southern gt40 vs Lister bell Chassis

southern gt40 vs Lister bell Chassis



Original Poster:

1,311 posts

265 months

Thursday 8th September 2016
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Agree LB chassis is fantastic
I do think the southern is a step up from tornado/gtd

The parts list i suppose expensive as dealing with v8 power etc


8,945 posts

162 months

Thursday 8th September 2016
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geeeman said:
Agree LB chassis is fantastic
I do think the southern is a step up from tornado/gtd
The GTD is massively dated (and of course no longer made), the Tornado is also somewhat dated but they do also do a carbon fibre or aluminimum honeycomb version which are rather less dated (although of course rather more expensive).

SGT is probably the best GT40 spaceframe (outside of the one in my garage wink) in the UK. The GT Forte one isn't bad (better IMO than Tornado) but suffers from none yet being finished and delivery issues.

Outside of Gox/David Brown true replicas (which are price accordingly) or the SPF "continuations" the best is probably the RCR which is an aluminium chassis, more akin to Tornado's Honeycomb efforts than to the spaceframe replica's.

Some photos


Tornado TS40

Tornado (Carbon)




2,144 posts

245 months

Thursday 8th September 2016
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Southern GT biggrin


8,945 posts

162 months

Thursday 8th September 2016
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Hoonigan said:
Southern GT biggrin
I would have posted posted a photo but the Southern GT site is all pop-ups and disabled right click, it's trivial to bypass but not so trivial to bother doing to link a photo...


1,871 posts

246 months

Monday 12th September 2016
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if looking for a GT40, others that may be worth considering are

absolute pace (Queensland Australia) which is an aluminium monocque with inboard suspension similar to the RCR. They also make a nice cobra replica.

not sure if DRB/GT40 Australia are still making cars as well.

Roaring forties have a nice selection of uprights available and cater for all engine variants.

Daytona sports cars, that do a Daytona coupe here in Melbourne have also been working with roaring forties and have produced a mould and body for a MKIV GT40 as well. this fits on the RF MKI chassis with a couple of modifications that are done by RF at the time of manufacture - I could be wrong though.