundance of pillocks now taking to Jag's? If you see a Jaguar XE on the road chances are it's being operated by a complete tool. If you see an F-Type it's being operated by someone idiotically to compensate for the fact they can't afford an Aston Martin and play in the Beezer Homes League. "Operated" not "driven" as apart from the Diesels they are all automatics with so many drivers aids Bono is planning a Christmas charity single for them.

I think the problem is people believe the hype. When Loki says "Go fourth and rule the road" they're inspired but they feel completely emasculated two hundred yards later because they are effectively ballast in a car that does everything for them. Set the F.O.D Radar to three inches, turn the lane detection on and tailgate someone until they move out of the way, the car catches the next one; tailgate them until they move out of the way, catches the next one; tailgates them until they move out of the way and so on until they get to the Golf Club or online "date" (girlfriend experience escort) at a hotel booked under the name of Smith.


Sorry to go off tangent there but Jaguar are the new Audi and worse than the old BMW.
Now you mention it, I followed a Jag this last weekend for a couple of miles and he/she had no idea what the white lines between the lanes meant, nor how to work their indicators.

At one point they went across three lanes in heavy traffic whilst straight-lining a curve in the roadway.


2,149 posts

116 months

Wednesday 7th October 2015
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Liquid Knight said:
Dare I say almost as bad as Qashqai's? I'm dreading the F-Pace. rolleyes
The Qashqai is the new angry/grumpy/depressed Dad car.


7,394 posts

123 months

Wednesday 7th October 2015
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Mafffew said:
The Qashqai is the new angry/grumpy/depressed Dad car.
So true, I've seen it firsthand laugh

The Juke also seems to be the new Facebook Mum car..


3,379 posts

262 months

Wednesday 7th October 2015
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Mafffew said:
The Qashqai is the new angry/grumpy/depressed Dad car.
I'd be angry/grumpy/depressed if that's what I had to drive!

Liquid Knight

15,754 posts

188 months

Wednesday 7th October 2015
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Mafffew said:
Liquid Knight said:
Dare I say almost as bad as Qashqai's? I'm dreading the F-Pace. rolleyes
The Qashqai is the new angry/grumpy/depressed Dad car.
I forgot about the Juke (or suppressed the trauma of its existence from my memory) a neighbor up the road has a Juke and Qasiqai and they are literally his and hers ttwagons. The Juke has had at last three new front bumpers. My local garage stocks one now and the Qashqai pulled out of the driveway into the side of a bright green bus last month. rolleyes

Liquid Knight

15,754 posts

188 months

Wednesday 7th October 2015
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I'm almost ready to retract my comment about Jag's as come to think of it. I have never seen any Nissan being driven with sense of due care and attention. Micra's are used, abused and Duct-Taped back together by various delivery establishments. The GTR is driven by people who have no idea how to drive (generally). Older Nissan models are bumper cars, newer ones are driven 70% of the speed limit and Nissan Navara's drop their guts if you show them an incline.

Jaguars are still the tool of choice for tools though.


17,186 posts

171 months

Wednesday 7th October 2015
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The clown this morning in a '51 plate' Focus on Hawley Lane in Farnborough, near the M3 bridge.

I've no idea what he/she was up to in the driving seat, but it was blatantly obvious that they weren't fully engaged in the act of driving.

There was lots of 'lane wobbling' and a general inability to pick a speed (any speed) and stick to it. I'd dropped back a little after only a few yards behind them, due to the random acceleration, and consequent braking, that followed (presumably unintentional) deceleration. Repeatedly.

But then came the absolute 'cherry on the top'. Whoever was driving it obviously lost interest completely, because the car just wandered, with no warning whatsoever, into the oncoming traffic lane. Christ only knows what the first oncoming driver was thinking, other than "....king hell!" as they had to dive for the nearside edge of the carriageway. There was a sounding of the horn from someone, I was braking reasonably firmly (luckily I'd made space when they first started dicking about) and fully expecting to witness a head-on collision on this busy 40mph road. But old wobbly-chops got it back into the proper lane just in time, although with a somewhat 'jerky' application of steering. Fortunately for all concerned, the cretin had also slowed (without the use of brakes once again) so everyone had a smidgin more time to react. It also helped that the road itself is relatively generous in it's width of carriageway, so there was more 'dead space' between the opposing vehicles too.

As if that wasn't enough of a warning to the driver, they continued in the same vein along Chapel Lane and onto Fernhill Road. Drunk? Texting? Applying make-up? Eating Breakfast? I've no idea. I wasn't going to get any closer than absolutely necessary to maintain progress, for fear of getting 'involved' in some other crazy unplanned manoeuvre of theirs.

Further knobs this morning? The two drivers (from the hundreds I passed) who decided that no, it wasn't really necessary to switch on any of their exterior lights. Crack on chaps. It might not be "dark" but it's sure as st wet and gloomy out there at 7am, and the fact that everyone else's headlights are allowing them to stand out from the background murk and gloom means that YOU are pressed further into that gloom, and are very difficult to see. Just put the bloody lights on and stop being a pair of twits.

