296 - educate me (Tokyo spotting)

296 - educate me (Tokyo spotting)



Original Poster:

134 posts

46 months

Thursday 9th November 2023
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Walking back the other night from Aston Martin & the owner of this was ordering a DBX but said he parked down the street

What’s the combo & spec ?

Looked quite awesome


2,991 posts

166 months

Thursday 9th November 2023
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Basic 296GTB with a fairly cheap blue paint and a not so cheap boy-racer factory stripe !


1,518 posts

243 months

Thursday 9th November 2023
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Assetto Fiorano pack, surely?


1,506 posts

222 months

Thursday 9th November 2023
quotequote all
Yes, Assetto Fiorano pack (£27.7k) with racing stripe (£12.4k), forged diamond cut wheels (£4.9k) and if the exterior colour is Blu Abu Dhabi or Blu NART then that is another £10.3k at UK prices.