Tavarish P1 rebuild
CharlesElliott said:
For reasons that haven't been explained (apart from cost and equipment required!), he seems to want to clean up the top and bottom end in situ without disassembly. So the mystery oil was there to clean up the mould in the cylinders.
Yeah, sorry, I knew his intention was to clear the gunk with the oil but it seems such an odd strategy. I understand also why he's keen to avoid removing the engine, but I think on this occasion he's being a bit short sighted. He took the engine and trans out of the 675, so why not this one?Did he win the lotto or something, massive house now a trashed P1 that is likely to need a 6 figure sum to repair to some sort of serviceability.
Youtube revenue isn't that good is it?
This P1 series is good viewing but some strange decisions being made on what was a very expensive buy given how trashed the car is.
Youtube revenue isn't that good is it?
This P1 series is good viewing but some strange decisions being made on what was a very expensive buy given how trashed the car is.
LivLL said:
Did he win the lotto or something, massive house now a trashed P1 that is likely to need a 6 figure sum to repair to some sort of serviceability.
Youtube revenue isn't that good is it?
This P1 series is good viewing but some strange decisions being made on what was a very expensive buy given how trashed the car is.
The house is massive but a bit of a state with a lot to fix so possible was a bit of a bargain. Youtube revenue isn't that good is it?
This P1 series is good viewing but some strange decisions being made on what was a very expensive buy given how trashed the car is.
He did post a while ago that he's getting divorced, unfortunately, not sure if that's affected his income in any way? He seems very well sponsored so income won't just be from YouTube, he has the Car Trek series as well, I'd imagine he's going to have some huge sponsors for the P1 series.
LivLL said:
Did he win the lotto or something, massive house now a trashed P1 that is likely to need a 6 figure sum to repair to some sort of serviceability.
Youtube revenue isn't that good is it?
This P1 series is good viewing but some strange decisions being made on what was a very expensive buy given how trashed the car is.
He said in another video that he had to put all of his other cars as collateral to get a loan to buy the P1.Youtube revenue isn't that good is it?
This P1 series is good viewing but some strange decisions being made on what was a very expensive buy given how trashed the car is.
LivLL said:
Did he win the lotto or something, massive house now a trashed P1 that is likely to need a 6 figure sum to repair to some sort of serviceability.
Youtube revenue isn't that good is it?
Yes it can be - I understood he is a multimillionaire because of it.Youtube revenue isn't that good is it?
Youtube is getting up there with movie stars, footballers and hedge fund managers - pays disproportionately to the ultimate value being created.
Bispal said:
As a 675LT owner I did enjoy his 675LT rebuild and had started to trust a lot of what he said. But when he said his 675LT engine failed because the engine internals of the 675LT were cast and not forged he lost any respect I had for him and not sure I could watch anymore as I can no longer trust anything he says. So many people just believe everything they hear on YouTube, these creators need to property research and fact check.
I note that this is subject is being echoed on legit street cars by a third party garage in Chicago specialising in MC and GTRs. Including a table of debris to back up the claims.The take home was that McLaren build to a spec and if you up the power/boost, then watch out. They said the 675LT internals were lightened, not strengthened.
Hongkongphooey69 said:
Grey_Area said:
Sits back and awaits the V-Engineering visit video…
If you watch Project BINKY (epic and proper engineers), you’ll see he’s literally just been knocking at their door in their latest update video yesterday ??Hongkongphooey69 said:
Grey_Area said:
Sits back and awaits the V-Engineering visit video…
If you watch Project BINKY (epic and proper engineers), you’ll see he’s literally just been knocking at their door in their latest update video yesterday ??LivLL said:
Polishing a turd springs to mind, I admire the continued work but this car was only ever fit for the scrapyard in reality.
Tub damage and corrosion everywhere - why even bother?
Because it's literally his business model to find and repair the most outlandish cars Tub damage and corrosion everywhere - why even bother?

In all seriousness, I don't think it's a waste of time at all. What's damaged can be repaired just a matter of making the cost make sense which he's obviously done.
If you've not seen it have a look at the state his 675LT was in before he repaired it, of even the Fast and Furious Lambo. Both of those were repaired and restored to a higher standard than they were to start with in every aspect (ok so the Mclaren's engine went bang but he himself has said that's his fault).
Totally that’s why only YouTubers would consider attempting to salvage cars like the P1.
To me though it’s too far gone from water damage to bother with, like you say though it’s great to watch and viewing numbers should be good for the channel.
The dry ice blasting seemed a little faddy though, elbow grease and conventional stripping and cleaning would probably take longer but get better results.
Can’t wait for episode 4
To me though it’s too far gone from water damage to bother with, like you say though it’s great to watch and viewing numbers should be good for the channel.
The dry ice blasting seemed a little faddy though, elbow grease and conventional stripping and cleaning would probably take longer but get better results.
Can’t wait for episode 4
LivLL said:
Totally that’s why only YouTubers would consider attempting to salvage cars like the P1.
To me though it’s too far gone from water damage to bother with, like you say though it’s great to watch and viewing numbers should be good for the channel.
The dry ice blasting seemed a little faddy though, elbow grease and conventional stripping and cleaning would probably take longer but get better results.
Can’t wait for episode 4
He is getting closer to fire up the car … battery seems to be a issue.To me though it’s too far gone from water damage to bother with, like you say though it’s great to watch and viewing numbers should be good for the channel.
The dry ice blasting seemed a little faddy though, elbow grease and conventional stripping and cleaning would probably take longer but get better results.
Can’t wait for episode 4
I hope he will get the P1 in shape. Very interesting.
I really enjoyy Freddie's episodes. I also feel he comes across as a decent guy. I find his videos are far more interesting and have a purpose especially when you compared them to Shmee. All shmee does is buy another car, bleat on about how rare it is, then he orders order another one, lets look at that too, then order another one and so on.
Freddie is a self taugh mechanic who isnt scared to enter a different league that is normally not for the home mechnic, which is what the P1 is. He loves how the fact that someone like him has brought it and will havre a go at trying to repair it must pi55 off so many owners / powers at be.
Freddie is a self taugh mechanic who isnt scared to enter a different league that is normally not for the home mechnic, which is what the P1 is. He loves how the fact that someone like him has brought it and will havre a go at trying to repair it must pi55 off so many owners / powers at be.
LivLL said:
Did he win the lotto or something, massive house now a trashed P1 that is likely to need a 6 figure sum to repair to some sort of serviceability.
Youtube revenue isn't that good is it?
This P1 series is good viewing but some strange decisions being made on what was a very expensive buy given how trashed the car is.
Sponsorship and debt I assume. Youtube revenue isn't that good is it?
This P1 series is good viewing but some strange decisions being made on what was a very expensive buy given how trashed the car is.
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