my new (dirty) mistress

my new (dirty) mistress



1,718 posts

244 months

Thursday 22nd December 2011
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70proof said:
V10 BAT said:

nice pics, you do like to tinker heh.... so is that a decat tubi system, or just a tubi backbox and pipes..

i must say on the stock system, there is a nice growl 3-4 rpm esp if you say floor it in 5th at 70, and then after 4k the exhaust roars..... does the tubi recreate the growl at lower rpms.....
Hey bud,two pipes replace the cats,the tubi is tiny compared to the stocker.
Yeah the stock exhaust on mine had a growl above 4k,i did disconnect the vac pipes to the valves.
this gave it a growl from idle upwards.

However it now sound mental.Fire it up early morning you need to be gone asap before the curtains start twitching biggrin
6th gear 70mph motorway,tap it down twice and floor it......god i love it biggrin

Doing a few jobs over the winter, try and get it as good as it can be.
Stock is real big and very heavy.Cheers mate


2,366 posts

212 months

Thursday 22nd December 2011
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V10 BAT said:
However it now sound mental.Fire it up early morning you need to be gone asap before the curtains start twitching biggrin
6th gear 70mph motorway,tap it down twice and floor it......god i love it biggrin

Doing a few jobs over the winter, try and get it as good as it can be.
Stock is real big and very heavy.Cheers mate
Hehe, your neighbours must love you, mine hated me when i was down south with my 360 loaded with a Tubi.

Downshifts are awesome, thats when i wish i had the F1 box, instead having to heal and toe on the downshifts........oh the

Cant wait for next summer.

That stock box is massive, they were obviously trying to keep it quite!

70's get yourself a Tubi


Original Poster:

6,078 posts

165 months

Thursday 22nd December 2011
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V10 BAT said:
yuck, how ugly..... extra wieght over the back wheels to help traction maybe.... ex porsche man designed maybe... biggrin


119 posts

207 months

Tuesday 12th November 2013
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Nice one! the wrapped bits do it justice. V. Nice. I'll watch out for you locally (I'm in St Ives)


Original Poster:

6,078 posts

165 months

Tuesday 12th November 2013
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MarkyL said:
Nice one! the wrapped bits do it justice. V. Nice. I'll watch out for you locally (I'm in St Ives)
Thank you very much mark