TVR100 Tamora is now light green

TVR100 Tamora is now light green



6,809 posts

288 months

Tuesday 13th November 2001
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The TMS car has gone to the dealer. I agree that single colour interiors are a bit dull, and I've finally made up my mind on silver-grey "bison" (pretend grainy leather), with slate grey lamonta (suede) inserts on the seats, doors, and roof lining, and Navy blue carpets, black hood. I hope it'll look o.k!! I'm also asking TVR if they'll colour the whole bonnet, including the vents, because I think the black bits look a bit unnecessary - but I doubt it will happen.....


1,924 posts

282 months

Wednesday 14th November 2001
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Why dont they use some sort of vitual reality software to show you what your car will look like when you are doing the specs on it. Just a thought.


1,851 posts

294 months

Wednesday 14th November 2001
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What stage of build is your car at? I'm up at the factory on Tuesday and will have a look out for it (Atlantis Halcyon isn't it?).

I've often thought that TVR should install some web cams and a means of tracking the build on their web site. Imagine you could go in to the site each day and SEE how much progress has been made. Still, I'm not sure the guys who lay down the fibreglass would be too keen on the owner seeing what they've written on the bodywork though!


Edited by MikeE on Wednesday 14th November 14:32


6,809 posts

288 months

Wednesday 14th November 2001
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Mike, I've had a lot of trouble getting hold of Sue Stoker, to ask her how soon my car will be "in-build". If you can ask Danielle when you go - if you mention Dr. Wilson, who toured last Friday, maybe you can get me the info neither me nor HHC have been able to get!!


1,851 posts

294 months

Wednesday 14th November 2001
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Mike, I've had a lot of trouble getting hold of Sue Stoker, to ask her how soon my car will be "in-build". If you can ask Danielle when you go - if you mention Dr. Wilson, who toured last Friday, maybe you can get me the info neither me nor HHC have been able to get!!

have they assigned you a chassis number yet?

my first Tuscan (the 8th built) was assigned a number (and they started constructing the frame) in September 1999. The car was finished in mid Feb 2000!!!!

So what I'm trying to say is if they haven't assigned a number yet then it *may* be a few months off yet?

Are you the 1st HHC customer, 'cos if you are there can't be more than a maximum of 20 or so customers in front of you (although there's all the demos to be built yet).

Anyway don't worry I shall report back on Wednesday.


Lee J

100 posts

293 months

Wednesday 14th November 2001
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Nubbin if you e-mail me your details I will find out for you, although the dealer demonstrators are currently in build so you may still have a short while to wait.


6,809 posts

288 months

Wednesday 14th November 2001
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I am the first HHC customer to confirm an order, but I have been a bit tardy in finalising my spec. Lee, I'll certainly send you my details - are you at the factory? I have been told to expect my car in Jan/Feb time, so who has ordered all those cars, whose body shells I saw last week? All demo cars? I know my own inertia has contributed to my wait, but I just am itching to get that car!!

Tee Hee - sorry Lee - I've just checked your profile, and that litttle ol' light bulb lit up! Great to hear from you again. I'm sure your design is a winner, despite the initial reactions. The HHC car looks great in silver. You have certainly contributed to upping the ante for TVR as a serious sports car manufacturer - you and Mr. Hobbs, as well as JR and the suspension guru, whose name I've forgotten (apologies) have produced a superb car, and getting into the "final" of PCOTY is a tribute to your efforts!!

I'd love to be assigned a chassis number - I'm keeping this car for a long time, probably until it reaches classic status!

Incidentally, folks, can anyone tell me where is the best website to download free movies? All advice appreciated (Ted, you ain't seen this, roight?!)

Edited by nubbin on Wednesday 14th November 19:40


1,879 posts

292 months

Thursday 15th November 2001
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Same as you guys, I haven't been given an exact date yet? I've just been told mid-late December so not too far off! Mind you, I did finalise the spec after visiting the factory mid September. I'm first in line from Kings out of I think 9 orders.
When I was there I was told that it takes 4-5 weeks to build a car from start to finish so if they're starting to concentrate on Tamora builds it shouldn't be too long for any of us?
Cheers......... Andrew


1,329 posts

301 months

Friday 16th November 2001
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The production line was one last week and now they are on two seperate lines to keep up with demand


6,809 posts

288 months

Friday 16th November 2001
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That sounds good. Lee found out that I'm 30th. in line, and would probably have to wait until March for my car. But if production is gearing up that much, maybe I won't have to wait that long!

Edited by nubbin on Friday 16th November 10:41


1,879 posts

292 months

Tuesday 20th November 2001
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Nubbin, I've just spoken to the factory and been told that my car's 'in build' but not yet painted. I've been given a chasis number and told that I'll be getting the 5th customer car!
That's the good news, bad news is that my delivery won't be until Feb/March!


6,809 posts

288 months

Tuesday 20th November 2001
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You lucky man, Andrew! I hope you get yours quicker than March, if you're no. 5, because I've been qouted March as a likely date, from no. 30!!


1,329 posts

301 months

Tuesday 20th November 2001
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Full production is definately under way so hopefully spring delivery for most orders this month will be achievable


9,238 posts

294 months

Friday 23rd November 2001
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I ordered mine last week (16th Nov) and have been told March is realistic. They now have two production lines in action so things should speed up a bit.

Specced it up today so now I am gagging to see it!! So far no-one has picked my colour choice so I'm going to keep it a secret and hopefully I'll have the only one in that colour for a while!!

Viper GTS looks brilliant and if anyone has specced theirs in that colour I have some good pictures of it.


13,103 posts

279 months

Friday 23rd November 2001
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is this the secret TVR you are not telling anybody about ?????

I am betting on Reflex charcoal pearl



308 posts

290 months

Friday 23rd November 2001
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How about a nice Chocolate Starfish......

Edited by excalibur on Friday 23 November 23:46


13,103 posts

279 months

Saturday 24th November 2001
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Dave, steady, are you offering Andy your own Chocolate starfish, that makes me want to


Edited by bennno on Saturday 24th November 10:17


6,809 posts

288 months

Saturday 24th November 2001
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Hey, flasher I guess most of us could say "no-one has specced my colour scheme" - we can say it for a while at least!!

Edited by nubbin on Saturday 24th November 10:41


9,238 posts

294 months

Saturday 24th November 2001
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I know that no-one has chosen one in that paint -YET.Or my interior combination, because Danielle told me, but I'm sure they will eventually.
I'm sure if you speak to her she will tell you, however I am trying to surprise everyone so please don't broadcast it if you do find out!!

It's not Reflex Charcoal, or choclate starfish (chianti starmist)Benno keep guessing mate there are 12,000 to go yet!!


13,103 posts

279 months

Saturday 24th November 2001
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spoke to the factory and must admit to being concerned about light beige paintwork with sheepskin fitted seat covers and mauve roof, sounds very 70's to me - but i guess at least it will be unique after all Andy is never going to order one

Edited by bennno on Saturday 24th November 20:10

Edited by bennno on Saturday 24th November 20:11