glove box hinge t350 / tamora / sagaris

glove box hinge t350 / tamora / sagaris



446 posts

197 months

Tuesday 11th July 2017
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I decided to recover my lid in alcantara whilst I was at it so drilled and bolted it into place, looks a million times better sitting right!


Original Poster:

574 posts

231 months

Tuesday 11th July 2017
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gordonsalive said:
I decided to recover my lid in alcantara whilst I was at it so drilled and bolted it into place, looks a million times better sitting right!
Good stuff.


179 posts

166 months

Wednesday 12th July 2017
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Well received in france

Nice part and good job

I will install it in the following days



Original Poster:

574 posts

231 months

Wednesday 12th July 2017
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[quote=jaydom]Well received in france

Nice part and good job

I will install it in the following days


Nice to hear thanks


10,680 posts

235 months

Wednesday 12th July 2017
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Got mine today - well they were waiting for me in the office.

Added to the pile of 'parts to fit'.


267 posts

215 months

Thursday 13th July 2017
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mk1fan said:
Got mine today - well they were waiting for me in the office.

Added to the pile of 'parts to fit'.
Same over here in Germany - arrived well, impressed with the quality, and another entry on the to-do-list...




197 posts

149 months

Thursday 13th July 2017
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Parts received. Looks good, thank you. Will be fitting as soon as I get 5 minutes spare. :P


345 posts

220 months

Friday 14th July 2017
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Received and thanks


179 posts

166 months

Friday 14th July 2017
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Fixed on my car.
Quite long to do, but the result is nice and much better than with the plastic part !
Now, i will have to heat the "banana cap" which can be improved to suit better.

Many thanks again



Original Poster:

574 posts

231 months

Saturday 15th July 2017
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jaydom said:
Fixed on my car.
Quite long to do, but the result is nice and much better than with the plastic part !
Now, i will have to heat the "banana cap" which can be improved to suit better.

Many thanks again

Glad you are happy with it.....


Original Poster:

574 posts

231 months

Sunday 6th August 2017
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Right. Still got 4 hinge brackets left. Some who initially showed interest haven't got back. So they are up for grabs. Thanks


6,322 posts

260 months

Saturday 30th September 2017
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Right. Still got 4 hinge brackets left. Some who initially showed interest haven't got back. So they are up for grabs. Thanks
I will have one :-D


Original Poster:

574 posts

231 months

Wednesday 18th October 2017
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Well I only have 1 hinge left if anyone is interested? Thanks


1,258 posts

277 months

Wednesday 25th October 2017
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I bought one, but my Tam was a very early car 2001 pre-production and I can’t seem to see how this would fit. So I would also sell mine hinge if anyone wants it, I’ve also had it retrimmed and if I am honest I don’t want to ruin the new leather by trying to get this to fit.

Pm me if you’d like to buy it off me.


1,305 posts

170 months

Wednesday 19th August 2020
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Apologies for reviving an old thread. New T350 owner and I could really do with one of these, due to usual poor fitting glove box lid.
Anyone got one they don't want or know if they're available still from the original source?


4,390 posts

292 months

Tuesday 19th October 2021
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Just spoken to Chris about making another batch...he is up for it if there are enough people. A@


16 posts

272 months

Tuesday 26th October 2021
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I would like one too please


40 posts

148 months

Wednesday 26th June 2024
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I don't suppose you have any hinges left?


1,384 posts

226 months

Monday 8th July 2024
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I'd take one if still available.


1,258 posts

277 months

Saturday 20th July 2024
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I will check as I think I bought one and never fitted it.