fixing front plates question...?blue tack
70proof said:
Update on this since the threads been resurrected, I used what no nails removable pads, available from most supermarkets, and they are truly removable leaving virtually no residue, and two pads held a plate on no problem.
reading earlier posts did you not fit the hideaway plate holder? I've got a friend who sells both manual and electric versions in the UK. Personally I'd just leave the normal plate on a car like yours (as there is a proper place to put one) and stick a show plate over the top with maybe a picture of a Bull or Lambo logo on it for photosThis is what I used on the 360 and now the Gallardo, simple and effective and never flown off at 70ish mph yet.
70proof said:
fulham911club said:
You are driving a car not a fashion statement. Why buy a car and behave like you do? I really don't get it....

stated, whilst driving i am keen to comply with the law and wear front plates....i've brought the reg L4MVO and had new plates made up....
i am simply keen for when taking photos and at shows like wilson house being in the position to remove the plates with a minimum of fuss and effort FFS
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