How can you strip spray paint off alloys?

How can you strip spray paint off alloys?



Original Poster:

4,611 posts

199 months

Friday 23rd October 2009
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Just bought a car with nice wheels on, the only problem is they've been painted with spray cans. Is there a way of stripping the spray paint off without damaging them, and can it be done with the tyres still on?

sniff diesel

13,110 posts

217 months

Friday 23rd October 2009
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White spirit? Nitromoors?


3,126 posts

189 months

Friday 23rd October 2009
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Original Poster:

4,611 posts

199 months

Friday 23rd October 2009
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Thanks guys and they won't damage the rubber or the actual wheel?


15,370 posts

193 months

Friday 23rd October 2009
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nytromures painted on with a brush then jetwashed off will do the trick, It shouldn't affect the tyres, but no point in wasting it.

It's a gel anyway, so you'll only get it where you need it.


11,968 posts

222 months

Friday 23rd October 2009
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If your budget allows, take them to a decent wheel refurb place, both of the places I use around Chester strip the tyres off and strip the paint off by bead blasting prior to repainting / enamel coating them (normal cost is in the region of £40 per wheel)


1,849 posts

203 months

Friday 23rd October 2009
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I'm in the process of refurbing a set of 17" alloys at the moment and it's a mare. It's alot easier if you take the tyre off the wheel.
Be careful with nitromors its acidic stuff and will burn your skin.
I found that sandpaper/wire brush drill attachment was the best way to get the old finish off


Original Poster:

4,611 posts

199 months

Monday 26th October 2009
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Halfrauds Site said:
Will this strip paint of alloy wheels ?
I have some alloy wheels with paint that is starting to flake and bubble. Will this strip the paint cleanly ?
asked 1 year ago by Anonymous on Nitromors Automotive Paint Remover 500ml
1 answer
answer 1
We do not recommend Nitromors Automotive Paint Remover 500ml for Alloy Wheels

answered 1 year ago by HalfordsWebTeam
I've gone and bought the stuff then just seen this today??

After stripping the paint using the nitromors what kind of condition will it leave the wheels in?

What should I then do with them? Do I need to sand them and then spray them with lacquer? Which sandpaper should I be using?


8,620 posts

195 months

Monday 26th October 2009
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This sounds like it is going to go horribly wrong...


1,849 posts

203 months

Monday 26th October 2009
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Once youve nitromorsed them they will look awful.

You will then need to sand them down using rough paper, 40 or 80.
Then some wet 400 untill the surface is smoothish, then some wet 1000.
Then primer, 3 coats, then 1200 wet.
Now spray the wheels your colour or choice 2 or 3 times. Then 1200 wet. Now polish.

It takes ages and is alot easier if you have the tyres taken off.



13,736 posts

209 months

Monday 26th October 2009
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I wouldn't go anywhere near my tyres with nitromoors. That stuff is VERY aggressive paint stripper and although I'm not a chemist I would hazard a guess that if ANY of it touches ANY part of the rubber tyre then the tyre will be fked as it will chemically melt and cause a weak spot. And the problem with weak spots is that by definition they will fail when under stress, i.e. when you're going hard and least want a tyre to fail.

If you're going to use anything more aggressive than sand paper, then take the tyres off first.

pimpin gimp

3,293 posts

205 months

Monday 26th October 2009
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Couple of things I'd disagree with here, firstly, using 40 grit paper to prep something for paint?!? No mate. Go to 180 ish, then 240 - 400. then prime, then rub back with 400 and 600. Then paint. Lots of paint, then lacquer over it and either use 1200-1500-2000 paper to shine it, or if you're using 2k paint you can hit the lacquer with about 400 grit to kock att the dimples down and cover it in another coat of lacquer... it's an amazing finish, but not if you're using rattle cans!

Also, a note on nitromors. I've never known it to react with anything but paint and skin. if you use it on a painted surface with stickers or tape on it'll take the ink off the stickers but the plastic doesn't even warp. So tyres "might" not have a massive amount of trouble with it. I'd suggest using masking tape on the tyres to be safe though, NM melts the paint so if you get it on the tyre and it dries you'll just have paint on them. Not a god look.


1,849 posts

203 months

Monday 26th October 2009
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carter711 said:
Once youve nitromorsed them they will look awful.

You will then need to sand them down using rough paper, 40 or 80.
Then some wet 400 untill the surface is smoothish, then some wet 1000.
Then primer, 3 coats, then 1200 wet.
Now spray the wheels your colour or choice 2 or 3 times. Then 1200 wet. Now polish.

It takes ages and is alot easier if you have the tyres taken off.

Oh yea, i forgot to say you need to lacquer before polish!

40 is maybe too harsh for your situ, I used it to grind down some big kerbs on my wheels


2,388 posts

209 months

Tuesday 27th October 2009
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Don't do it! You will blast the nitromors off the wheels (which will be unprotected and look st) and straight onto your vehicle paintwork!

You are asking for one serious ball ache if you do this.

Have it done by a reputable company; the result will be fantastic, and you won't risk damage to your vehicle/tyres by using paint stripper.


1,639 posts

202 months

Tuesday 27th October 2009
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The nitormores will melt the rubber on your tyre. I got nitromores on a bit of plastic trim on one of my old cars when I was trying to strip the paint off a bumper. It melted the plastic and deformed it.
Also I dont think that it would do the alloy very much good.

Why not take them to get blasted and painted? I had a guy come round to my house and he blasted and painted my wheels in a trailer that he had. Cost £200. So much less hassle than doing it yourself, I had done one wheel myself with sandpaper wire wool etc, and it looked st so gave in and got the profesional round to do it.
Mind you I didnt have any power tools (yep too much time and not enough money) and the wheels were peperpots.


6 posts

204 months

Wednesday 29th February 2012
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used nm today it has melted nothing but the paint


1 posts

124 months

Friday 23rd May 2014
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New to the site,now I ain't no mechanic but I've done enough decorating to know that if something can be painted on with a brush,then it's not going to do anything to something that can support a vehicle for hundreds of miles, and at speeds over 250 miles an hour, and stop it in a few seconds! Might have ago at stripping the silver/Gray off mine! ave got time and 200 quid,is 200 quid!!.


9,411 posts

141 months

Friday 23rd May 2014
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Why bother stripping the paint?

Can you not just key the surface and repaint over?


15,546 posts

205 months

Friday 23rd May 2014
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For gods's NITROMORS.

Get them done professionally using two pack paint...rattle cans is not the answer.


15,546 posts

205 months

Friday 23rd May 2014
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Alfachick said:
The nitormores will melt the rubber
No it won't.