fixing front plates question...?blue tack

fixing front plates question...?blue tack



Original Poster:

6,078 posts

165 months

Thursday 24th November 2011
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swerni said:
Two pulls in a few weeks, I can take a hint.
as more and more average cameras go up, the more essential it is for the front plate to be shown so that we can be busted....


8,956 posts

187 months

Thursday 24th November 2011
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As others have said, heavy duty velcro from 3M will do the trick. Worked fine on my chav chariot but then again that was only ever tested to two thirds of what your car can manage. Lovely colour by the way!


Original Poster:

6,078 posts

165 months

Tuesday 12th November 2013
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Update on this since the threads been resurrected, I used what no nails removable pads, available from most supermarkets, and they are truly removable leaving virtually no residue, and two pads held a plate on no problem.


637 posts

160 months

Sunday 17th November 2013
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70proof said:
Update on this since the threads been resurrected, I used what no nails removable pads, available from most supermarkets, and they are truly removable leaving virtually no residue, and two pads held a plate on no problem.
reading earlier posts did you not fit the hideaway plate holder? I've got a friend who sells both manual and electric versions in the UK. Personally I'd just leave the normal plate on a car like yours (as there is a proper place to put one) and stick a show plate over the top with maybe a picture of a Bull or Lambo logo on it for photos


315 posts

215 months

Monday 18th November 2013
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This is what I used on the 360 and now the Gallardo, simple and effective and never flown off at 70ish mph yet.


Original Poster:

6,078 posts

165 months

Monday 18th November 2013
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sonicbloo said:
reading earlier posts did you not fit the hideaway plate holder? I've got a friend who sells both manual and electric versions in the UK.
even though i had lifting gear, was concerned regards ground clearance as i would have to fit it on the base of the bumper


867 posts

252 months

Tuesday 19th November 2013
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70proof said:
fulham911club said:
You are driving a car not a fashion statement. Why buy a car and behave like you do? I really don't get it....

stated, whilst driving i am keen to comply with the law and wear front plates....i've brought the reg L4MVO and had new plates made up....

i am simply keen for when taking photos and at shows like wilson house being in the position to remove the plates with a minimum of fuss and effort FFS
As a highly regarded man of medicine I am sure you can have your speech impediment corrected from a V to a B!! ;-)