Formula E - TV coverage

Formula E - TV coverage


Sandpit Steve

11,507 posts

83 months

Monday 22nd January 2024
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cliffords said:
I think the fact the highlights are shown in 5 mins says it all.
It's deadly boring, it needs a huge format change to give it any interest, like adding big V12 engines perhaps.
For an electric series, I’d have the weight of the battery be excluded from the minimum weight of the car, and allow prototype batteries and motors with free rules about charging or swapping them during the race.

Yes there will be a fire or two along the way, and one car might dominate for a season or two, but what the EV World needs is rapid improvement in battery technology.

Mercedes got out of FE because it was too much of a spec series, and the team built the EQXX prototype road car instead. It does 1,000km on a 100kW battery.


25,218 posts

169 months

Tuesday 23rd January 2024
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What a bizarre decision. Wasn't the idea of FE to 'bring the racing to the people' or some such?

Didn't even realise it was on, and there doesn't seem to be any way to catch up.

No hint of FTA races or even YouTube highlights so far.

So what's the point in it? The cynic in me has always thought that the series is just occupying a niche so that someone e.g. Formula 1 would one day have to buy exclusivity / naming rights to all-electric motor racing from FE.

I don't think I know anyone who's going to be willing to pay to watch it?


Original Poster:

2,509 posts

179 months

Tuesday 23rd January 2024
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Thanks all for the replies, personally I have no desire to actively search out Formula E online let alone pay to watch it.

For the past 5+ years I've enjoyed watching it evolve and the racing improve and have had the races and / or highlights series linked and over time got more involved in it to the point where I would watch most races and even attended one event in person (which was enjoyable).

Now it is basically out of my mind and I'll find other things to watch instead (such as Extreme E) which are available. It's a shame because I was getting more involved season by season and now it's gone and I suspect many others feel the same.


2,203 posts

168 months

Tuesday 23rd January 2024
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It's always amazed me that 'The Race' give it so much coverage - yet they ignore other well established series.


764 posts

16 months

Tuesday 23rd January 2024
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They are probably contracted and/or sponsored/paid to do so they were throwing money around like sweets a few years ago and that company is always hounding for cash.

it is a simple enough premise, nobody wants it FTA, it doesn't pull in any viewers, so the FTA have all let it go, so the rights holder touts it to the highest bidder and makes them sign a 3 or 4 year contract. Just like WRC< MotoGP etcetc. Just because it is green doesn't make it any less of a product to flog as much as you can


29,637 posts

205 months

Saturday 30th November 2024
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Formula E is moving back to free to air. All 16 races on live on ITVX player, 9 races live on ITV4. First race of the new season is December 7th.


296 posts

2 months

Saturday 30th November 2024
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I think in reality they need to be and should be free, it is supposed to be a series showing off electric power, putting behind a paywall was dumb. It leaves me cold, always has, but it has a place, just clearly not one people will pay for in any numbers.

What it also might show is that series can change their minds if there are not enough people willing to pay, so for smaller stuff like WRC or rallycross even WEC, if enough people say no, you never know.


29,637 posts

205 months

Saturday 7th December 2024
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Free practice on YouTube finishing now. Just had a bit of an explanation of the 2 motor 4wd on the new 'Gen 3 Evo' cars. The cars are 2wd single motor in 'normal' mode. They have 2 motor 4wd a) for the launch off the start line until they brake for the first corner. b) attack mode which they have 8 minutes use of during the race in 2 minute blocks, 4 minute blocks, or a single 8 minute block.


4,694 posts

219 months

Saturday 7th December 2024
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ajprice said:
Formula E is moving back to free to air. All 16 races on live on ITVX player, 9 races live on ITV4. First race of the new season is December 7th.
Yes, season opener on ITV4 starting 4pm