Three Pin MBE ECU Cable How To

Three Pin MBE ECU Cable How To



61 posts

135 months

Wednesday 29th June 2016
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Richiebhoy said:
Hi Aide, thanks for reply, the generation 2 doesn't automatically format the display. I downloaded the layout from your wiki site a couple of months ago and was perfect, for some reason they won't download now. Don't know what iv done, unless I accidentally reset the screen, but doesn't explain why I can't down load the shared layouts now
this after initial layout download.
this is now


903 posts

259 months

Saturday 9th July 2016
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Hi Aide would your app work with this


Original Poster:

2,277 posts

172 months

Saturday 9th July 2016
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Hi Plasticman,

There is no Bluetooth support in the app.

Wired serial connectivity via RS-232.

That's why I called it RS-AJP smile

All the cabling and connectivity information is availiable on the RS-AJP wiki.
