Lotus Evija - Wow!!!

Lotus Evija - Wow!!!



Original Poster:

1,994 posts

269 months

Monday 20th April 2020
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I've been on the fence about the EVIJA since launch, but seeing it in different colours has certainly changed my opinion. As soon as I saw this angle and colour, it looks pretty bloody good!


1,022 posts

231 months

Monday 20th April 2020
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Looks cool.
Wouldn’t be out of place in Gotham City!


4,369 posts

209 months

Monday 7th September 2020
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Williams Advanced Engineering not pulling any punches with this press release



16,980 posts

110 months

Monday 21st September 2020
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stemll said:
Williams Advanced Engineering not pulling any punches with this press release

It sounds like that one is going to hinge on what force majeure clauses were in place on the contract, to allow (or not) the delays due to Covid?

One for the lawyers to sort out, sadly. frown

I don't normally like black cars, but that looks good.


19,928 posts

220 months

Tuesday 22nd September 2020
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I guess we would expect lotus stuff to move to China. I am still considering a change from 911 to an Evora, but not convinced I want to get a car from a Chinese company though.