The 2014 Alpina D3 Touring with *almost* moon mileage

The 2014 Alpina D3 Touring with *almost* moon mileage



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232 months

Sunday 22nd March 2020
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Thanks for the link through PH from Facebook btw!!

1200 miles into my ownership in just over 2 weeks.

Gave it its first wash!

Edited by Waitey on Monday 12th August 16:35


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232 months

Tuesday 24th March 2020
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r129sl said:
Don't those dials look super, so much better than today's arcade machines.

What a great car and how refreshing to see a car being used as it was intended. I am sure there is nothing better for a car than sympathetic but intense use like this. There is no reason why it should not go on indefinitely with a appropriate maintenance. I must say I love the ethos of Alpina: so much more complex and sophisticated than the increasingly vulgar M-cars. Even the dekal set somehow is the epitome of restraint. Will you be removing the window tints? To my eye the car looked rather more subtle without them.
I'm not sure on the tints. The dog lives in the boot all the time. Therefore all my things live on the back seat and I'd rather they weren't visible to the random passer by.

I am looking into sourcing a black deco set for it though, as I think that'll finish it off.

It was due in on Friday for its end of Warranty check. Sadly (but understandably) that has being cancelled by Sytner. I hope they'll honour it though.

Being a 'key worker' I'm still putting ~350 miles a week on it (down from ~600).


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Wednesday 25th March 2020
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Well I'm glad you all procrastinated.


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232 months

Tuesday 7th April 2020
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Mouse Rat said:
Good thread OP. strangely enough when my 530e goes back in October im looking at a RRS diesel or D3 . Whats your thoughs on the RRS?

I love Alpinas. Previously having a D3 biturbo which i sold in 2012 I've always been hooked.
However if you think 220k is high mileage. Check the recent MOT status on reg FJ58HDG.
RRS is fantastic. It just the fact pound coins fall out of it that makes me sad. Will have been over 50% depreciation in 2 years on it.


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232 months

Tuesday 7th April 2020
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Seek said:
That particular example hasn't been without issues either.
At 120k miles the timing chain let go and destroyed the engine.

Luckily the F30 D3 engine seems quite problem-free.
So it was you who jinxed it.

Suspected timing chain issue....

Edited by Waitey on Monday 12th August 16:36


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232 months

Tuesday 7th April 2020
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JakeT said:
What st luck of that. Please tell me it's still under BMW warranty? If so that's 11/10 Jammy, even if the dealers are all shut. curse
Warranty is up tomorrow**....

  • Due to Covid BMW have extended all warranties ending after March 18th (Mine did genuinely end tomorrow) to June 30th! So it's actually still well in warranty..but that is not as good of a story.


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232 months

Tuesday 7th April 2020
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JakeT said:
Truth be told I think that's as good of a time as any for the chain to snap. I know it's a pisser you're without the car for a long while, but that's really quite something. Hope you get some (good) news about it soon. With a new chain you're good for 500 large, too!
At least I still have the RRS to go to work in.

The Alfa is on axle stands!


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232 months

Wednesday 8th April 2020
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We shall see.

No news yet from BMW apart from calling me yesterday to tell me its fine and needs and EGR Cooler recall.

When I asked about the noise its making, they said they hadn't checked that...


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232 months

Wednesday 8th April 2020
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scottos said:
Do these 3.0 diesels typically have timing chain issues, do you know? I knew of the 2.0 ones but not the 3.0.

I had the 3.0 in an e46 way back when and loved it, despite being a diesel hater normally and if the e90 Alpina had a 6 pot diesel in i'd definitely have one right now. I've got a Golf R estate at the moment which is brilliant in all aspects but i do fancy a D3 in your shape next!
The older one do have issues, apparently my N57N engine doesn't. Then again there aren't many with over 200k on them.

There's a few posts from the USA regarding 530d's with my motor in having issues with very high mileage.


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232 months

Wednesday 8th April 2020
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Well in typical BMW style I’ve heard nothing today...


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Thursday 9th April 2020
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Fingers crossed!


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232 months

Tuesday 14th April 2020
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Finally got a reply as to whats happening with the car.

After diagnosis the is apparently the noise was coming from the exhaust cam.

Cam has being stripped out and found to be visually normal.

The exhaust cam, followers and lifters are being replaced to see if that fixes the noise.

I'll know by Thursday afternoon.


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232 months

Friday 17th April 2020
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Cam, followers and lifters changed.

Noise still there....

Sump off and bearings checked - All fine.

Its being ran currently full of sensors looking for oil starvation....


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232 months

Monday 20th April 2020
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Further update:

BMW UK have sanctioned a full strip down of the engine to try and find the fault.

Sadly though, due to the lack of senior staff on the ground, it won't be done until lockdown is lifted.

Luckily I still have the Range Rover to use but I'm starting to wish I'd took them up on the loan car!


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Wednesday 3rd June 2020
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2 months without it so far.

BMW have gone quiet on me. Hoping for some updates soon!

I actually miss it!


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Wednesday 3rd June 2020
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ATM said:
Is this acceptable or is it only acceptable due to the lockdown. Are BMW garages working now?
Tricky one. I'm a key worker, so it was taken to the only BMW centre open near me.

Once they changed the cam and then decided it needed a full engine tear down, it was put aside until they had more of a team there, which is fair enough.

I'm hoping they've made a start on it again this week. As its 4 weeks since it was last touched.


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232 months

Monday 8th June 2020
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Engine is out and in many many pieces.


It's fine.....

Chain - Fine
Guides - Fine
Sprockets - Fine
Crank - Fine
Head - Fine
Pistons - Fine
Bearings - Fine

So its a total mystery. Everything has being measured and sent to BMW for a diagnosis.

Looks like it'll be either a new engine, or new pistons, rods and crank.


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232 months

Monday 8th June 2020
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LukeyP_ said:
If it gets a new engine, the mileage will be kinda irrelevant then which would be a shame.
I’m inclined to agree but sadly out of my hands!


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232 months

Tuesday 9th June 2020
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swampy442 said:
If everything checks out and is fine, why would they replace everything/the engine?
Well they could out it all back together for it to still be rattling and we'd be at a bit of an impasse. I can't see that being economic at this point for them.


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232 months

Tuesday 9th June 2020
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TurboRob said:
Might have missed it, but what noise was it making that made you call BMW in the first place?
It sounded like running a chain over metal. Like when your bike chain comes off but you keep pedalling. It was loud too.

The diag equipment put it down to either:

Injectors - Fine
Camshafts/Cam follower - Fine but changed regardless
Chain guides - Fine
Chain itself - Fine
Spun a rod bearing - No signs of damage

So what they'e done now is measure all the bores, the piston pins, conrod, crank etc etc. To see if they can find anything out of spec.

I'd asked about next steps and was given the answer of a new short engine or a total replacement of the bottom end internals.