VI gallardo spyder.... let the stampede begin....

VI gallardo spyder.... let the stampede begin....



Original Poster:

6,078 posts

165 months

Monday 17th December 2012
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just appeared in the classifieds...... i know there are several of you here after a VI spyder.....
non-standard wheels suck, car also does not have lifting gear.....


637 posts

172 months

Monday 17th December 2012
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Wheels could be sorted.

The ad states: Lifting gear



2,375 posts

224 months

Monday 17th December 2012
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Wheels easily replaced with either of these I noticed for sale the other day



Original Poster:

6,078 posts

165 months

Monday 17th December 2012
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Stryke said:
Wheels could be sorted.

The ad states: Lifting gear

can't see the button marked for it on the console..... i could be wrong...
not a great pic to tell, but don't think it has heated seats either......
the brake discs look as new..... nice....

Edited by 70proof on Monday 17th December 15:18


10,121 posts

202 months

Monday 17th December 2012
quotequote all
70proof said:
can't see the button marked for it on the console..... i could be wrong...
not a great pic to tell, but don't think it has heated seats either......
the brake discs look as new..... nice....

Edited by 70proof on Monday 17th December 15:18
it's covered in green ste too frown


Original Poster:

6,078 posts

165 months

Monday 17th December 2012
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andrew said:
it's covered in green ste too frown
a lot of men are red/green colour blind, to them it'll look grey!!!


3,594 posts

205 months

Monday 17th December 2012
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Web site says already sold


4,108 posts

241 months

Monday 17th December 2012
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That colour is soooo last year. wink


Original Poster:

6,078 posts

165 months

Monday 17th December 2012
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diablo_pete said:
Web site says already sold
his website.....? thats an old ad for a car with callisto wheels/black calipers. thats been on the stock list for ages. not sure how often he updates his website. acts as a good cache of old cars and prices for reference.

Edited by 70proof on Monday 17th December 18:47


Original Poster:

6,078 posts

165 months

Monday 17th December 2012
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sa_20v said:
That colour is soooo last year. wink
unlike white of course.....


10,121 posts

202 months

Monday 17th December 2012
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diablo_pete said:
Web site says already sold
hello wavey


8,185 posts

219 months

Monday 17th December 2012
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Nice car apart from the chav wheels.

Only about £12k overpriced too! £100k is into LP/MY08 SL/Balboni money.......


10,121 posts

202 months

Monday 17th December 2012
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sa_20v said:
That colour is soooo last year. wink
hey keith, you're famous biggrin


Original Poster:

6,078 posts

165 months

Monday 17th December 2012
quotequote all
Sarnie said:
Only about £12k overpriced too! £100k is into LP/MY08 SL/Balboni money.......
depends on how much you want a verdi spyder...... first one in over a year for sale..... 2009, 4k miles.....
sure wouldn;t pay 100k for the yellow 07 spyder being sold with 2k miles on the clock, but a verdi spyder.... london recently sold a 08 black spyder for mid 90's..... verdi must be worth 5k extra, 09 3-4k extra.... though i would only pay 100k for the car with titanium callisto wheels put back on.....

Edited by 70proof on Monday 17th December 19:13


Original Poster:

6,078 posts

165 months

Monday 17th December 2012
quotequote all
andrew said:
sa_20v said:
That colour is soooo last year. wink
hey keith, you're famous biggrin
roflol was funnier.... and more provocative


1,718 posts

244 months

Monday 17th December 2012
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NotNormal said:
Wheels easily replaced with either of these I noticed for sale the other day

I need those black callisto`s ,i already have some,but i want those as well.Kinda like girls and handbags biggrin


10,121 posts

202 months

Monday 17th December 2012
quotequote all
70proof said:
andrew said:
sa_20v said:
That colour is soooo last year. wink
hey keith, you're famous biggrin
verde mould was funnier.... and more provocative


Original Poster:

6,078 posts

165 months

Monday 17th December 2012
quotequote all
andrew said:
70proof said:
andrew said:
sa_20v said:
That colour is soooo last year. wink
hey keith, you're famous biggrin
verde mould was funnier.... and more provocative
get back to reading 4 shades of grey....


10,121 posts

202 months

Monday 17th December 2012
quotequote all
70proof said:
andrew said:
70proof said:
andrew said:
sa_20v said:
That colour is soooo last year. wink
hey keith, you're famous biggrin
verde mould was funnier.... and more provocative
get back to reading 4 shades of grey....
reading it ? i wrote it !


Original Poster:

6,078 posts

165 months

Monday 17th December 2012
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andrew said:
reading it ? i wrote it !
ah hah, thats why most ladies say its badly written, modern day mills and boon wanna be porn