Moving To Jersey - Have You Done It?

Moving To Jersey - Have You Done It?



Original Poster:

1,165 posts

206 months

Monday 5th August 2019
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Looking to touch base with anyone that has moved from the UK out to Jersey. I have a job opportunity which would allow me to move out fairly promptly on a ‘J Cat’ licence but obviously lots of things to consider.

Would welcome contact from anyone who is perhaps prepared to exchange emails with advice, pointers, considerations of such a move particularly if you have done it yourself.

I have a wife who works from home and can ‘potentially’ continue with this employment in Jersey, although this is yet to be fully explored.

I have an 8 year old daughter who loves life and partakes in swimming, ballet, horse riding and generally anything she can get stuck into. At 8 years of age we are fast approaching the ‘important’ school years so clearly this is almost top of the list when it comes to priorities.

Lots to think about, employer will assist with some aspects of it but keen to work out it we can ‘afford’ a Jersey life. My wife was originally born there but sadly her father moved back to the UK with the bank before she qualified for residential status.



Original Poster:

1,165 posts

206 months

Wednesday 14th August 2019
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Guess not!


31 posts

18 months

Monday 10th June
quotequote all

Thinking about moving to Guernsey anyone done this from the UK