And from yesterday, the halfwit in an old, dark blue Focus estate who appeared to have no functioning windscreen wipers, nor any demisting capability within his old crap-heap. As I approached a mini-roundabout he was approaching from my right. So, as required, I prepared to stop, and looked for some indication of his intent. But there was none. Presumably because he couldn't see me. So he stopped. And I stopped. And that's when the extent of his obscured windows became apparent. He was driving with the driver's window down, looking ahead with his head stuck out of the open window. Only after he stopped did he apply a left indicator, but I still let him move off to confirm his direction of travel, since it's not wise to trust someone so oblivious to the danger they present to other road users. The inside of his front passenger window and front screen were well and truly fog-bound, and the outside surfaces were covered in un-wiped water droplets, like the ones you see when you first get into a car after overnight rain. Barnstorming levels of stupidity right there.


111 posts

109 months

Wednesday 7th October 2015
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Was followed by some knob in a Corsa this evening that had taken to installing four ridiculously bright white LEDs to the front of his car - one in each headlight reflector and then two on his reg plate so that you couldn't read it. Looked s**t as well.

Saw another car with a similar mod the other day but they'd opted for blue leds instead - looked equally crap mind.


6,483 posts

186 months

Wednesday 7th October 2015
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Mafffew said:
The Qashqai is the new angry/grumpy/depressed Dad car.
With the Mokka running a close second I'd say.
Jukes are universally driven by cretins though, it's true.


4,992 posts

139 months

Wednesday 7th October 2015
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OpulentBob said:
There's a good reason they're not crossroads - it'll (almost certainly) be down to majority flows. There would have been counts done, and the majority would get the priority. Just because YOU don't use the priority directions doesn't mean it's wrong.

The junctions, especially the one at Rugby, would have been there long before anyone you could blame nowadays were even born.

4 arm mini roundabouts are very much frowned upon in the industry, they cause more congestion than they save. There's plenty enough guidance out there. If there is an issue they can put signals in, but then they get accused of tampering, wasting money etc. Can't win, can they?
Oh, I'm not grumbling about my journey; indeed, in the morning (going South -> North) the existing layout actually helps me. However, in the rush-hours, when the majority of traffic is coming from the West, that road can build up a serious backlog. My main issue, as mentioned in the original post, is that it's a magnet for accidents from bad driving because of its non-standard layout.

You're right about the age of the junction being why it's designed like that, though; all four arms have existed for centuries, but the West arm, like the North arm still is, would previously have been a minor road to a village some way away. Now, it's the route not only to three massive housing estates (two pretty new), but also the rat-run through to the A426 and the M6. I'm guessing a traffic flow count these days would give massively different results to one from even 20 years ago.

Edited by sim72 on Wednesday 7th October 22:36


7,641 posts

172 months

Wednesday 7th October 2015
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Blanchimont said:
Not bad driving as such, just bad manners.

Slow moving traffic, so I let said knob out from the side turn, who happens to be in an A4 All-Road. Did I get a thanks? Did I fk; just a dirty look.

People like that really boil my piss. Does he think, that it's his right to be let out? Well sorry chuck, it's not. So be a little more fking thankful next time you miserable old cock.
I let a Prius driving man with a beard out this afternoon in rush hour, he just gave me a dirty look, no idea why, but wish I hadn't bothered, he was also the only car in the rain without lights on.


59 months

Thursday 8th October 2015
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carlove said:
Blanchimont said:
Not bad driving as such, just bad manners.

Slow moving traffic, so I let said knob out from the side turn, who happens to be in an A4 All-Road. Did I get a thanks? Did I fk; just a dirty look.

People like that really boil my piss. Does he think, that it's his right to be let out? Well sorry chuck, it's not. So be a little more fking thankful next time you miserable old cock.
I let a Prius driving man with a beard out this afternoon in rush hour, he just gave me a dirty look, no idea why, but wish I hadn't bothered, he was also the only car in the rain without lights on.
S'funny. The only Prius owner I know has got a beard, and he too is a miserable . He lives in Suffolk though. Could be the same person I guess.


18,120 posts

132 months

Thursday 8th October 2015
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Drivers weren't so bloody rude even ten years ago. The thing that infuriates me is that these people usually wouldn't say boo to a goose and will st themselves if you call them up on their behaviour. Pathetic.


4,078 posts

127 months

Thursday 8th October 2015
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carlove said:
Blanchimont said:
Not bad driving as such, just bad manners.

Slow moving traffic, so I let said knob out from the side turn, who happens to be in an A4 All-Road. Did I get a thanks? Did I fk; just a dirty look.

People like that really boil my piss. Does he think, that it's his right to be let out? Well sorry chuck, it's not. So be a little more fking thankful next time you miserable old cock.
I let a Prius driving man with a beard out this afternoon in rush hour, he just gave me a dirty look, no idea why, but wish I hadn't bothered, he was also the only car in the rain without lights on.
He had a beard?! The absolute... oh hang on.

I had another 2 this morning, The air in my car was tinted blue for a bit. fking wking fks!